The Universe is On Your Side
ConnieRagen Green - The Universe is On Your Side

The Universe is On Your Side

How to Get Everything You Want in Your Life Experience

We have a choice in how we view the Universe — friendly or unfriendly. Albert Einstein once said, “I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves.” The Universe is on your side, and that’s what we’ll explore her with solid examples and exercises you may use as your own.

Our past experiences often shape our thoughts. We believe the Universe is friendly or unfriendly. But what if the Universe is friendly and we can’t see it? If we see it as anything else, then we need to adjust our thinking to see it.

Believing in a Kind Universe Sends Kindness Back to You

If the Universe is on your side and put us here to begin with, then why wouldn’t it be friendly towards us? If you look at all the things growing across the earth, you will see that everything has its own time….

* The flowers have beautiful petals.

* The bees pollinate the flowers so that more flowers will grow.

* The sun gives the energy and strength to the flower to grow.

* Rain also plays a part in helping flowers grow.

Everything in a flower’s life is on schedule. There is a time for the flower to grow. And a time for the flower to die and return to the earth to create more flowers. The intelligence of the Universe has set this process in motion.

If you look in your own life, you will see many ways the Universe takes care of you. The air we breathe comes from our trees. And how our bodies take care of themselves in many ways. We do not need to think about breathing, for example, consciously. We breathe automatically.

Even when we want to manifest something in our lives, the Universe helps us. Suppose you’ve ever noticed that when you think about something or someone, they show up. The Universe is telling us it is listening when this happens.

To manifest more things, we want into our lives, we must trust the Universe to bring it to us.

Trusting the Universe Takes Away Anxiety When Thinking of the Future

The way the universe works is that we must ask for what we want. If you define our vision, the Universe sets out to bring it to us. When we are in alignment with the Universe, we are in alignment with what we want. There are several fundamental laws of the Universe we can follow to make it happen.

Buddha once said, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”

He believes that we show trust in the Universe through our thoughts. If we choose to believe the Universe is kind, we will be in alignment with it. We will see more possibilities, opportunities, and choices available to us.

If you believe the Universe is unkind, then you are not aligned with it. Not aligning with the Universe makes it harder to manifest what you want. You may not see the opportunities in front of you.Focus on our precept here: The Universe is on your side

5 Easy Ways to Move Forward… The Universe is On Your Side

If you think negative thoughts, what you think will determine your decisions. For example, if you think you will never achieve your goal, it stops the Universe from helping you. The Universe then believes you don’t want to achieve your goal. If instead, you focus on your goal and work towards it, the Universe will open doors to your achieving it.

As you can see, you have a part to play in getting the Universe on your side. Following some of these techniques will help you align with the Universe….

1. Practice Meditation

Meditation brings us into stillness. Clear out your thoughts to hear your true self. When you are in meditation, you can download information from the Universe. Meditation takes practice. Once you get into the habit of meditation, it gets easier. The Universe often speaks to us when we are still, and our minds are not cluttered with thoughts.

2. Be in Gratitude

If you feel apathetic or have a bad attitude, the negative will increase. When you practice gratitude, you increase it in your life.

If you ever find yourself caught in anxiety or depression, practice a lot of gratitude.

* Take gratitude walks where you take a break and thank the Universe for everything in your life.

* Imagine yourself in appreciation for receiving the clients, money, or success you want.

* Take a few moments in your day to inhale gratitude and exhale anything negative.

Doing these simple practices will shift your energy to align with the Universe.

3. Practice Giving and Receiving

To get from the Universe, you often must give first. By giving your time and energy to someone in need of help, you encourage the Universe to give to you in return. Like “Pay it Forward,” you are putting energy into the Universe that you can receive in your “bank” later. That’s how karma works. When you do something good, you receive that karma later in return for giving.

Be willing and open to receive. If you turn away what the Universe wants to give you, it may not bring you things as often in return for giving. When someone gives you something, learn to say thank you and receive it. If you don’t need it, you can always give it to someone else.

4. Practice Abundance

Abundance is the art of having many things like money, friends, and other things. It not only works with things, but also with universal concepts like love, luck, and health.

The way to practice abundance is to think of every object as having plenty of it. Take, for example, a pen. If you have one, you have plenty. You only need one to write with at a time. If you have 8 pens, for example, you may already realize that you have plenty. You have one to write with and 7 more in case the ink runs out.

Train your thinking to this method of practicing abundance. You will then see one as many, and it will increase how many you have over time.

5. Give Your Worries and Intentions to the Universe

If you ever have concerns and anxiety, give it to the Universe to handle. The issue may seem to be too big for you. But the Universe knows how to handle it and exactly how to resolve it. The Universe can often handle things where they are easy for you.

We have a way of making things more complicated than they need to be. When we hand our concerns over to the Universe, we can sit back and rely on the Universe to solve them. If the Universe needs us to play a part in the resolution, it will bring us opportunities.

When you hand over your intentions to the Universe, you also ask the Universe to bring you what you desire. The Universe can then worry about who, what, when, where, and how until you receive it. The Universe is on your side. When you learn to align with it, you can manifest what you want. The first step starts with changing your thinking. When you discover the Universe is friendly, things get easier.

5 Ways to Manifest What You Want

According to the Law of Attraction, we manifest with our vibrations. What we want will appear when we vibrationally harmonize with our desires. That means if you vibrate with abundance, you will witness abundance in your life. If you vibrate with a deficiency, what you want to manifest will not materialize. Once you are in alignment with what you want, it will start to manifest.

If the Universe is On Your Side, What Can you Manifest and How?

Everything is possible to manifest. To manifest what we want, we need to focus on the following:

* Raise your vibration to manifest your desire. It’s also good for our health, making us feel better, mentally and physically.

