Universal Prosperity
Calling all those who are interested in Universal Prosperity to join our whats app group. Before you join please go through this rather long message below and see if you want to join.
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Universal Prosperity Group
Admins: Sanjay Bhargava & Anita Bhargava
· What is Universal Prosperity ?
· Bhagavad Gita and Universal Prosperity
o Yuga ( An age or eon)
o Dharma and Selfless Karma
§ Earth not USA or India
§ Our Dharma
§ Prakriti is the doer
§ Selfless Karma
§ Seekers not Gurus
· The Infinity Solution
o What is the infinity Solution?
o 1960 in USA – Man on Moon
o 2030 – No Poverty ?
· Why we created this group ?
o Constructive Feedback
o Getting more believers
o Brainstorming
o Boosting our own prosperity
· Rules of the Group
o Do
o Do not
o Exit
· Action Items
o Be the Change
o Jan Nivesh
o Intermittent Fasting
o Strength & Conditioning
o A quiet mind
What is Universal Prosperity?
To be prosperous one must have good mental and physical health and adequate material wealth. More than anything else one must believe that. A person with very little material wealth can believe they are prosperous while a dollar billionaire may feel they are not prosperous. There will always be a segment of humanity that will need welfare to become prosperous (disabled etc.) and for universal prosperity that welfare must be provided.
Bhagavad Gita and Universal Prosperity
Yuga ( An age or eon) ( Bhagavad Gita by Ekanath Easwaran, pg 287)
“In Hindu Cosmology there are four yugas, representing a steady deterioration in the state of the world from age to age. The names of the yugas are taken from a game of dice. Krita Yuga is the age of perfection, flowed by Treta Yuga. The incarnation of Sri Krishna is said to mark the end of the third yuga. Dvapara. We are living in the fourth and final yuga, Kali, in which creation reaches its lowest point. The world goes through 1000 such yuga- cycles during one kalpa or Day of Brahma”
Each Kalpa is 4320 million years. So if the 1000 yugas are equal each yuga is 4.32 million years and each phase if equal is around 1 million years. We do not know how long we have been in Kaliyuga or whether the kalpa is going to end but assuming that the kalpa is not going to end then Kaliyuga will be followed by Krita Yuga. It is quite interesting that the sages had a theory of cosmology that is close to modern theory – Big Bang, growing entropy and the final collapse into a black hole which will explode again. We do believe that Krita Yuga will follow Kali Yuga so Universal Prosperity will happen. We have Shraddha (Belief)
Dharma & Selfless Karma
Earth not India or USA
We happen to be US Citizens with an OCI card resident in India. In the movie “Chak De” the girls stop saying which state they are from and extend their thinking to say them are from India. We would like to say we are from Earth and not from USA or India
Our Dharma
We believe that it our dharma to work on Universal Prosperity. A story on Dharma (Bhagavad Gita by Ekanath Easwaran, pg. 31)
“A sage seated beside the Ganges, notices a scorpion that has fallen into the water. He reaches down and rescues it, only to be stung. Sometime later he looks down and sees the scorpion thrashing in the water again. Once more he reaches down to rescue it, and once more he is stung. A bystander watching all this, exclaims “Holy one, why do you keep doing that? Don’t you see that the wretched creature will only sting you in return?”” Of course,” the sage replied. “It is the dharma of a scorpion to sting but it is the dharma of the human being to save”
In our quest for universal prosperity we have been stung many times and will continue to be stung but that will not deter us from our Dharma.
Prakriti is the doer
We believe that the forces of nature (Prakriti) will make the move to Universal Prosperity happen. This belief gives us the motivation to press on with small actions that may help Prakriti. We are not the doer. Prakriti is the doer.
Selfless Karma
The first thing we have had to battle with is our egos which lead us to believe that we have the right solutions. We do have experience with the Infinity Solution and our experience of many years but once we recognize that collective wisdom is better than individual wisdom then we take the first step to selfless karma. We want to do small actions that will help Prakriti, so we continue trying to influence all stakeholders to make Universal Prosperity a reality. We have the luxury of enough wealth and maturity to not worry about getting stung again and again. We will continue to push corporates, governments, regulators and other influencers to eradicate poverty by 2030 which would be a significant step towards Universal Prosperity.
Seekers not Gurus
We are constantly amazed almost every day by advances like blockchain, AI ad quantum computing. We have the curiosity of a child and feel there is so much to learn
The Infinity Solution
What is the Infinity Solution ?
