University of Texas Post Graduate Program in Cybersecurity
I am currently working through a Post Graduate Program in Cybersecurity at the University of Texas McCombs School of Business. As I continue to progress in my career, I never want to stop transforming and growing my skills. Cybersecurity is the foundation of every conversation and this UT McCombs program has been excellent so far. Here are a few of the projects I have been working on.
Cracking a Password
Course?Understanding Cyber Attacks
Brute-force and dictionary attacks are both cybersecurity attacks in which the attacker attempts to log into an account by using different passwords to find the correct one. These common attacks often succeed because many users use common variations on a few passwords. In this project, we performed brute force attacks and dictionary attacks by using tools such as L0phtcrack, Ophcrack and John the Ripper.
Skills and Tools
Password cracking, Penetration testing, L0phtcrack, Ophcrack, John the Ripper, Attacks on Cryptography, Bruteforce Attacks, Cryptanalysis
Social Engineering Attack Analysis
Course?Understanding Cyber Attacks
Phishing emails are deceptive emails that are used by an attacker to gain confidential information from the victim. It is a type of social engineering attack. In this project, we analyzed 5 suspicious-looking emails to classify if these emails were phishing attempts. Further, we analyzed the external links for legitimacy using web tools.
Skills and Tools
Phishing Emails, Social Engineering Attacks,
MITRE ATT&CK Framework
Course?Understanding Cyber Attacks
The MITRE ATT&CK framework is a repository of knowledge for the behavior of cyber adversaries. It provides the details of various phases of the attack lifecycle and the targeted platforms. The tactics and techniques in the framework provide a categorization of individual adversaries. In this project, we analyzed two threat adversaries and structured the threat information for use in Threat Intelligence. We analyzed the associated groups, tactics, techniques and procedures of the two threat group
Skills and Tools
MITRE ATT&CK, Threat Intelligence, Attack Vectors, Attack Surface, Threat Model
Wireshark Packet Analysis
Course?Foundations of Information Security
In this project, candidate learn to analyze the HTTP traffic, identify a 3-way TCP handshake from packet captures and analyze DNS traffic. Performed hands-on tasks on Wireshark with capture filters, display filters and DNS filters. Wireshark is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer. It lets you see what’s happening on your network at a microscopic level and is the de facto(and often de jure) standard across many commercial and non-profit enterprises, government agencies.
Skills and Tools
Wireshark packet analysis, HTTP traffic, 3-way TCP handshake, DNS traffic, filters
Port Scan using Nmap
Course?Foundations of Information Security
In this project candidate used Nmap for network discovery scan, nmap scan, service detection scan etc. Also checked windows firewall profiles (domain, private, public), saw the impact of firewall rules on port scanning and analysed firewall log.
Skills and Tools
Kali Linux, Nmap, windows firewall, log analysis
SSL Certificate Analysis
Course?Foundations of Information Security
In this project, the candidate has practiced the skills for understanding an analyzing an SSL certificate for specific details.SSL is a security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client, such as a website and a browser, or a pair of email servers. An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates a website’s identity and enables an encrypted connection.
Skills and Tools
Digital certificate, SSL, Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
#wiresharkpacketanalysis?#3-wayTCPhandshake?#DNStraffic?#filters #KaliLinux?#Nmap?#windowsfirewall?#loganalysis #Digitalcertificate?#SSL?#CertificateRevocationList(CRL)?