PRECISION  TRAINING - 2

Shams SYED B57 Bomber and Boeing 707, F’27 Fokker Airline Captain  

Sham SYED Owner of 3 Companies – USA Language, USA Global Military Intelligence, Aviation Accident  B57 Bomber, Boeing 707 F-27 Airline Captain

37 articles  

Win over the hearts of Humanity & PERFORM  MIRACLES with repeatedly Top-Gear Human Qualities given to all and sundry by God Almighty.                                                

With faith in GOD,  Precision Training, Heavenly and Earthly messages and advice given  in my book ? GO KID GO ?   you can make the  IMPOSSIBLE  ‘POSSIBLE’ in whatever business you are doing.  

On all my flights to 4 corners of the World I was First an Ace Pilot, next an Islamic Preacher of TRUTH, PURITY and Belief in ONE GOD and then a Business Baron, a Business Moghul ( practicing 1400 years of old, desert Arab strategies sent from the Heavens to Prophet Mohammed the Last Prophet of  the Last and Final Testament sent from the Heavens above and forgotten and ignored by Modern lovers of pleasures, money and False Flag  operations.  For years, I made busines deals for my friends CEOs of Multi Billion Dollar Businesses on my flights. Time is money and money is time. Today, At 83, look and work like 63 I have decided to give away 80% of my profits to paralyed children lying in ill equiped hut-hospitals of Afghanistan and Pakistan, victims of Super powers Drone Bombings. When tears rolled down my eyes two little girls said  ‘dont weep Sir. there is ALLAH watching all this and one day either in this world of the next he will Inshallah send a calamity on those who are attacking us to steal steal our Uranium, gas and minerals.

My question is : Why is the Ecomomy and Business of the world’s greatest power in tatters ? Why has the Boeing Business gone to the dogs ? According to the Qatar Air CEO three hundred Billion dollars have gone down the drain and hundreds of thousands of employees have lost their jobs, honor and dignity. And with God-Sent Corona there is no end of the line to impending dangers and disasters. This is the beginning of the end of the world. In the Holy Quran Surat Al-ASR Almighty God says ‘humanity has come to the end or evening of it’s existence. Twenty signs of the end have already appeared. Get complete info from me.

My question is : Why did Almighty God drown the Great Powerful King Pharoah with all his powerful armies ? Where are they now ? Where are the Ads, The powerful Thamuds and other great nations? I have extinguised them from existence and jf you  don’t behave you will be replaced by another civilization. And why is Allah destroying us with the never-ending  Corona ?

Saying i twill disappear soon is Wishful Thinking and living in Fool’s Paradise. .

 From one man a miracle of a miracle of a miracle, 1.8 billion follow the message of the Holy Quran entrusted to this unlettered Prophet  labelled by 100 religious scholars of different religious  denominations  as the best man the World.   Learn ALL from my Book ? GO KID GO ?. Go where ever you wanna go, Be Whatever you Wanna  be, Do Whatever you Wanna  do BUT Always be on the Path of Islam were my Mother’s last words before she gave me her blessings to leave home.

To get my book (A MUST FOR EVERY BUSINESS OWNER)  for your personal and Business success  send 80€ to the order of: USA LANGUAGE SERVICES SYED  today             Address                USA Language Services 75, Rue Claude Decaen , Hall 4, 75012 Paris     / Or through Bank Transfer. RIB information will be given on demand.

Secrets of my Success.  All I did was, after years and years of research I intelligently copied the Great Prophet of Islam and his God-Guided Successes. He was an expert Planner, Leader of steering his team through  dangerous thug infested routes, travelling  month long cruel desert camel crossing’ carrying expensive merchandise to new destinations unknown to Arabs at that time. This young unlettered courageous Prophet did better than  Military Generals of today, and  at a very young age  had become a master  in difficult desert crossing business. He learnt leadership and the art of shouldering heavy responsibility as he went along. What is it that made all his huge caravan of camels and tough desert men have full faith and trust in his leadrship ?  He handled the almost impossible crossings with success, responsibility, ease and leadership which would put modern day business magnets with University degrees to shame. Why are there so many  revolutions, murders, looting, killings, suicides, insecurity and despair in today’s world of so called scientific progress ? Where did we go wrong ?    What were Mohammad’s  SECRET God gifted Weapons of Success? Why did Khadija (pbuh) a billion dinar Princess marry this young handsome unlettered orphan miracle-man who later was  chosen by God Almighty to be the Greatest Prophet to all human kind and be God’s Final Messenger of Peace and Truth. All these secrets you will get in my book GO KID GO, packed with Pearls of Knowledge, Wisdom and wonders, about my life-story and World Business Successes, sold ONLY through me. .


             WING OVERS BY 4 ACE DARE-DEVIL PILOTS.                 

READ this article  and buy my book ‘ GO KID GO’ and make it your  ROLE MODEL TO ACHIEVE UNLIMITED SUCCESS.

FOUR ACE AMERICAN B57 HEAVY BOMBER PILOTS OF THE AIR FORCE PERFORM MIRACLES which surprised even the American Manufacturers of these Bombers for never before had these heavy bombers performed precision loops in formation. This is the first time in the world these risky manuvers were accomplished with flying colors. So much risk was involved that we felt every training flight was a one-way ticket to the blues. The Angel of Death was perched on our wing tips.

It needed precision flying, physical strength, (manual cotrols) split second decisions, courage and simpe guts. No guts no glory I told my team. We made the impossible, POSSIBLE.

Tenacity, cool-headedness, logic, faith, good luck and surely a Green Light from God on high. The hero dare–devil Pilots were:-   Wing Commander Bill Latif Leader, Squadrom Leader Altaf Sheikh, Deputy Leader behind the leader, Flight Lieutenant Shams Syed Port Wing man (Left Side) and Flight Lieutenant Abdul Basit Starboard Wingman (Right side).

After the air-dispay was over which was attended by thousands of Air Force officers, Wing Commander Bill Latif a Christian came to his team and said, I believe Allah the One God of the Universe was helping us.  We feel honored for our names are written in the Book of World Records. In the Holy Quran Allah says ,”WA TU IZZU MANTA SHA”, I give honor and glory to whomsoever I want. And we 4 feel blessed by our Creator. And that’s not the end of the line. On five different occassions I have been given unlimited honors around the world.

Let my worldwide  experience be your opportunity to excel. If we could make it, you could too in whatever field you are. Do you agree? GET TRAINING IDEAS FROM “ASK CAPTAIN SHAM” team.

                      CALL Paris France--  0143473042  0781117463   [email protected]


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