* Let go of your desires. Surrender them to the Universe and believe in a positive outcome.

* Be present and live in the moment.

* Become aware of the subconscious beliefs that come up when you try to manifest. Replace the thoughts with what will change your belief to the possibility, not limitation.

Manifesting what you want can be fun. Here are five ways that will help you to manifest your desires.

Using Symbols to Manifest

Symbols are all around us. Many of them have a strange and mysterious meaning and date back centuries. Some have universal meaning, while others interpret symbols based on their beliefs. We can use symbols to manifest what we desire. Here’s how:

1. You need to bring your mind and your body to a calm state.

2. Focus on what you want to manifest.

3. Visualize a scene in your mind’s eye where you are getting what you desire. Imagine your wish coming true and try to achieve the desired emotion. Try to feel with all your senses to turn it into one symbol.

4. Draw or write the symbol that comes to you after you visualize getting what you desire.

5. Next time you think of the symbol, you will feel what you felt during the visualization. You can also place the symbol in a room you go into often, keep it on your desk, or hang it on the wall.

Here’s an example of a symbol that represents travel. If you want to travel, explore unknown cities, nature, and culture, imagine a bird. Birds can be a symbol of freedom and travel.

If you do not see a symbol when you try to imagine one, you can follow this simple exercise to find a symbol that resonates with you. Go to a search engine that you use online. Type in what you want or the search phrase, “symbols,” and look at the images that show up in the search query. Notice what you feel best represents what you want to manifest.

Using Sigils to Manifest

A Sigil represents your intention summed up in one glyph that only you can decipher. You can design your Sigil, activate it, and use it. By drawing your Sigil, you will feel more powerful. It helps you in taking responsibility for your actions. It can also help you feel more motivated, creative, and determined. You will recognize yourself as a conscious co-creator of your life. What You Need:

* Pen, pencils, or other writing instrument

* Paper

Steps to Draw Your Sigil

1. Write down your intention in one sentence. A formula to use is “I want _________________ so that I can ________________ because _______________.

Filled out, it looks like this:

“I want to eat healthy foods so that I can feel better because I want to live longer.”

2. Cross out all repetitive letters and all vowels. If we crossed out these, our intention would look like this:

* I want to eat healthy foods so that I can feel better because I want to live longer.

3. From the remaining letters, create a symbol of your choice. That symbol will represent your Sigil.

Activate Your Sigil

Once you’ve created your Sigil, you need to activate it. You will need a fireproof pot or bowl, a lighter/matches, and paper on which you have drawn your Sigil.

1. Find a quiet place where you can do this.

2. Close your eyes and meditate on your intention.

3. Light the paper and visualize your intention.

4. Wait a few seconds before throwing it in the bowl.

5. At the very end, you must let it go. Surrender it to the Universe.

Drawing What You Want to Manifest

Some people find it difficult to express themselves to others. Although they can picture what they want, it is challenging for them to present it in words. That’s why drawing and painting is one of the ideal ways to manifest. In this way, you draw what you want to manifest in your life. What You Need:

* Paper

* Pencil

* Colored pencils

Steps to Draw What You Want to Manifest

1. Find a quiet place, sit at a table, and focus on what you want to change in your life or what you want to get. Play meditation music and get into the zone of focusing on what you want.

2. Try to draw every little thing associated with that desire. What does it look like when you have what you want? For example, if you want a new job, draw in detail what your workplace and job will look like. Draw what you do during the day.

3. When you have finished your drawing, please put it in a safe place. There is no need to mention it or show it to anyone. The Universe is on your side and you’re on your way to the life you want and deserve. Let it be your secret, at least for the time being.

Manifesting Using Water

Manifesting desires with the help of water is possible. You likely have at least once in your life, thrown money into a fountain and wished for what you wanted, right? But this is not the only way to manifest with the help of water. Water is an excellent conductor of energy. Water represents the largest part of the human body, as well as our planet. What You Need:

* Paper

* Pen

* Water in a glass

Steps to Manifest with Water:

1. Write on paper the desired affirmation that relates to your wish.

2. Take the glass with water. Put the paper on which you wrote your affirmation around or on the glass.

3. Rub your palms to warm them and thus activate the flow of energy.

4. Put your palms around the glass of water.

5. Say your affirmation as you visualize how your wish comes true. In this way, you send energy towards the water.

6. At the very end, drink some water. You can repeat this technique as many times as you want.

Using Words to Manifest

Writing is a powerful way to express ourselves and to also send a clear message to the Universe. Use words to manifest what you want following the steps below. What You Need:

* Find a notebook that you like

* Pencils, colored pencils, or a pen

How to Manifest What You Want with Words

Determine how many minutes you will devote to this method daily. You can create a ritual to do this daily. For example, meditate before you start writing. When writing, light a scented stick and a candle and turn on relaxing music in the background. What You Need:

* Paper

* Pencil or other writing instrument

Steps to Writing to Manifest What You Want

1. Write down all your intentions, wishes, and plans. Be detailed and creative. Do not limit yourself to your own beliefs that otherwise hinder you in life. Allow the imagination to run wild. Write down everything you are grateful for.

2. After you are done writing, let it go. Believe that the Universe has received your message.

We must believe! Believe in Yourself to Live the Life You Love is a recent post on my Monday Morning Mellow site you may enjoy reading. I’d love to know your thoughts on what I’m sharing with you here. If you honestly believe and understand that the Universe is on your side, there are no limits as to what is possible in your life experience.

This article originally published on my site at

I’m bestselling Wall Street Journal and USA Today author, marketing strategist, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you to help you to achieve your goals. If you are interested in learning how to optimize the syndication of your content, please take a look at my popular Syndication Optimization training course and consider coming aboard to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.


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