The Universe Works In Mysterious Ways!
My “staycations†at home in Colorado, have been well deserved and much needed after the past year and gave me time to digest the cold, hard, crusted-shit sandwich the universe served me last fall and to reflect on the changes forced upon me. No need to go into the nasty details about how the sandwich came to exist, let’s just say, the universe handed me a dried-up shit sandwich and I had to eat it bite by bite.
Now that time has passed and emotions are calming down and some have even faded, it gives me a chance to process the shock of eating a nasty sandwich served up by the universe on a flimsy white paper plate. I would describe the ingredients as chunky dried-up peanut butter and used kitty litter served on thinly sliced white Wonder Bread from the day-old bakery next to the Dollar Store.????
?However, I did surprise myself. For some reason, my anger did not override and take control, but instead, I’m grateful.?The sandwich could have tasted a little sweeter, but then I don’t think I would have paid attention. So, with that said, I’m thankful for the universe putting me back on track to my dreams and goals, the path I wandered off.
?I needed the universe’s guidance to strengthen me because I was falling into the place of fear and comfort. The fear that I wasn’t worthy enough to have incredible experiences and worse yet, the fear of being alone, which brings the comfort of settling for what others believe you should be, have, and do. I wasn’t focused, I was so busy letting others manipulate me into thinking what was best.
?It was a tough, nasty-smelling sandwich—or should I say, life lesson—to swallow, but I did it and I’m coming out the other end, stronger, smarter, and hard to believe, kinder. Kindness is not a weakness, because sometimes it takes strength to be kind.
?I can only hope that the next time the universe serves me a shit sandwich to get me back on track, it will at least be on whole-wheat bread… I’m watching what I eat.