Unleash The Full Potential of Your People

Unleash The Full Potential of Your People

“Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better.” Bill Bradley

John Kotter’s (Kotter and Heskett, 1992) research on culture found a link between a strong culture and commercial performance:

- Revenues increased in these companies 4X faster

- Job creation rates grew to 7x higher

- Stock prices increased 12x faster

- Profits climbed 750 percent higher

- New revenue grew 700 percent

- Customer satisfaction doubled

(Source: Kotter, J and Heskett, J (1992) Corporate Culture & Performance, The Free Press, New York)

Truly Human Leaders have the task of building business models that works and culture that make people feel they matter and then inviting people to join them advance a cause. To advance a cause, everyone in the company needs to release their potential. The work of a leader is to create the environment for people to feel inspired to unleash their potential.

Truly Human Leadership is not about controlling people, but giving them the freedom to create and grow to be all they can be. It is not about motivating people with carrot and stick but inspiring them with a cause that is bigger than life. It is not about trying to manage them, but transforming them into better leaders.

“There is no paycheck that can equal the feeling of contentment that comes from being the person you are meant to be.” Oprah Winfrey

The company that treats every stakeholder well and bring out the best in them will be highly innovative, drive people’s behavior and customer experience. Such a culture should foster care, compassion, trust and human connection.

Truly Human Leadership is designing a Truly Human Culture that enable people to unleash their potential to person at the highest level they can. That brings fulfillment. Knowing you are operating at you zenith is significance.

How you make money can be copied and adapted, but how you treat people, the relationship you have with them and the cause you advance cannot be copied. Your business model is the hardware while your culture (how you treat your people and the relationship you have with your customers) is your operating system. You have to design it to create a path that no one will follow.

“You will never know your potential until you test your ability and really exceed your limits in life.” Samuel Peter Moshi

Truly Human culture will make your business:

1. A force for good in the world

2. Fun and enjoyable

3. Every stakeholder matters and are cared for

When the way a company treats its people (culture) clearly aligns with the way it wants to treat its customers (business strategy), it attracts people who feel comfortable working in it, which in turn should produce high level of engagement.

There are two ways that Truly Human Leaders help their people unleash their potential:

1.??????Inspire them with a cause

2.?????Create the right environment

Truly Human Culture is an environment created by leaders that bring out the best in people and inspire them to give their all. Your culture is that environment that you need to create so that will bring out the best in your people.

“A great culture creates a safe and conducive environment in which we can work and grow. It helps us make better decisions and do the right things. A great culture helps us become better people.” Andrew Lua

To create great value that will make your company a monopoly to dominate the market and transform your competitors into partners and clients, you need to create an environment that unleashes the full potential of your people.

Culture is the demonstration of what is important to your company. If your people are important to you, then you will treat them with care and respect and show them each day that you value them and their contributions.

“Have great people and give them freedom to be awesome.” Andrew Masson

Environment of Freedom: People are free to work when they want and do what they love. They are free of the concern of money. They are free to do work they love and associate with people who care for them

Environment of Growth: People are the most valuable asset and their personal and professional growth is key to the growth of the company. Creating an environment that allows people to grow will drive critical business outcomes. They only reach their potential when they learn, grow, improve and create. You become useful when you are stretched.

Environment of Care: People feel they matter and what they do is important. They do work that gives them meaning. They go home each day happy, safe and fulfilled.

Environment of Ownership: When people know they have a stake in what they are creating, they will give it all it takes and find ways to make it happen.

Environment of Leadership: People are constantly being developed to be better humans and leaders. They take responsibility for whatever they are doing. Companies should help people become all they can be. Who they become should be more important than what they earn.

Environment of Collaboration: People collaborate with those who have similar mindset and complementary capabilities to create value.

Environment of Fun: Research has discovered that where people are playful and childlike and having fun, creativity flows. They have fun while working because they love what they are doing.

Environment of Meaning: Everybody wants to work with an organization that brings meaning their lives every day.

Environment of Innovation: To inspire people to innovate and create value, create an environment where people feel inspired and safe to dream, speak up, take risks, fail, learn from it and improve. The safer the atmosphere to fail the more innovation you will have.

“The big challenge is to become all that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to the human spirit to maximize your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit.” Jim Rohn

How people work is impacted by how they are treated and how they feel. The reason your company exist determines how you treat your people, and how you treat them determines whether they will help you continue to exist. Culture is everything that shapes the purpose of your business. It influences how your people show up each morning and leave at the end of the day.

Your culture should be measured by how your people feel not by performance. Performance is the byproduct of how you treat your people. If you treat them right, they will unleash their potential for you and help you achieve the critical business success factor like employee experience and engagement, customer experience and loyalty. How you treat your people determines the health of your company.

An organization that exists to advance a cause that is bigger than life and cares for people will unleash the full potential of its people as Barack Obama says, “It’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential.”


