Unlock Hidden Value: Empowering Senior Clients with Life Settlements from Coventry
As a seasoned life insurance agent working with senior clients, you understand the importance of maximizing the value of their assets. In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, it's crucial to explore innovative solutions that go beyond traditional approaches.
With over?40 years of experience, Coventry is the only Life Settlement provider with the expertise, capital resources and advanced data analytics to deliver unparalleled value and service to you and your clients.
Coventry provides policyowners the option to sell their unneeded life insurance and realize significantly more value than a surrender or lapse.
Broadest Buying Criteria, Best Service:
They Buy Bigger: There is no policy too large or too complex for them to purchase. They provide bespoke solutions and processes for your highest-value clients.
They Buy Younger: There are no age requirements, and they regularly purchase policies on insureds with life expectancies of 20 years or more.
They Buy Healthier: Taking the long view allows them to purchase policies from policyowners without significant health impairments.
Put Coventry to the test. Submit a policy for them to review, and they will generate a quote and guidance on solutions that best fit the needs of your clients.
Click "LEARN MORE" to request information and schedule a call with a dedicated Coventry representative.
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