SONG OF THE WAVE - Poem by Robert Frost (partial)
Lo! black cliffs above me loom, Casting o'er me awful gloom, And fortell my coming doom.
O! that I might reach the land, Reach and lave the sunny sand, But these rocks on every hand --
Seem my joyous course to stay, Rise and bar my happy way, Shutting out the sun's bright ray.
I must now my proud crest lower And the wild sea roam no more." Hark! the crash and mighty roar, Then the wave's short life is o'er.
One afternoon this past week, I looked up and noticed that the sky had some partial clearings after a couple of days of strong North Easterly winds and rain. I grabbed my equipment and scouted the shoreline.
Each time I go shooting it's different, the wind direction and speed, direction and height of the waves, the direction and level of the tides, and most important, the light. These environmental conditions determine where I can and can't go. As the tides go in and out the topography will vary, which determines the break of a wave. There are so many variations and challenges that present themselves in these settings.
Shooting the water in the last five on the Cape Ann shores has been a great experience. Most times, given all the conditions I choose a location and hope for the best. It may or may not work out. In this photo above the perspective was there, the waves were breaking nicely, but the light was not good.....Patience is key. I wait for hours, then for a short moment in time the light changed, and I pushed the shutter button.
Thank you for viewing my work, to see more of it and the entire image here see the links below. (Linkedin photo area is not proportional to my image, so part of it is cut off) The photograph above has not been filtered, and has had minimal digital processing. I prefer to be authentic to that moment and capture it through the camera.
Prints of my work come in varied sizes, from 8" x 12" to 40" x 60" Limited Editions - Archival printing and papers - Residential or Commercial. "Bring the experience to your interiors"
Katherine Richmond 617 633 2055 www.capturedthelight.com Instagram.com/katherine_richmond_artist Facebook.com/katherinerichmondphotography