Universal Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (U-STEM): the Universal AI Platform

Universal Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (U-STEM): the Universal AI Platform

How to Unify STEM

STEM stands for the distinct disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

There are a number of its variations, adding other technical fields.

A-STEM (arts, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)

SHTEAM (science, humanities, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics)

STREAM (science, technology, robotics, engineering, arts, and mathematics); adds robotics and arts as fields...

There is no general agreement on which disciplines are included in STEM, or how to define and identify science itself, if to include social sciences, medicine, informatics, applied sciences or applied mathematics, robotics and AI, or the arts.

Science is the sum of universal knowledge, being universal by its nature, design and technological applications.

It is creating and coordinating, systematizing and organizing?world knowledge?as data and facts, causes and phenomena, principles and laws applying observations and experiment, reasoning and computer simulation to produce causal?explanations?and?predictions?about?all and everything.

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes in human life and industry.

Engineering is the application of science, mathematics to the innovation, design, construction, and maintenance of structures and machines, materials, devices and systems, processes and organizations.

Mathematics is the science of numbers and quantities, forms and shapes, structures and patterns, order and relationships

Today's STEM consists of mostly independent fragments, narrow mono-disciplines, isolated fields, and silos departments.

This all comes from silos science, engineering, technologies and mathematics.

As an example, see how the European Research Council listed its sciences without any inner logic or meaningful connections or interactions. It has 25 ERC panels to cover all fields of science, assigned to three silos research domains: Physical Sciences and Engineering and Mathematics (10 Panels, PE1–PE10), Life Sciences (9 Panels, LS1–LS9), and Social Sciences and Humanities (6 Panels, SH1–SH6).

Today, it is plain and clear that without the Universal STEM, there are no effective solutions for global issues, as in:

  • Climate change.
  • Wars and military conflicts.
  • Geopolitical risks
  • Mass poverty and hunger.
  • Environmental disaster.
  • Nuclear holocaust.
  • Pandemic.
  • Biotechnology risks.
  • Molecular nanotechnology.
  • Societal collapse.
  • Destructive artificial intelligence.

Besides, without the U-STEM there are no prospects for highly complex transdisciplinary problems as generalized artificial intelligence systems.

Nevertheless, since Aristotle's metaphysics as the universal science, a few had aspired for universal science and technology. If only polymathic scientists of?medieval Muslim civilization?contributed many new discoveries, with the scientific achievements encompassing a wide range of subject areas, as medicine,?mathematics,?astronomy,?agriculture,?physics,?economics,?engineering?


Since the Industrial Revolution, science and technology had been increasingly fragmented and divided into increasingly smaller disciplines and special-task technologies.

Presently, there is a micro-article, universal science (Universalwissenschaft; scientia generalis, scientia universalis), on Wikipedia.

There is the CERN's page titled as Universal Science, having nothing with the topic.

And there is the Journal of Universal Science Research comprehensive in all areas, with the following directions:











There is Journal of Universal Sciences and Technology (JUST) from Ethiopia or Journal of Universal Science and Technology of Learning from Australia or Universal Journal Science of Technology from Indonesia. Add here businesses like as "New Universal Science and Technology, a manufacturing company that provides pneumatic conveyor systems and rubber preparation systems" from China or Universal Science and Technology Administration from fandom folks.

As to the essence of things, there is our LinkedIn post, Universal Science: Science + Technology + Culture: AI, ML, AGI, ASI = Trans-AI or Meta-AI (2021)

This is all SERPS what the Google's engine could retrieve for your search of web pages specified as "universal science" or "universal science and technology".

And that is very sad and bad, unwise and unsustainable; for ignoring the universality and transdisciplinarity of science and technology is the root cause for all our global risks, issues and problems, like it is diagrammed by WEF:

How to design Universal STEM

U-STEM could be designed as a holistic dynamic world knowledge network structure, with the following interacting hypernodes:

  • the philosophical sciences (metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, logic, ethics, esthetics);
  • the?formal sciences?(e.g.,?logic and?mathematics, statistics and computer science), which study?formal systems, algorithms and computing, governed by?axioms?and rules;
  • the natural sciences?(e.g.,?biology,?chemistry, and?physics), which study the?physical world;
  • the?social sciences?(e.g.,?economics,?psychology, and?sociology), which study?individuals?and?societies;
  • the technological sciences and engineering, from physical engineering and computer engineering to software engineering and systems engineering.

We have the U-STEM technologies combining philosophical, mathematical, natural, cognitive, social, and technical sciences as emerging technologies, such as?nanotechnology,?biotechnology,?5-6G, robotics,?3-4D printing,?blockchains, virtual reality, quantum computing technology, and?artificial intelligence, as well as hypothetical technologies, as controlled fusion technology, quantum teleportation, mind uploading or strong/full human-level and human-like AI.

As some examples, the Types of Modern Technology are:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Information Technology
  • Space Technology
  • Entertainment Technology
  • Medical Technology
  • Operational Technology
  • Assistive Technology
  • Communication Technology
  • Hospitality Technology
  • Superintelligence

Universal AI Platform as the U-STEM applications

Now, we are ready to understand how and why to create a Universal AI Platform, integrating all interactive and interoperable AI forms and models, algorithms and systems (see the resources), while relying on the IST knowledge:

Universal AI Platform = IAI = Real AI = Transdisciplinary AI = Man-Machine Hyperintelligence = UST/IST/UFO + the Internet + the Web + Symbolic/Logical/General AI + Weak/Narrow AI + Machine Learning + Deep Learning + Federated Learning + ANNs + LLMs (GPT > ChatGPT >) +5-6G + Augmented Reality + Metaverse + Multi-Access Cloud-Edge Computing + the Internet of Things + Digital Twins = the Global AI Internet of Everything

The Web, conceived as as a "universal linked information system", is to be transformed into the world's dominant global AI platform driven by the UST/IST Internet networks.

It integrates all the interoperable government and corporate big tech corporate AI frameworks, such as the Google AI, Meta AI, Microsoft AI, Apple GPT, NVIDIA's Universal AI Platform, or Intel's AI Platform.

What is a universal AI platform?

A universal AI platform is presented as capable "to run every AI code, scope to empower every developer, and scale to enable AI everywhere".? Intel’s vision?is to accelerate AI infusion into every application by delivering end-to-end application performance, as opposed to select DL or ML kernel performance.? To scale AI, the full stack must be optimized from chips to software libraries to the applications.?


The 3 components of Intel's universal AI platform are:

  • General Purpose and AI-Specific Compute: 4th?Gen Intel? Xeon? Scalable processors to run any AI code and every workload by combining the flexibility of a general-purpose CPU and the performance of a deep learning accelerator. The processors can also integrate effortlessly with other processors and specialized accelerators including GPUs and ASICs.
  • Open, Standards-based Software: An AI software suite of open-source frameworks and AI model and E2E optimization tools for developers to build and deploy AI everywhere.
  • Ecosystem engagement: Pre-built solutions with Intel partners to address end customers business needs and to accelerate time to market

The core of universal AI platform is not Infinite Data, Infinite Neural Networks, and Infinite Compute Power, with no knowledge of Intelligence and AI.

The core of universal AI platform is the world learning, inference and interaction model engine with its universal Data Architecture and UST/IST Universal Knowledge Base.


Real AI Project Confidential Report: How to Engineer Man-Machine Superintelligence 2025: AI for Everything and Everyone (AI4EE); 179 pages, EIS LTD, EU, Russia, 2021


The World of Reality, Causality and Real AI: Exposing the great unknown unknowns

Transforming a World of Data into a World of Intelligence

WorldNet: World Data Reference System: Global Data Platform

Universal Data Typology: the Standard Data Framework

The World-Data modeling: the Universe of Entity Variables

Global AI & ML disruptive investment projects

USECS, Universal Standard Entity Classification SYSTEM:

The WORLD.Schema, World Entities Global REFERENCE



Supplement I: AI/ML/DL/CS/DS Knowledge Base

Supplement II: I-World

Supplement III: International and National AI Strategies

Trans-AI: How to Build True AI or Real Machine Intelligence and Learning

AI Foundation Model: a paradigm for Real AI Technology

Machine's Worldview: Standard Universal Ontology (SUO): General Machine Intelligence and Learning = Real/True/Interactive AI/ML/DL/NNs


Why and How to Build Digital Superintelligence: Real AI, Superhuman Intelligent Machines, Superintelligent Machines, or Superintelligent AI

A Global AI Infrastructure: RAI vs. BRI as the Most Valuable Project on the Earth


Universal Ontology for Artificial Intelligence: building machine metaphysics for machine intelligence and learning

Scientific AI vs. Pseudoscientific AI: Big Tech AI, ML, DL as a pseudoscience and fake technology and mass market fraud

The rise of Real AI Industry: Causal Interactive Learning vs. Deep Statistical Learning

Real AI vs. Unreal AI = Causal Intelligence Interactive Machines (CIIM): Converging Symbolic, Predictive, Generative, Industrial, and Causal AI

Machine's Worldview: Standard Universal Ontology (SUO): General Machine Intelligence and Learning = Real/True/Interactive AI/ML/DL/NNs

Space at large> Hyperspace > Hypercomputing > Hyperintelligence

Real AI vs. Human AI: the Best Ideas vs. the Worst Ideas


Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World

NextGen AI as Hyperintelligent Hyperautomation: Universal Formal Ontology (UFO): World Model Computing Engine







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