University College Butlins.
Dr Cora M Stack
Lecturer in Mathematics at the School of Mathematics, Technological University of Dublin | Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree PhD Curriculum Innovation Educational Policy
I attended the annual Dublin Xmas gathering of the NUIG alumni at the Stephen's Green club and was asked to join the choir. We sang a number of Xmas carols for the attendees and it was fun. The great GAA hurler Joe Connelly gave a lovely speech about his life in UCG in the 70's and said for him it was like University College Butlins. He spoke about this youngest brother who had helped to support him through college and who passed away recently from a very aggressive form of cancer. Both his parents were excellent Irish speakers and who had passed this on to their children.
I think he captained the 1980 all Ireland winning team after a gap of fifty seven years. He told a great story about someone who had told him that Bill Gates makes or at one time was making fifty million dollars a week and Joe's respsonse was well does he have an All Ireland Medal! They are not that easy to get. I come from a family with two all Ireland's and one against Mayo in 1997. He struck me as a very warm and genuine person.