Unleash the Power of Design Documents: Building a Feature-Rich Gen-AI Chatbot with Python, OpenSearch, and LLMs
Imagine a world where design documents evolve from static files to interactive companions, readily answering your questions as you work. This vision becomes a reality with a Generative AI (Gen-AI) powered chatbot. This article delves into the intricate details of constructing such a chatbot using Python, harnessing the strengths of Large Language Models (LLMs) and a robust search engine like Provisioned OpenSearch.
Document Collection: Gather all your design documents encompassing:
Data Cleaning and Preprocessing:
import re
def clean_document(text):
cleaned_text = re.sub(r'^[^\n]*\n|\n[^\n]*$', '', text) # Remove headers/footers
cleaned_text = re.sub(r'//.*|\/\*.*?\*\/', '', cleaned_text) # Remove comments
return cleaned_text
2. Building the Search Engine: Unleashing the Power of OpenSearch
Code Snippet (Indexing with opensearchpy):
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
# Connect to OpenSearch cluster (replace with your credentials)
client = OpenSearch(
hosts=[{"host": "your_opensearch_endpoint", "port": 9200}],
http_auth=("username", "password")
# Define the index name and document structure
index_name = "design_documents"
doc = {
"title": "Functional Specifications - Project X",
"content": clean_document(open("functional_specs.docx", "rb").read().decode("utf-8")), # Handle binary data
"type": "functional_spec" # Add a document type field for categorization
# Index the document with custom ID (can be auto-generated)
client.index(index=index_name, id=1, body=doc)
3. Integrating the LLM for Conversational Brilliance:
Rasa Action Server for Handling LLM Responses (Code Snippet):
from rasa import data, nlu, conversation
# Define custom actions based on LLM responses
def answer_design_question(text):
# Leverage LLM API to query OpenSearch for relevant information
# Process retrieved documents and generate a comprehensive response
return f"Based on the design documents, here's what I found: ..."
# Create a Rasa action server with custom actions
action_server = conversation.ActionServer(actions=[answer_design_question])
# Build an Rasa NLU model to interpret user intent
nlu_model = data.load_agent("your_rasa_nlu_model.yml")
# Start the chatbot conversation loop
while True:
user_input = input("Ask a design question: ")
intent = nlu_model.parse(user_input)
action_server.handle_text(user_input, intent)
4. Querying OpenSearch with the LLM:
Craft a Python function that leverages the LLM API to formulate search queries. This function should:
Code Snippet (LLM-powered Query Formulation):
import requests # Assuming a REST-based LLM API
def formulate_search_query(user_question, llm_endpoint, llm_api_key):
# Preprocess user question for LLM (e.g., remove irrelevant phrases)
preprocessed_question = preprocess_question(user_question)
# Send the preprocessed question to the LLM API for reformulation
payload = {"prompt": f"Can you rephrase this question for design document search: {preprocessed_question}?"}
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {llm_api_key}"}
response = requests.post(llm_endpoint, json=payload, headers=headers)
llm_response = response.json()["response"]
# Extract the reformulated query from the LLM response
search_query = llm_response.strip()
return search_query
5. Refining the Response with the LLM:
Utilize the LLM to process the retrieved documents from OpenSearch and generate a user-friendly response.
Code Snippet (LLM-based Response Generation):
def generate_response(search_results, llm_endpoint, llm_api_key):
# Prepare relevant snippets or summaries of retrieved documents
document_summaries = prepare_document_summaries(search_results)
# Send the document summaries to the LLM for response generation
payload = {"prompt": f"Can you summarize the following design document information for the user: {document_summaries}"}
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {llm_api_key}"}
response = requests.post(llm_endpoint, json=payload, headers=headers)
llm_response = response.json()["response"]
# Craft the final chatbot response incorporating the LLM's generated summary
return f"Here's what I found in the design documents: {llm_response}"
6. Deployment and Refinement
Additional Considerations
By following these steps and incorporating the considerations, you can construct a powerful Gen-AI chatbot that empowers your design team by unlocking the knowledge within your design documents.