Unix - Important Commands with Usage

Unix - Important Commands with Usage

1. File and Directory Management Commands


  • Usage: Lists files and directories.
  • Syntax: ls [options] [path]
  • Example:ls: List files in the current directory.ls -l: List files in long format with details like permissions, owner, size, etc.ls -a: List all files, including hidden files.


  • Usage: Changes the current directory.
  • Syntax: cd [directory]
  • Example:cd /home/user: Change to the specified directory.cd ..: Move to the parent directory.cd ~: Move to the home directory.


  • Usage: Prints the current working directory.
  • Syntax: pwd
  • Example: pwd


  • Usage: Creates a new directory.
  • Syntax: mkdir [options] directory_name
  • Example:mkdir my_folder: Creates a directory named my_folder.mkdir -p dir1/dir2: Creates nested directories.


  • Usage: Removes files or directories.
  • Syntax: rm [options] file_or_directory
  • Example:rm file.txt: Deletes file.txt.rm -r folder: Deletes a directory and its contents recursively.


  • Usage: Removes an empty directory.
  • Syntax: rmdir directory_name
  • Example: rmdir empty_folder


  • Usage: Copies files or directories.
  • Syntax: cp [options] source destination
  • Example:cp file1.txt file2.txt: Copies file1.txt to file2.txt.cp -r folder1 folder2: Copies folder1 to folder2 recursively.


  • Usage: Moves or renames files or directories.
  • Syntax: mv [options] source destination
  • Example:mv file1.txt file2.txt: Renames or moves file1.txt to file2.txt.

2. File Viewing Commands


  • Usage: Displays the content of a file.
  • Syntax: cat [options] file
  • Example:cat file.txt: Displays the content of file.txt.cat file1.txt file2.txt > merged.txt: Concatenates two files into a new file.


  • Usage: Displays file content page by page.
  • Syntax: more [file]
  • Example: more file.txt


  • Usage: Displays file content, allowing navigation.
  • Syntax: less [file]
  • Example: less file.txt


  • Usage: Displays the first few lines of a file.
  • Syntax: head [options] file
  • Example: head -n 10 file.txt (Shows the first 10 lines).


  • Usage: Displays the last few lines of a file.
  • Syntax: tail [options] file
  • Example: tail -n 10 file.txt (Shows the last 10 lines).

3. File Permission and Ownership Commands


  • Usage: Changes file permissions.
  • Syntax: chmod [options] mode file
  • Example:chmod 755 file.txt: Sets read, write, and execute for owner; read and execute for group and others.


  • Usage: Changes file ownership.
  • Syntax: chown [owner][:group] file
  • Example: chown user:group file.txt


  • Usage: Changes group ownership.
  • Syntax: chgrp [group] file
  • Example: chgrp group file.txt

4. Process Management Commands


  • Usage: Displays information about active processes.
  • Syntax: ps [options]
  • Example:ps: Displays processes for the current shell.ps -ef: Displays all running processes.


  • Usage: Shows real-time processes and system resource usage.
  • Syntax: top


  • Usage: Terminates a process by PID.
  • Syntax: kill [signal] PID
  • Example: kill -9 12345


  • Usage: Lists background jobs.
  • Syntax: jobs


  • Usage: Brings a background job to the foreground.
  • Syntax: fg [job_id]


  • Usage: Resumes a suspended job in the background.
  • Syntax: bg [job_id]

5. Networking Commands


  • Usage: Checks connectivity to a host.
  • Syntax: ping [options] host
  • Example: ping google.com


  • Usage: Displays network connections and statistics.
  • Syntax: netstat [options]


  • Usage: Transfers data from or to a server.
  • Syntax: curl [options] URL
  • Example: curl https://example.com


  • Usage: Downloads files from the web.
  • Syntax: wget [options] URL
  • Example: wget https://example.com/file.txt


  • Usage: Copies files between hosts.
  • Syntax: scp [options] source destination
  • Example: scp file.txt user@host:/path/to/destination


  • Usage: Logs into a remote machine securely.
  • Syntax: ssh user@host
  • Example: ssh [email protected]

6. Disk Usage Commands


  • Usage: Displays disk space usage.
  • Syntax: df [options]
  • Example: df -h (Shows human-readable format).


  • Usage: Displays directory or file space usage.
  • Syntax: du [options] [path]
  • Example: du -sh folder/

7. Search and Filter Commands


  • Usage: Searches for a pattern in files.
  • Syntax: grep [options] pattern file
  • Example:grep 'hello' file.txt: Searches for ‘hello’ in file.txt.grep -r 'error' /var/logs: Searches recursively for ‘error’ in /var/logs.


  • Usage: Searches for files and directories.
  • Syntax: find [path] [options]
  • Example:find . -name "*.txt": Finds all .txt files in the current directory.find /home -size +100M: Finds files larger than 100MB.


  • Usage: Processes and analyzes text.
  • Syntax: awk 'pattern {action}' file
  • Example: awk '{print $1}' file.txt: Prints the first column of a file.


  • Usage: Edits text in a file or stream.
  • Syntax: sed 'script' file
  • Example: sed 's/old/new/g' file.txt: Replaces ‘old’ with ‘new’.

8. Archiving and Compression Commands


  • Usage: Archives files and directories.
  • Syntax: tar [options] archive_name file_or_directory
  • Example: tar -cvf archive.tar folder


  • Usage: Compresses files.
  • Syntax: gzip [file]
  • Example: gzip file.txt


  • Usage: Extracts ZIP files.
  • Syntax: unzip file.zip

This list provides an essential toolkit for working effectively in a Unix environment. Mastering these commands can significantly enhance your productivity and proficiency!

Hope this document is helpful. If you are studying Data Engineering and want to understand the concepts in detail, you can consider downloading 30+ free study materials from below link.

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