The Universe Has Your Back Too

The Universe Has Your Back Too

Yesterday, I posted an Instagram story about getting a personal trainer to achieve fitness goals with direction and speed. It was a nudge in the right direction, but it made one of my friends comment, “Personal Trainers should be well-versed, too. Most, I feel, are just there. I had a bad experience when I used to go to a premium fitness club.”?

This experience with one personal trainer made him judge the efficacy of personal trainers, and he has stopped exploring personal training since then.?

It made me wonder how often people make the mistake of judging something and completely stopping exploring possibilities.

Ironically, we don’t do this when we are seeking a life partner and going through the arranged marriage route. I have a cousin who met over 50 candidates through websites like and before finding someone he would get married to. This was a painful and discomforting experience for him, but he muddled through because the possibility of finding a partner was exciting enough for him not to give up.

This then makes me wonder if the treasure hunt for a partner is really exciting or if it's a pressure to fit into society and get married so that things look normal for you, too, as they do for others.?

Irrespective of the mental forces acting on people, arranged marriage journeys continue to be pursued because the possibility exists in people's minds, i.e., the possibility of being married to a soulmate.?

Possibilities exist because the person comes from a place of abundance, self-belief, and faith in the universe—that fate will unfold for him, too.

The one giving up comes from a place of scarcity, i.e., lack of self-belief, the world acting against you, or the universe not having your back.?

The former is powerful because it gives people wings to do more, push more, be more, and keep exploring possibilities to nudge ahead. It would make them walk if they can't run or crawl if they can't walk, but it will make them move.

The latter will make them look at everything that isn't working and stop them in their tracks because they are convinced that they will lose the battle, and hence, it's pointless. That's why sales of liquor and cigarettes are sky high because that's what many of these people resort to for getting a kick of sorts and feeling alive.

But if you were always chasing possibilities and pursuing your dream, you would feel alive without any substance intake. The joy of making progress and hitting milestones is nothing less than a high you get from Red Bull mixed with your preferred poison.?

Hence, it becomes your duty to create an environment around you that always keeps you in this zone. A few things you could do :

  • Read autobiographies
  • Listen to inspiring people
  • Surround yourself with +ve minded people
  • Put yourself in rooms where you are not the most intelligent person

Do whatever it takes to build that vibe about you and around you.

Become the person who never gives up and just keeps moving ahead.

There is magic waiting to happen for you if you do turn into a soul that is always filled with possibilities.

Leena Gola

Director - Private Banking Advisory

3 个月

Simply yet very beautifully explained…

Arslan Matto

Assistant Manager -Retail Wealth Management Signature banking

3 个月

Nice one bro . Loved the last piece especially the last line “Do whatever it takes to build that vibe about you and around you.”

Gaurav S.

Bancassurance, Partnership Management, Distribution, Product Development, Premium Financing, UHNW, HNW, Retail, Wealth Management, Insurance Strategy

3 个月

Awesome update bro. Love it



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