Unleash Your Inner Magic Part 1

Unleash Your Inner Magic Part 1

The new year has begun, you made your resolutions but by now they have either already beenn dumped or they do not inspire you. Where do you go from here!!!

The problem is we live in a negative based society. A world where moaning and complaining is expected and even admired. Where we have been so conditioned to conform, to be a lesser version of who we are that we are trapped in an energy vibration that attracts the same negative results. We have moments when we all rise above this and change but the problem is you will drop back to your safe and easy level because that is what you are programmed to do. If you are fed up of being in this cycle in your personal life or business then you need to unleash your inner magic!!!

How do you unleash your inner magic?

It starts with you, it begins when you decide to take back your power despite your current situation. It is the day you decide to create a new life. This is a process of rebirth, where you surrender the old you and create a new you. This step takes courage, action and determination but when the phoenix rises from within you will start to be the person you were born to be. This is not to be rushed. Taking your power back for some of you is scary as you have spent years being told how to do things. being told how to behave, being told who you are as a person. Are you going to let other people's words and actions control your life forever. Or are you going to stand up, take back your power and create the life you deserve.

What Do you Need to Release?

1) First you need to write down what you need to release. Look at your belief system or things that are holding you back. Dig deep!!! Think about how you react to situations, think about what your relationship is like with money, your busoiness, family and friends. Think about your emotions, what triggers you eg. I need to release anger, I need to release jealousy. You may end up with a long list, I did, however some will only have a few and that is ok to. This exercise can be done many times because as you grow you will discover more emotions and beliefs that are not in alignment with who you want to be. By writing and saying these out loud with maximum emotion is very potent and will help to start to release these old emotions and beliefs that are not serving you.


I need to release my scarcity beliefs like I am not deserving to be wealthy, I am not worthy of being rich, abundance is for other.

I need to release the thoughts that I am not good enough to be a succressful 6 figure a month business owner.

I need to release my anxiety and fear of success, my fear of failure and the petrifying feeling it gives me that stops my growth

I need to release the anger I have for my dad so that I can move forward with my life

I need to the feeling of not wanting to be seen and heard

2) What Must I believe to be True

The next step is connecting with 'What You Must Believe To Be True' to get you to the idesired version of yourself. This is fun and you can let your imagination go wild. These need to be in the present text using' I am, I have' statements. The more passion and desire towards the statement the better. Write them down, speak them out and see how they resonate with you. Be wild what do you really want in your life.


I am the owner of a six figure a month business

I am open to success and opportunity for my higher good

I am seen and loved for who I am

I am heard and my words empower others

I am respected by my husband and daughter

I am healthy, fit and have a gorgeous body

I have a beautiful modern eco house on the beach, in the country with five bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a swimming pool, a gym with a large garden. A beautiful roof terrace.....

I drive a purple Lamborghini Temerario

I have money flowing into my bank account every day

I have aligned clients who pay in full, turn up on time and respect my boundaries

I am a bestselling author

I am a world class speaker

3. The Death Process

The next stage is the Death Process where you release your old identity, in order to do this I recommend you put quiet time aside as you need to focus and put your full emotion into this. Write. a list and say out loud all the elements in your life you no longer want and how they no longer serve you. Doing this verbally with full expression is particularly powerful. After each statement you put one hand facing up and then lay the other hand in the opposite direction to make a cross shape. Then you sweep the top hand away from you to disconnect the cord that connect you to that state and say, 'I disconnect you from my life you no longer serve me' Some of these beliefs and emotions may have been serving you for a long time and may need to be revisited. You do not have to do this porcess all at once you can do a statement a day until you have been through your list. This can bring up emotions as some of these beliefs, emotions have been part of us for so long that we find it hard to let go and say good bye. Surrender to the process.


I let go of scarcity it no longer serves me. I let go of the way it holds me back and stops me from being financially free. Scarcity is no longer part of my life. I surrender it to the universe so that I can move forward with my rebirth.

I let go of feeling ashamed of who I am, the feeling of not being seen and heard and I let go of how my people pleasing has created a shadow of who I am. I surrender this person to the universe so that I can move forward with my rebirth.

Let's talk about surrendering. This is one of the hardest things to do as it means letting go completely of your ego, letting go of feeling safe in your conditioned bubble and just trusting the process. In this process the act of surrender means giving over your will, needs and expectations and completely trusting the universe and the intuitive guidance system within. This is one of the hardest choices to make for us humans in a world that sees coming from a place of love and surrender as weak. But surrendering, listening to your intuition and loving yourself unconditionally for who you truly are is the only way you can move from your old paradigms that hold you back to the new and empowered human you are born to be.

in the next article I will focus on the rebirth process, get ready for some more courageous action when you enter the wormhole that will take you from death to reinvention. Fasten your seat belts it is going to be a ride of your life!!


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