Unlock Business Success with this Game-Changing Strategy
Not happy with where your business currently sits? Do you believe there is more you can achieve? Well, chances are, you're absolutely right. You deserve better, and you can do better. That's why I've developed a five-step process to help you transform your current situation into the desired future state for both you personally and your business.
Before we delve into the process, let me share an important idea with you. It's simple: being organised is the key to overcoming business challenges. Don't just take my word for it; let me prove it to you. Business failures are alarmingly high, particularly in the building and construction industry. I've gathered some compelling statistics on this topic.
According to the Statistical Brain, the number one reason for business failure, accounting for 50% of cases, is incompetence. This lack of competence in management and planning has been identified by reputable sources such as the Harvard Business Review Research School. These statistics, gathered from various countries including Australia, the USA, and Singapore, clearly highlight the significance of organisation in running a successful business.
Lack of organisation is the primary cause of failure in the building and construction industry. This evidence, backed by multiple sets of statistics and renowned researchers, underscores the importance of being organised. Failure becomes a likely outcome if you neglect this crucial aspect of your business.
But let's shift the perspective and reframe it positively. If you are organised, you actually double your chances of succeeding in business. Now, it's crystal clear, isn't it? This idea forms the basis of my approach. Here's the theory: You take your business and enter the market to thrive. The market is where you interact with your bank, suppliers, tax office, staff, and customers, among others.
Additionally, there's you—the skills you possess, your resources, your cash flow, your assets, and the support from your family and friends. You bring all these elements together and strive to be the best version of yourself. The first step in my five-step process is simple: recognise your current position. Builders often experience high levels of stress because they take on multiple roles in the business.
You work on job sites, manage people, sell to clients, and handle client management. Essentially, you handle every aspect of the business. Builders are constantly in need of more cash, more customers, and reliable staff. Take out a piece of paper and start writing down your pain points.
Here are some examples of pain points that you might be experiencing: lack of time, insufficient cash flow, loss of control, and so on. Consider how you manage your people, suppliers, finances, yourself, and your family. Building a comprehensive list of your current situation will provide a sense of relief once you transfer these thoughts from your mind onto paper. Managing your identified pain points is crucial.
Next, let's shift our focus to the prize—the desired future state you aim to achieve. Imagine what awaits you when you become organised. To clarify this, let's create a story about your business. Start envisioning your desired state. For instance, you could aim to regain your freedom, spend more quality time with your family, build a valuable business, work with the right people in the right positions, and choose your ideal customers.
Moreover, consider having a healthy cash reserve in the bank. Writing down your desired future state provides clarity, relief, and motivation. This simple step sets you on the path to turning your business around. I recommend checking out my video on winning and how to craft an aspirational statement for your business, which will further enhance your motivation.
By taking these two simple steps—recognising your current position and setting your desired future state—you will begin to sense and experience the benefits of getting organised. Remember the core idea: being organised makes business easier. And the good news is, getting organised is within your reach.