Unleash the Weird Within
Peter Gregory
Embrace the Difference, Unlock the Potential | Enjoy life ?? | NeuroWeird ILM 7 Coach & Trainer | MindSonar Professional | Speaker about identity and inclusion
So come on, let's admit it. All of us are a bit weird in our own way.
There's nobody out there who's perfectly normal. Yeah, you might see everyone around you being normal.
You think “Yeah, they're normal”, but inside them, there are all sorts of things going on that we don’t know about. We are comparing our inside to their outside, a dangerous comparison.
We're all unique. Our genetic, biological, and environmental influences as well as our learnt values and beliefs all build up to make us who we are.? They determine our identity and the way we will behave in certain contexts.
We are all full of our own unique set of positive and negative beliefs that help or hinder us in life.? They determine our levels of confidence, self-worth and courage, but also those pesky impostor hurdles we keep tripping over.
That is all the things that make us our weird selves. So, as I say, if we're all unique, are there such things as normal human beings?
Our quirks, our oddities, and our unique characteristics are what sets us apart from the crowd, so why do we suppress them?
I haven't met a normal person yet. I keep looking for those Neurotypical people, but once you dig beneath the surface people are delightfully weird and interesting. Instead of neurotypical, I have started using “neuroconformist” because as humans, we like to conform, so the label seems more accurate.
The original definition of the word, back in the 14th century, according to Google some of the research (https://www.etymonline.com/word/weird ) ?I have done (note, I am not a professional etymologist), the word weird meant somebody who has the power to control or influence their fate.
Yeah, somebody who's in charge of their fate.
That's such a lovely definition, don’t you think?
Isn't that a really positive use of the word Weird?
Let’s reclaim this definition and use it to take charge of our lives.
But unlocking your weirdness does not happen overnight.
We must carefully peel back the stuff we may have built over years and years to protect ourselves to unleash our weird potential so as not to lose some of ourselves in the process.
But remember, being weird isn’t about being different for the sake of being different. It’s about authenticity. Embrace your weirdness but stay true to who you are. Don't try to be weird; just be you.
The power of being you, the power of being weird will change everything. Start now because life will be a lot better a lot sooner.
You can make a massive change to the world and yourself just by embracing your weird.
Have a great week and wish you all the success in the world.
For more insights on embracing your weirdness, follow me on my new Medium account - https://medium.com/@PetergNeuroWeird/unleash-the-weird-within-213d062f0808
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Medium is a welcoming space where everyone can share their thoughts, stories and viewpoints. It's a platform that celebrates diversity and encourages openness. I have been using it for years and decided to start sharing my thoughts on there.
Feel free to follow me on there https://medium.com/@PetergNeuroWeird , and also find tons of useful information.
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| Azim Shariff?| TED@DestinationCanada ? February 2023 | 12.28 mins
Fascinating talk about workism identity and the perverse phenomenon of being seen to be busy at work.? I remember doing something similar to what one of his grad students did. Also loved the expressions – effort porn and bullshit work.
Listening to
The Magic of Body Language | Anne Leatherland | 12 mins
Another great bite-size podcast around the use of body language and how it affects us and our voice. Some great exercises for you to follow along to. I have found Anne’s help invaluable in my work.
If you want to know more then join Anne’s Facebook group - Here
I listen on Spotify , but it is available across a wide range of platforms.
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“There's a whole category of people who miss out by not allowing themselves to be weird enough.” ―?Alain de Botton
This quote resonates deeply with me, as it mirrors my mission to inspire individuals to fully embrace their unique quirks and peculiarities.
By not allowing ourselves to be 'weird enough', we are denying the world the gift of our authentic selves. We are robbing ourselves of the joy and fulfilment that comes from being genuinely us.
So, I am starting a movement where being 'weird' is celebrated. Where we inspire others to break free from societal norms and embrace their unique traits. Let's create a culture that values authenticity over conformity.
I believe that by doing this, we can help more people experience life in its fullest sense. A life lived authentically is a life lived joyfully. And isn't that what we all want at the end of the day?
Thank you for reading and investing some of your time with me.
Stay safe and warm this week and here's to all your successes. ??