Unlock Infinite Source-Intelligence: Tap Into Your Subconscious for Creativity, Wisdom, and Spiritual Awakening

Unlock Infinite Source-Intelligence: Tap Into Your Subconscious for Creativity, Wisdom, and Spiritual Awakening

Beyond Religion: Discovering God Through Spirit and Truth

Since the beginning of time, humans have sought to understand God. Different religions have guided people on how to pray, worship, and live in ways that bring them closer to God. They teach us to believe in an external God -- a divine being who exists in heaven, watching over us.

Religions also encourage us to love and revere this God, but often, this love is mixed with fear. Fear of what will happen after we die, fear of the unknown, and fear of making mistakes that could lead to punishment. But can love and fear exist together? Jesus teaches us that they cannot.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us, “The true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him” (John 4:23). Before this, he also says, “Believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father” (John 4:21).

What does this mean? Jesus is telling us that worship is not about religious rituals or sacred places. Mountains and Jerusalem are symbols for religions, and Jesus is saying that they are not the key to connecting with God. Instead, the real connection happens when we worship God “in spirit and in truth.”

So, how do we understand this “spirit”? And how do we listen to the spirit that reveals the truth?

The Two Types of Intelligence

Humans are incredibly intelligent. We use our intelligence to study, work, create, and build relationships. This external intelligence helps us succeed in life, whether in business, science, or personal growth. But there is another kind of intelligence -- internal intelligence -- that we often ignore.

This internal intelligence is powerful. It stores memories, emotions, and even knowledge that we are not consciously aware of. For example, when we were babies, we learned to understand language without anyone teaching us the rules of grammar. Our subconscious mind absorbed it naturally.

Similarly, hypnotherapists and psychologists use this internal intelligence to help people heal from trauma and unlock hidden memories. This shows that we have a deep well of wisdom inside us, waiting to be discovered.

But do we need a hypnotherapist to access this intelligence? No! There is a spiritual way to tap into it, and that is through authentic meditation.

Love vs. Fear: The Key to True Worship

All major religions agree on one thing: love is the highest virtue. But what is unique about the love that Jesus speaks of? His message is clear: “Do not be afraid.”

Love and fear cannot coexist. Think about it -- if you are afraid of losing someone, is that true love? Fear makes us anxious, possessive, and insecure. But real love is free, fearless, and boundless.

Jesus teaches that if we truly want to connect with God, we must remove fear from our hearts. That means:

  • Not fearing God as a punisher, but loving Him as a divine presence.
  • Not fearing death, but understanding that life is eternal.
  • Not fearing the unknown, but embracing the truth that our spirit is beyond time and space.

When we start loving ourselves completely -- without guilt, doubt, or fear -- we become capable of loving others the same way. This love grows into universal love, where we see all beings as part of one divine existence. And when we reach that level, our love for God becomes boundless.

The Power of Spiritual Intelligence

Beyond external knowledge and subconscious intelligence, there is an even deeper level of wisdom known as spiritual intelligence. This is the intelligence that connects us to God directly. Unlike intellectual intelligence, which relies on reasoning, or subconscious intelligence, which stores memories, spiritual intelligence is pure awareness. It is the ability to experience truth without external influences.

Jesus spoke about this intelligence when he said, “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). This means that God is not an external figure sitting in the clouds, waiting for our prayers. Instead, God exists within us, and we can experience His presence when we turn inward and silence the mind.

Most people are too distracted by the outside world to recognize this truth. We are constantly thinking, planning, worrying, or reacting to situations. But when we quiet our minds, we enter a state of stillness where we can experience God directly.

Tapping into the Spirit Through Meditation

So, how do we connect with this divine love? How do we listen to the spirit that reveals the truth?

The answer is meditation -- but not just any kind of meditation.

Most people think of meditation as a way to relax or focus the mind. This is known as mindfulness meditation, where we concentrate on our breathing, thoughts, or surroundings. While this is beneficial, it is not the type of meditation that connects us to the spirit.

True meditation goes beyond mindfulness. It helps us transcend the physical world and enter a state of pure consciousness. In this state:

  • There is no sense of time.
  • There are no memories or thoughts.
  • There is complete stillness and peace.

At first, this might feel like total darkness. But as we go deeper, we become aware of the spirit within us. This is where divine wisdom flows, where love replaces fear, and where we experience the truth beyond religion.

Many spiritual masters throughout history have entered this state and discovered profound truths. It is in this state that Jesus connected with God. It is in this state that saints and prophets received divine revelations. And it is in this state that we, too, can experience God directly -- without fear, without rituals, and without the limitations of religious structures.

The Transformation That Awaits You

When we learn to live in this state of awareness, everything changes.

  • We no longer live in fear because we understand that life is eternal.
  • We no longer feel alone because we realize that God is within us.
  • We no longer judge others based on religious labels because we see that all beings are connected.

This is what Jesus meant when he said to worship God in spirit and truth. It is not about following religious rules but about experiencing God directly.

A Special Seminar in April 2025

Anthony Nayagan is conducting a three-day seminar in April 2025, where he will explore these spiritual truths in depth. In this seminar, he will teach a unique but easy meditation technique that helps people move beyond fear and truly experience divine love.

This is an opportunity to free yourself from fear, awaken your spiritual intelligence, and experience God beyond religion.

To learn more about this life-changing event, visit https://april2025.supremerealization.org/home-page-1611.


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