Vinod Soni
CEO-"Soni Quality Eye"--World Wide Business & Quality Advisors(including top hotels & film industry) CHANNEL ON YOU TUBE---"WORLD OF HEALTH by Vinod Soni" ,WE ARE ZERO WITH OUT HEALTH-- SUBSCRIBE ( DEEP VEDIC FACTS)
Author (Vinod Soni )is based in America--and operates all over the World
VINOD SONI ---WRITTEN and PUBLISHED a small BOOK with WORLD LEVEL SCIENTIFIC EXTRACT ON HOSPITALITY with name ---"UNIVERSE OF HOSPITALITY"(a wonder for Hospitality world in coming days where only GENUINENESS would rule in the non genuine world---Air Companies , Top Hotel Chains ,Resorts , Cruise Ships,all type of Clubs and all other Industries (YES ALL--YOU NAME IT) can empower their vision to make a GUEST or CUSTOMER truly comfortable---IMAGE & REVENUE would be in front of them .
THE PICTURE of the front and BACK of COVER PAGE is attached
If some personality is interested to have this book ( or buy this book) ,please write me your request at [email protected] (with your mailing address) and mail a check of $ 30.00 to Vinod Soni-5766 Glow Court -Cincinnati-Ohio -45238
I would send you this Book at your Address with my mailing expense.
This above offer is for America,Europe & Canada only --for other countries including India ,write me a e-mail and I would design some other way out (Indian bank account etc)