Universe is preparing what you asked for
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog Narrative co-founded by Kishore Shintre to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
We know that it is absolutely true that 'Everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for' because when you look back into your life you will feel good and proud on yourself that you get through all hard times and struggle,and how much these things helps you into improving your life. I think we all find different answers because we all walk a different path in life. It probably largely depends on each person’s individual question: what is life after all? Does life have a special meaning? Are we here for a purpose? Is everything nothing more than random chance?
And why am I so unhappy? Why does life seem so unfair? Why can’t I find that one special person to be with? Why do we have to die? Millions, even billions, of questions without any solid answers or maybe that is the meaning of life, to find those answers. Or at least to be in search of them, whether we ever actually find them or not.
I like to think that life has meaning, but I believe each individual life’s meaning is particular to that individual. One reason I don’t believe in organized religion is because all of them attempt to squeeze everyone into one simple belief system, and I just don’t think that’s possible. We’re all too different from one another; we all are too unique to be forced into one way of thinking, acting, believing, wanting, needing, caring, living. Such vast differences cannot be bound by one, usually fairly narrow, rule book of life, where we all believe the same thing in the same way and for the same reasons.
It just can’t successfully be done—human beings have tried for many millennia to “define life” by creating belief systems that they think should encompass everyone in the world, and each system has always eventually died out in favor of another one as things and times and people change. I know, for example, that Judaism and Christianity have been around for a long time, and I’m sure they’re not on the brink of dying out anytime soon—but it’s my thought that they eventually will as things and people and ideas evolve and new answers are discovered which nullify former beliefs.
I guess I shouldn’t say that, but for what it’s worth, that’s what I believe will finally happen—with all the organized religions. As science advances and is able to explain the previously inexplicable, there will be fewer and fewer people who believe that the “real answer to life’s mysteries” lies in a Bronze-Age, or earlier, set of stories and myths and societal mores and philosophies that just happened to survive into whichever) century.
But as to the meaning of life? I really don’t think there is one—not just one. There are billions of “meanings of life” to billions of different people; there always have been, and there probably always will be. Or so says my very cloudy crystal ball, which I guess I should probably pack away now! Life itself comes from God. He, like a deep well contains life within himself. His very Being is the source of life which by his holy spirit he can transfer portions of to an organism for it to come to life. It, his holy spirit in this case, is like a bucket from a well that dispenses life or a spring that carries life giving waters to creatures in a valley.
What we are asking the universe is manifested in various forms depending upon what you deserve and no one can take it back from you. In life we should be active knowing that we will never know everything. Thus, life should never become stagnant or boring. “the occupation that God has given to the sons of mankind in which to be occupied. Everything he has made pretty in its time. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, and that mankind may never find out the work that the true God has made from start to the finish.”
We should enjoy life, enjoy the simple things of life and do hard work as a productive person because there is nothing better for us than and to rejoice and to do good during one's life; and also that every man should eat and indeed drink and to see good for all his hard work. It is a gift of God and accept gracefully what you have been blessed with. Overall, we should have the deepest respect for God and be obedient to him. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit #ks1000articles #proudtobeindian