Universe surrenders to the man who is still -Lao Tzu

Universe surrenders to the man who is still -Lao Tzu

When you refer to "Tao Te Ching - Chapter 32" this chapter is an example that Laozi interchanges the unknowable and knowable. It doesn't really fool us at this point. Dao, the normal, the nameless, and the raw. Small yet tamed by no one. If kings and lords could follow, everyone would submit to it by themselves. Heaven and Earth in union, sweet dews fall, and the people live in harmony without ruler's law. System is designed and names defined; Limits are informed and danger avoided. The way of Dao to the world is like all streams flowing to the valley of rivers and ocean.

What Lao Tzu says here “the universe surrenders” actually points to the surrendering of our desires and cravings. When one does not try to fight his tendencies or desires and instead chooses to witness them dispassionately, the desires cease to have any control over him. The same point was reiterated by Buddha also. Take the example of a child. He tries to attract your attention by doing some antics. If you try to make him sit peacefully, he will rebel and again enter the process with more vigour.

However, if you decide not to give him any reaction or watch him dispassionately, after some time he will exhaust all his energies and sit peacefully. Similarly when you fight your desires and cravings, you give them power and believe them into existence. But when you witness them silently, your non-participation and detached attitude takes away all the fuel supply from them. Hence your stillness can help you surmount any powerful force with ease and this is why it has been equated with the the surrender of the universe.

The one who has overcome the tribulations of mind and ego; the one who has usurped the chains of the senses; the one who has realized it within himself the one who has removed every iota of belongingness from within ant to him will the Universe make it's Master !!!This is no metaphor. Still your mind through disciplined meditation and the illusion of reality will surrender. You will see the true nature of reality and become enlightened.

Standing still is not about bodily movement basically it is about stability of mind which is undisturbed by things happening around and yet taking responsibility for doing his best at any situation it is called as "sthithapragya" which means established in self and not affected by anything happening in surroundings. Will you be able to aware the universe when you are not still ? Don't even think about surrender , when people are not still in mind They can not even sense the universe.

And when you still your mind , universe or the nature will reveal and you have it which can be translated as surrender to you , however it is not accurate 100% to be first found, check, learn, master it and pass down. Is the five steps of everything you have got with you. When you are on the move, you will have to focus one point the you will miss all of other points. Just the same as driving the car on high way keeps your eye only on the road and nothing else. Cheers!

Preeti Sharma

Academy for Career Excellence

3 年

Too Good Kishoreji. Today Mumbai is at almost standstill because of the rains ?? ??



