The Universe Knows
RevSandra Follett
Minister and CEO (retired) at The Mysticenter for Healing and Spirituality
Sometimes detours are meant to be on our paths
While we think in our minds that our daily cycle
Includes this and this and this
We plan and schedule just what we think
We make up our minds to lay the path before us
Yet sometimes, something happens that begs a detour
The Universe says, “Whoa up. You need to do this.”
And so the change comes and we see
That something or someone needed us to be there
On a different path, if only for a short time
It may be something big or something small
It doesn’t matter
It may be something that allows for needed rest
You may never know the reason for a detour
But the Universe knows and allows for good
Whether to help someone, help yourself, rest
The Universe knows