Unleashed your Inner voice
Eve Loo, MAPP
Msc APP | PGDPOPL | GDAPP | Positive Psychology Coach | Playful work design in Positive Organization Psychology | Positive Leadership Development workshop | Workplace Resilience Trainer
I am a very artistic person. I can spend my time in an art museum, watching contemporary, artistic ballet dance. Dancer shows the best rhythm of life, feelings, emotions, and full passion in the whole dance piece.?
I love abstract arts at a very young age, said at the age of 16 years old. I remembered a time whereby I had drawn over 250 pieces of humans faces in abstract form—the emotions of humans when they underwent negativity in any of their circumstances. The masterpiece of my flow in the drawing of human emotions in a unique form, I think, by default, no one can accept that, as it is very expressive. In addition to that, I have created an abstract structure about "Facet of life" in three dimensional form using clay.?
My art teacher was shocked to see the structure. Her comments were beautiful and showed humans' emotions and inner faces when faced with a difficult situation. But she has added one more statement, and the artwork shows that I am negative towards life.?
Ah-ha! Negative emotions and this is what I will be talking about further in my article.?
In an abstract way of saying, if you choose to see black in your heart, the most beautiful object in front of you will be black. it is all about yourself?
Negative emotions are not a bad thing. The power to turn your life around is your negative emotions.?
Sharing my humble drawing 15 years ago and before I have stopped my drawing and converted my passion into creating video, music editing, and writing (recently).
Question to you? What comes to your mind?
A drawing is worth a thousand words.?If I recall my emotions back then, the perception I have is that people are not what they are on the surface. So, what is hidden in their inner world? What might happen when they are faced with danger, anger or other negative emotions. What might their expression look like??
That was the thought I have back when I was at the age of 16.?
The questions have opened the path for me to go into deep thoughts and interest human emotions, which resulted in the 250 over pieces of the masterpiece.?
In arts, it is not a matter of how perfect the form is but rather the meaning and message we, as artist, bring across the passion, feeling, and emotional feeling towards the arts.?
I love abstract arts. Abstract arts represent different meanings to different people. I like the freedom given to create art pieces with a free flow of imagination and creativity.?
How do abstracts arts relate to our inner voice??
The abstract art is my vulnerability, which I have hidden for years and do not dare to show my art. My inner voice is my emotions towards this whole context of my drawing.?
I am afraid if the world will be able to accept the arts. My afraid has stopped me from doing so for the past many years.
I have chosen today to unleash my inner voice of emotions for my arts towards positive psychology. After my lesson with Robert, it is the changing point that has given me the courage to do that. To make this a go, it is really about ourselves.?
Often, we choose to ignore what our inner voice is telling us, be it negative or positive. We choose to ignore the negative and bring out the positive voice on what it is telling us.?
Casing negative emotion aside, where would you store it then? Into our deepest ocean??
I have a short statement from one of my posts and mentioned that we are the master to create any change or highlight we want to any chapter of our life journey.
What might happened to the negative emotions that were cast aside?
Let me give you a metaphor of a broken small hole in the water tube. When there is a hold in the tube, our first instinct is to use waterproofing tape to seal up since the hole is small, and we will fix it some other day.
Well, What will happen to the hole after some time?
As time passes, the water pressure will create a bigger hole and result in a considerable amount of high water pressure flushing out. Rushing to close the main water tape, digging up the equipment, and fix the water tube, then we realize that, damn it! There is no replacement in the house! We run into an emergency!
What would be the following scenarios look like??
Sure, this will be very familiar to every one of us, supposedly.?
We ended up in a heated fight, quarrel, maybe or at minimum a conflict in conversation in blaming one another why the water tube was not fixed initially and why here and that. We push the blame to one another.?
The delay in fixing the water tube resulted in a bigger problem or issue that we have to deal with in the latter part of our time.?
"When negative emotions are signaling out, it is telling us that something is not right and requires our immediate attention" (Todd B. Kashdan &Robert Biswas-Diener, 2014)
What purpose do negative emotions serve??
"It is an important function that builds our healthy emotional architecture" (Todd B. Kashdan &Robert Biswas-Diener, 2014)
We own our emotions. We are the architecture of our experience.?
Instead of casting away our negative emotions, we acknowledge our emotions, be compassionate to ourselves, accept what we are experiencing—noticing our feeling.?
"Although negative emotions can be messy, unpleasant to go through, however, all in all, all emotions are information"?(Todd B. Kashdan &Robert Biswas-Diener, 2014)
Are you interested in going through with me another experience of thrilling, exciting, scary emotions??
I can hear the raining sound whisper softly into my ears, feeling cold, the softness of the cold chill my hands, slowly touches my body and leg. I toss and toss, still not able to fall asleep.?
