Unlock the Fascinating Facts of Python and JavaScript Programming Languages!
Facts of Python and JavaScript Programming Languages

Unlock the Fascinating Facts of Python and JavaScript Programming Languages!

Our company develops different projects: the subject areas, target audience and scale of projects differ. The high quality of the work performed remains unchanged. ?? To maintain high quality work, our developers focus on several programming languages and study them thoroughly to proudly bear the title of experts in their chosen field.

The main programming languages in our company are Python and? JavaScript.

Why did we choose these two programming languages for our work? Most importantly, we chose Python and JavaScript because they allow us to create the highest quality products and unleash the creativity of our team. Of course, not only for this reason. These programming languages are also incredibly interesting. Don't believe me? Here's a list of interesting facts about Python and JavaScript that you probably didn't know before.

Interesting facts about Python

  1. Did you know that the name of the Python programming language has nothing to do with ?? snakes? In fact, the language was named after the TV show Monty Python's Flying Circus, of which its creator, Guido van Rossum, was a fan! However, most people continue to associate the language not with comedians, but with reptiles. An important role in this is played by the image of snakes in the logo, which, by the way, was invented by Guido’s brother Joost van Rossum.
  2. Python was originally a hobby project. ?? In December 1989, Guido van Rossum was thinking about what to do in the last week before Christmas and decided to create a new programming language that could replace the ABC language.
  3. Despite the fact that Python celebrated its 30th ?? anniversary in 2021 (its first full-fledged version was released in February 1991), it continues to be regularly updated and, apparently, is not going to lose its position as one of the most popular programming languages. languages. In 2023, Python will take first ?? place in the TIOBE language demand ranking. This achievement was largely facilitated by its versatility, which allows the language to be used for a variety of purposes - encryption, server management, data analysis. Python also has one of the largest and most amazing communities around it.
  4. The largest companies in the world work with Python: ?? Google, IBM, Yahoo, Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, Mozilla, Dropbox, Pinterest, YouTube and many others.
  5. Python works not only on Earth, but also on Mars: it is used in the Mars rover built by NASA.?? Make no mistake: the national space agency does not use Python for serious projects such as flights or military supplies. At NASA, Python is used for technological problems and mathematical calculations in which flight parameters are taken into account to a small extent.
  6. Python is a cross-platform language, so it works almost everywhere, from smartphones to servers, on different operating systems: ?? from Windows, Linux and MacOS to Symbian and Android.
  7. There is a philosophy called the Zen?? of Python. This is described in a poem created by Tim Peters. You can read the poem by entering the command "import this" in the Python interpreter.
  8. Python is similar to English. One of the reasons why Python is easy to read and learn is that its syntax is similar to English. Python is easier to learn if you know English. But mastering Python will also help improve your English. Moreover, Python has overtaken French in popularity among schoolchildren. ?? It's unexpected, but it's true. A survey conducted in England found Python to be an attractive language to learn in British primary schools. 60% of parents want their students to learn Python programming rather than a foreign language. And no, we are not talking about a dislike for the French language - but about an interest in IT in general and Python in particular.
  9. Python is an open source language. Downloading and using the language is free. Every member of the Python community can contribute to the development of the language. It is worth considering that the proposals of most programmers are not accepted.?
  10. Antigravity and the flying Python. ?? By typing the command import antigravity, the programmer is taken to a web page with an XKCD comic about the antigravity module, which mentions Python.

And bonus fact - Python is one of 9 languages that influenced the development of JavaScript.

Interesting facts about JavaScript

There are also many interesting facts about JavaScript. So, for example, did you know that:

  1. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages. After 28 years, JavaScript is still one of the most popular programming languages. ?? In August 2023, JS was ranked seventh in the TIOBE index based on search query statistics, ahead of PHP, Swift, Ruby and Go.
  2. The first version of JavaScript was developed by Brendan Eich in ?? 10 days in 1995 at Netscape.
  3. The language was originally called Mocha, ?? then renamed LiveScript. JavaScript is influenced by languages such as C and Java. Since the latter was quite popular at that time, it was decided to rename LiveScript to JavaScript.
  4. By the way, don't confuse Java with JavaScript ?? (if you really want to use the short form, use the acronym JS). These are two different languages, both in model and in general concept. The first is more complex and powerful (it is something close to the C++ and C languages), while the creators of javascript, when developing their language, placed the main emphasis on simplicity and ease. In general, we tried to do everything possible so that the finished product could be used by novice programmers. By the way, looking ahead, we can safely say that they really succeeded.
  5. JavaScript is most often associated with front-end development, but back-end development is also written in it. ???? This is implemented using the Node.js framework. For a Full-stack developer, this is a big plus, because... there is no need to switch to a different syntax.
  6. JavaScript is most widely used in browsers (though it can be used in other browsers) to make web pages interactive. JavaScript is not owned by any company or organization, and "JavaScript" is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation in the United States.

Being an expert in your field means not only using the chosen tool professionally. This means being interested in the history, origins and development of your instrument and being able to grow with it.

Our specialists know not only HOW a programming language works, but also WHY it works the way it does.

After all, if you love something, you want to know everything about the object of your love, even the smallest details. ??

We hope you enjoyed learning more about programming languages and their history. ?? Because programming is very exciting!


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