Unleash the Beast!
Here's some motivation for you all on Monday afternoon.
How did we take Glenn Cook from the guy on the left to the Beast on the right in just a few months?
Yes, it involved hard work and dedication from him (obviously).
But there's much more to it than that.
He knew he needed to invest some money to get out of the situation he was in. Because, in his own words he had tried and failed to go it alone multiple times and never really lasted longer than a few weeks before falling off of the wagon again.
He needed something to make him take it seriously once and for all.
By investing money into both himself and our programme, he was paying for a solution to something he couldn't get right on his own.
"Sell your strengths and buy your weaknesses"
The most successful people out there continually buy knowledge from others that have been there and done it.
Because they want to get results faster than if they go it alone.
I have a strength coach, boxing coach and a business coach that i pay for this very reason. They are experts in what they do and they provide me a huge amount of accountability and support also.
Once someone comes onto our programme they are accountable to us and we try to give them all of the support and guidance that they need to get results.
Everyone is an individual and we all have our own work/life/family balance to contend with.
What works well for one person, might be the completely wrong approach for another.
If you give a client something to do that is completely unachievable to them with their lifestyle, they will get overwhelmed and FAIL.
Which isn't helping them in anyway whatsoever.
So it's about finding what you can make work best for each person and then building from there.
This is what we do well and is why we get the results that we do with the busy guys (mostly business owners) that we coach
Glenn must of been out of the country 3 or 4 times during the first few months of the programme (and still got these results).
One of these trips was a huge trip to Orlando and Disneyland.
He is also a massive Tottenham fan (i can't hep him with that i'm afraid) and he still went to lots of games, which included the odd beer here and there.
I knew i couldnt completly stop him, so i had to work with it.
But throughout this, he was always far more conscious of what he was consuming.
He knew that he was still accountable to us and that we were keeping an eye on what he was doing.
If i worked with every person that got in touch with me i would need 10+ coaches working for me 24/7 to be able to cope!
Whilst the idea of transforming your body sounds great, the reality is that most people will unfortunately never do it.
Not because they cant do it (anyone can do it), but because they tell themselves that they can't.
The stories they tell themselves about why they can't do something like this, become their reality:
" I don't have time "
" I wouldn't be able to stick to the diet "
" I'm too old "
So they accept these stories and do NOTHING.
Which keeps them exactly where they don't want to be....
Glenn was a referral from another client, who i had already helped and is still working with me now.
He came over and met me, we spoke for about 30 minutes and i explained what we would be doing and how this was going to help him.
I explained to him that i work with lots of business owners like him, who convince themselves that they don't have time with running a business.
They are usually highly stressed and hardly eat or sleep properly.
He had signed up for my transformation programme before he left the building and i'm pleased to say he still works with us now.
We have completely new goals set now compared to when Glenn started and he has come a long way in a very short time.
Transforming your Body, Mind and Health doesn't just effect you, it effects everyone around you also.
This has had a huge positive impact on everything in his life and i'm very pleased that i get to help people like Glenn.
I want to help create 3 more Beasts like the guy on the right of the pictures.
That guy was always in there waiting to come out and i know that there's more of you out there that i can help to do this.
You just need a nudge.
I only have space to take 3 more guys onto my transformation programme in January.
Check out the video below as Glenn explains his experience of working with us at GWD Performance.
If you'd like to be one of the lucky 3 drop us a message or fill in the form at the end of Glenn's video
Speak soon
#MondayMotivation #Transformation #Fatloss #LifeChanging#HealthIsWealth