Slowly the whispering of the sound has gone, I can finally fall into my sleep. Not long after! I felt something, something pulling my blanket, pulling and pulling, feel like someone is asking me to wake up. I struggle to open my eyes! I cannot!!! My eyes lid refused to open, and I struggled to break free and call my most inner self, HELP!!!
I feel nothing but numbness on my whole body as I struggle and fight my will to stay alive by struggling to use my force to clash open my eyelid!!!
I can no longer hear the whisper of the rain sound, and I heard a scream, the inner voice of screaming and screaming for the courage to save me!?My heart is so painful and deep that I felt like being pressed on!?
HELP ME!!!! I am not able to move at all!?
Finally, I broke free! I shouted!!!! Slowly opening my eyes, I dare not moved. I look around the whole room and my son was sleeping soundly. I am trembling, afraid. I am alone with my son. What should I do?
I want to cry! Then I told myself, be calm, be calm, and think of the immediate action I need to take. I packed my luggage, woke my son up, called to the reception.
No one picked up after calling so many times. I can no longer stay here. It is 2 am outside. It is pitch dark in the mountain areas, without hesitation. I hold on to my son and walk out of the room together. Taking along heavy luggage, ensuring my son's safety, we climb up 90-degree wooden stairs to another block of the front door. To escape and talk to an actual human is my only hope at that moment!?
I knocked and knocked on the door. Desperately hoping for someone to be here at the front door,?
It is freezing outside, with a temperature of 15 to 17 degrees. My son started to worry. I shouted out loud, HELP! Anyone here??? Please HELP me!! After few times of trying, I never give up. I looked around. No matter what happened, I need to see someone. That is my hope at that moment. I walk faster to the next blocked, about 10mins away, knocked on the door. I said, Please help me! Please, I beg you! We have some trouble, please help me and let us ins! I begged you!!?
Slowly a lady opens the door, creeping a small hole, and check on us.?Then after she saw me crying in tears, she let me in.?Immediately I hugged her and cried! I was struggling with fear, sadness, hopelessness, mindless and lost control of myself.?
I told her what has happened just now in my room. I hugged her hard and still in tears and keep crying.?
My son was ok. She is kind to let me in. She is here with her daughter, with a group of people who traveled from Nepal to Bhutan to visit the temples.
My son was tired, and she asked her daughter to sleep in another bed so that my son can have a rest on the other side.?
I recalled back the whole incident to her, and she holds on to me, comforts me. She recited the Buddhist sutra. She told me that she felt something was not right at night, and so coincidentally, the thing just happened to my room.
After 1hr or so, I finally took a short sleep. A soundly sleep that provides me security.?
It was an actual account incident that happened to me when I was in Bhutan 3 years back. The incident has the most fear in my life. The negative emotions that arise from the fear I have encountered.
At that moment, the negative emotions I have are a life-saving boat to me. It brings me up to the shore of hope.
My friend told me that I should stay in the room. I chose not to hold on to my emotions at that time to act as if nothing has happened. I decided to follow my instinct, my inner voice of choice and walked away.?
Although the choice that I have made is risky, full of ambiguity, it creates a path of agency & pathway thinking to me at that time. Although the front is complicated, I believe I can do it.
My goal at that moment is to be safe, the hope to see humans. No matter what cost it takes me, I will still choose to be out.
My emotions are telling me that I need to be brave, to be safe.?
Bhutan is a beautiful place, and definitely, I will love to travel there again. That incident I have is something which personally I find that is very related to what we have been through in the situation of fear, anxiety, and negative emotions.?
I am using that to relate to us, in terms of a difficult situation; what will you do??
How will you choose to balance your anxiety and stress when facing such a similar situation??
During then, who can help me? What strength do I have that I can leverage on??
Allowing myself to calm down even though I can feel my heartbeat beating at the faster rate it can ever be. As calm as possible even though my emotions are overwhelmed. My courage will be my top strength to create a space for the stimulus before reacting and accepting my own emotions.?
The priority is to decide what is next and proceed to face the ambiguity in front of me.
We faced a lot in life, even though it might not be in the same context. We face ambiguity, fear, tons of negative emotions. Face our acceptance, leave a space, be compassionate to ourselves. Separate our emotions, thought, and stories at that time, be emotionally agile in adapting to the situation rather than running away.?
"In the abstract, negativity is our evolutionary gift. Negative evolutions are essential to survival, and nowhere is this more true than negative emotions. Negative emotion helps us to focus on the situation at hand." (Todd B. Kashdan &Robert Biswas-Diener, 2014)
"Accepting our own negative emotions, we gain emotional agility, the ability to use the full palette of emotional experiences. Negative emotion is a beneficial source of emotional information that focuses attention, thinking, and behavior toward a surprising number of effective outcomes." (Todd B. Kashdan &Robert Biswas-Diener, 2014)
What lead to our well-being??
What will be good to accept our emotions??
What might it be telling us?
That will be the best positive psychology intervention from a personal point of view.?
innovate and be creative to our own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors?
Questions for your further exploration: