University of Illinois Financial Planning Weekly Update: November 6, 2017
Craig Lemoine, CFP(r), PhD, MRFC
Director of Personal Financial Planning | Associate Professor of Personal Financial Planning & Host | Land & Everything Else Podcast
This is my weekly note to students in our financial planning program. I'll post them on occasion - hopefully we can find some synergies! Think Internships!! Give feedback!!
Good afternoon Wonderful Students!
This week has been a wonderful week for me personally. Last Monday Liz and I welcomed Ellie Jane into the world (our second). At the moment Ellie's hobbies are eating, sleeping and being adorable.
Kudos to our program!
I am proud to share that our financial planning concentration has been renewed as a CFP? Board registered program through May of 2019. Our status as a Board Registered program allows you to sit for the Certified Financial Planner? Exam upon completion of our program and also provides us a seat at the annual registered program’s conference. Through this registration process CFP? Board analyzed our course syllabi, program metrics, future initiatives and alumni achievements. I’d like to especially thank Caroline Helton and Sharon Allen helping provide guidance through this process.
Our program was commended for “the use of experiential learning inside and outside of the classroom particularly with the use of case studies and the ability for students to participate in the Financial Wellness Extension Program.” Kudos!
I have received quite a few emails from a wide array of financial planning and financial service professionals asking about our students this summer. You are in demand - and I'm happy to work with you on a match. Send me a note and we can get the ball rolling.
If you are a senior and had an internship in the past I'd love to hear from you as well. How was your experience? Would you recommend it to other students?
One last comment on internships. I strongly believe we are in the business of supporting paid internship opportunities. Please let me know if you are offered one without compensation.
Ten Tribes of Financial Planning
Have you ever wondered what you can do with your financial planning concentration? I've attached a PDF that can shed some light on opportunities. This field is limitless, but it's critical to find your fit. When you share about our program to other students, friends and family this piece can help walk through opportunities available to you. I'm using ten tribes to consider voices at future events and taking a look at where our alumni have landed. Thank you Dr. Luke Dean for the motivation and idea!!
ACE 476: Family Economics
Dr. Angela Lyons is offering a section of ACE 476 this spring. I strongly encourage you to look into this class. The emphasis of the course this spring will be on behavioral economics and financial decision-making; both critical in your financial planning journey.
This class provides an opportunity to study with an amazing scholar. Dr. Lyons was recently appointed to the editorial board of the Financial Planning Review; which will feature high quality scholarly research directly and indirectly related to financial planning.
Have a wonderful week. Please let me know about your experience and interest in internship opportunities.
Craig Lemoine, CFP(r), PhD
Director | Financial Planning Program
Clinical Associate Professor
Proud Dad