Geoff Hetherington
Executive Coach. Consultant. Advisor. Fractional CEO for a select few. Move into your Next Chapter & away from being a Corporate Captive. Avoid a Midlife Crisis Cliché. Live on your terms with more Time, Money & Meaning.
How I got here is no longer assured to get me where I want to go. The World has changed. And shows no signs of changing less. What were once givens are no longer immutable.
I am a lifelong learner – I love feeding my head & don’t ever see this stopping – I’ll take a book into my coffin with me I’m sure…
But some of the knowledge I have accumulated is now wrong.
Passé. Incorrect.
There are freeways where once there were dirt tracks. High-rises where cafes once stood. The food pyramid no longer holds true. The map of the World is incorrect.
Typically, once we learn a thing, we accept it as fact. It becomes a part of our belief system; maybe even a part of our moral compass so it is hard to let go. We in effect become a bit calcified and reject things which do not match what we ‘know.’ We push back or ignore the uncomfortable truth that expertise gained may turn out to be temporary. Knowledge hard won may become dross.
I need to remove some of my learning. But how?
First – when something clashes with what you;know; try to stifle the rejection reflex & consider if this may indeed be a thing that has altered.
Secondly – use the internet and do some research – sure there is a lot of fake information on it but as an adult, you should at least have some form of critical facility to bring to bear…
Thirdly be willing to let the old knowledge go and update it with (proven as far as you are able to) new stuff.
The only scarier thing than new ideas is holding onto old ones whose time has passed.
What do you need to let go of??