Unleashing the Power of Teamwork: Insights from an F1 Pitstop
A photo of the F1 Pitstop - credits to the owner

Unleashing the Power of Teamwork: Insights from an F1 Pitstop

"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision, and it is the fuel that allows common people to achieve uncommon results." - Jack Ma, Co-founder of Alibaba Group

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Jack Ma, Co-founder of Alibaba Group


I shared a video on the F1 pitstop where the driver came in and the pit crew came in to change the tyres and fill the petrol, it was all carried out in precision in less than 2-3 seconds.?

You can watched the video here:

PS: credits to the owner of the video.

So why does Teamwork matter ?

Teamwork fosters a sense of support and collaboration among individuals. When facing personal challenges or pursuing personal growth, having a strong support system can make a significant difference. Working as a team enables individuals to lean on each other, provide encouragement, share knowledge and skills, and offer different perspectives that can lead to better decision-making.

Let me share 2 stories as a failed team member

Story 1

I participated as a mentor in FASTRACK CITYHACK by 艾奕康 where I was to guide a team to solve a problem, however, my experience is in the financial services industry, i did not manage to play a good team mentor for the group, resulting in not able to add the maximum value to the team.?

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With the high energy team at AECOM FASTRACK CITYHACK

Lesson learned: Learning to adapt fast and delivering value to the team is crucial, do not be too hard on yourself, do your best to deliver.?

Story 2

I participated in a logistics' team for a seminar, i failed to recognize my team member was not having breaks and he was alone in handling the hall music. Thankfully, he was fine.

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Participated in hepling out at a seminar

Lesson learned: Be more attentive to my surroundings, care and empathy for the team goes a long way.

When you go fast, you go alone.?

I started as a young banker not knowing what to expect and learned the skills and knowledge from my mentors. Our results are measured on a monthly basis and I have to move fast, I focus on myself and create results. Eventually, it did not work out well,?

When you want to go far, you go in a team.?

I changed and started to communicate with the back-office and other departments, it was not easy in the beginning. My ideas are not well-received,taking a step back. My idea works in my own thinking, but the people in their department know their work best. Communicating and learning from them make us understand how the situation works and create results for us.?

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An old photo of my basketball team where we played and win the tournament together

Teamwork is about collecting ideas and collectively coming together to find the perfect solutions that everyone agrees on.?

I observe the benefits of being a teamplayer:

??Achieving common goals: In personal life, teamwork is crucial for accomplishing common objectives. Whether it's planning a family vacation, organizing a social event, or even managing household chores, working together as a team allows individuals to pool their skills, resources, and ideas to achieve shared goals more effectively.

??Strengthening relationships: Collaboration and teamwork in personal life help build and strengthen relationships. When people actively participate in a team environment, they develop trust, understanding, and respect for one another. By working through challenges together, celebrating successes, and overcoming obstacles, teamwork cultivates bonds and creates deeper connections between individuals.

??Enhancing communication and problem-solving skills: Engaging in teamwork requires effective communication and problem-solving skills. When working with others, individuals have the opportunity to practice active listening, articulate their thoughts clearly, and find solutions collectively. These skills are not only valuable within a team but also transferable to various aspects of personal life, such as resolving conflicts, building healthy relationships, and navigating challenges.

??Sharing responsibilities and reducing stress: Teamwork allows for the sharing of responsibilities and workload, thereby reducing individual stress levels. By dividing tasks among team members, everyone can contribute their strengths and expertise, creating a more efficient and balanced approach. This distribution of responsibilities helps prevent burnout, promotes work-life balance, and enhances overall well-being.

In order to developing teamwork skills,?

??I do so by practising listening to others during communication. If they are the subject expert, I try to understand from their point of view and see the bigger picture.?

??Have clarity, be transparent and be objective of the goal.??

??Having empathy, I learned that sometimes a goal set can be delayed as we are all humans, things do not turn out the way it was initially discussed, showing empathy and not hard on yourself or the team makes a team bonded and stronger.?

NGL Institute organised our 2nd Learn & Connect event on 17 June 2023 with SIT Social Entrepreneur Club . The team, took time to work on, discussed and planned this event.?

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Event organised with by Platform A x SIT Social Entrepreuner Club

Great teamwork is about working together and coming up with better approaches??

3 books I recommend on teamwork

  1. "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" by Patrick Lencioni: Explores the common pitfalls that hinder teamwork and provides practical solutions to build a cohesive and high-performing team. I wrote a summary about it.

2. "The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate The Three Essential Virtues" by Patrick Lencioni: Identifies the key virtues of an ideal team player—humility, hunger, and people smarts—and provides guidance on how to develop and nurture these qualities within teams. Sau-Yong (S.Y.), Chin 陈昭荣 , who run chasing horizons shared an article on Patrick Lencioni’s work on teamwork here:

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The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate The Three Essential Virtues

3. "The Power of Team Leadership: Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility" by George E. Pfeiffer: Examines the role of team leadership in achieving organizational goals, highlighting the importance of shared responsibility, trust, and effective communication.

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The Power of Team Leadership: Achieving Success Through Shared Responsibility

My teamwork post went viral. That's also a form of teamwork, thank you for the 3897 people who like my post, repost and comments.?

What are some other applicable practise you have seen can improve on teamworks?


#teamwork #whatinspireme #entrepreneurship

An article from HBR on Teamwork: The Secrets of Great Teamwork (hbr.org)