The Infinity problem is to reach everyone, that is to get your users to tend to Infinity and then to serve them with the total cost tending to zero.
The Infinity Solution is solving these two problems and as companies like PayPal (Anita and I were both part of the founding team) have shown that even if you partially solve this problem you can become a $100 Billion company. In the next two sections we will see why the two components of the infinity problem will be solved.
1960 – Man on the Moon
In 1960 John F. Kennedy inspired people and humanity put a man on the moon. In 1964 Lyndon Johnson declared War on Poverty. It was a time of optimism. In 1971 Indira Gandhi won the election with Garibi Hatao. Mohammed Yunus asked if humanity can put Man on the Moon why cannot it eradicate poverty.
The point we want to make is that people can be inspired and start believing. Getting people to believe in Universal Prosperity will not be easy but inspiring leaders and a general state of optimism have happened in the past and can happen in the future.
If there was this optimism why did, we not get universal prosperity in the next 57 years. First there has been movement. Poverty has reduced most notably in China. Our conclusion is progress has been slow because of vested interests and the lack of technology enablers and a pot of gold to motivate innovation. As we will show in the next section the cost side of the equation can be solved. Nothing needs to be invented. We have to work on countering vested interests (the elite, including most of us may not want poverty to end). It took a civil war to free slaves in America. How do we convince the elite to embrace universal prosperity? The elite includes all the institutions, regulators, judiciary and the government. We also need to convince the masses that universal prosperity is good for them. Freed slaves did not know what to do with their freedom. They no longer had a feudal protector. As we can see with polio eradication the masses have to be convinced and educated. This is not an easy problem.
2030 No Poverty ?
In 1976 John Reed CEO of Citibank wrote his famous “Memo from the Beach” and banks started focusing on consumers. This was because John Reed felt that by investing in technology he could cut the cost of serving consumers and serve many more customers (sounds like the Infinity Solution – right). Fast forward to today. Financial Platforms of the Future can be built for not much investment. A lot of the building blocks needed are in place in India (NPCI, Aadhar, MFU, NSE, CIBIL and so on). Jio will create the telecom infra needed. With a Mukesh Ambani equivalent in financial services poverty can be eliminated in India well before 2030. If India is solved, then ending poverty globally by 2030 will not be a challenge. Is this a pipe dream or can we make it happen? For some reason corruption eradication become an emotive issue in India. Can poverty eradication become an emotive issue?
Why we created this group?
Constructive Feedback ?
We do appreciate pats on the back if we are on the right track, but we really value constructive feedback that may even turn our thinking 180 degrees. We hope we will attract people to this group who are much better than us and together we will help Prakriti work its magic
Getting More Believers
Today less than 80% of humanity believes that the world is moving towards Universal Prosperity. We believe. Our belief is based on the rapid progress in technology which means that the enablers for Universal Prosperity are getting in place – Surplus and very low-cost energy, platforms for civic, health and financial services that will make solutions affordable and accessible for all while generating profits for providers. We also feel that the millennial generation will have a more collaborative mindset than the World War 2 generation and the baby boomers. With this collaborative approach and the enablers Universal Prosperity will arrive in the not so distant future. How do we get more believers so that 80% plus believe in Universal Prosperity? If we can do that then we will reach the tipping point and Universal Prosperity will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
What actions can we take in the next 30 days, next 90 days and so on?
Boosting our own prosperity
We want to boost our prosperity so that by 2030 we can start thinking of funding in a substantial way effort to reach Universal Prosperity faster. We have to boost mental, physical and financial prosperity. Some ideas are captured in the section on Action items.
For us boosting the financial side is probably the easiest and the move towards Universal Prosperity could benefit us personally in many ways. We are making progress on the mental side and the physical side as we want to be well mentally and physically to solve the very hard problem of giving money away effectively.
Rules of the Group?
We can have very small group. We are looking for quality not quantity
· Give constructive feedback
· Post ideas that resonate with you (your own or others)
· Build the tribe of believers ( they may or may not join the group)
· Use Action items to build your own prosperity
Do Not
· Send Good Morning or birthday messages
· Jokes or stray off topic
· Push your ego
· Exit at any time. No explanation required.
· Admins will remove if required but hopefully this will be very rare
Action Items?
This is the fun part. We have suggested a few for consideration and discussion
· Be the Change
· Jan NIvesh
· Intermittent Fasting
· Strength and Conditioning
· A Quiet Mind