Live by Law, not by Luck
Marc Jospitre
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law: a thing regarded as having the binding force or effect of a formal system of rules
Live by law, not by luck. The world we live in works in a very orderly manner. There are laws that govern our universe and by that I don’t refer to the rules your government or any other authority have put in place. I am talking about the universal laws. These laws apply to everybody, everywhere and anytime, the exact definition of a law.
Let’s take the law of gravity for example. This law exists on our planet and it works for everyone, every time, everywhere. If you are on the roof of your house and you jump off you would hit the ground, right? I am sure you don’t doubt that. And the reason for your acceptance is that this law has been taught to you.
When you hear the word “gravity” you probably think of Newton and see the apple falling off the tree and hitting him on the head. School taught us this and so gravity is a law every child and every adult can relate to.
But there are others laws that have not been taught to you. This doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.
Every single person who has ever been successful is utilizing these laws either consciously or unconsciously. If the person is unconscious about the utilization of the laws we call them unconscious competent meaning they are successful but couldn’t explain what differentiates their doing from others.
Laws are essential. Study them. They need to be understood so you can live a life based on knowledge and not random luck. So, let’s go through them one by one.
The first one is the law of Perpetual Transmutation. This law states that energy moves into form. Your thoughts are energy. Did you know that? This can even be measured. The statement “You become what you think about” gets a whole new significance in relation with the rules of this law. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to think the right way. Your past thoughts created your present and your present thoughts are creating and manifesting your future. Watch your thoughts and decide if your current thinking is really what you want for your future.
The second law we want to look at is the law of Relativity. Nothing is good or bad. Everything just is. You make it what it is by virtue of how you are looking at things. You decide if it is good or bad.
The third law is the law of Vibration. We literally live in an ocean of motion. Everything vibrates, nothing rests. Your body, the computer in front of you, the chair you are sitting on are a manifestation of different vibrations or if you prefer different frequencies. But in order to fully understand the law of Vibration, we must first understand how vibration manifests itself to and through you. Every time you say “I feel…,” you are trying to explain your vibration. Feeling is a word we invented to describe our conscious awareness of the vibration we are in. When you say “I feel good” then you are in a good vibration. But when you don’t feel so good, then you are simply not in a good vibration. Pay attention and be conscious of your feelings. They are directly linked to your state of vibration.
You might have heard of the law of Attraction in the Runaway hit movie “The Secret” where the impression is given that it is a primary law. But it really isn’t. The law of Attraction is a secondary law. It is a result of the vibration you are in, meaning you will attract the same energy and vibration you are sending out.
Bob Proctor, who plays a role in “The Secret” always says that you will never master the art of sales if you don’t understand the law of vibration and I totally agree with him. The vibration you are in is picked up by others and vice-versa. People might not be able to explain why they did or didn’t like the salesperson because they are not conscious about the law of Vibration but it is as easy as this. Good vibration, good results, bad vibration, bad results.
The fourth law is the law of Polarity. The law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite. Up-down, inside-outside, positive-negative, yin-yang. Being aware of the law of Polarity empowers you to choose. If you are in a negative vibration you know that you can change your frequency into its positive counterpart. Since your mind cannot focus on more than one thing at a time, you can’t think negative thoughts anymore as soon as your attention is directed towards the positive. This law has been an absolute blessing for me. I always had the tendency to dwell on my mistakes and create this negative downward spiral but knowing that I have the power to choose has changed my life. Use this law to disengage yourself from what you don’t want in your life.
The fifth law is the law of Rhythm which makes you go through a full range of emotion. This law brings the tide of high and low. Everything flows in and out and lets you experience ups and downs. When you are having a quiet, non-productive phase know that this is part of the law of Rhythm. If you despise the situation keep on moving and continuously do your action-steps to reach your dream, the rhythm will change and productive times will come. Successful people have the ability to stay focused and on course regardless of the law of Rhythm and their lows because they know it is part of it. So, next time you are working well and disciplined but things don’t seem to unfold as expected, just take a step back and observe if this is not the law of Rhythm playing its tricks on you. Make peace with it. It will pass until it comes back next time.
The sixth law is the law of Cause & Effect. According to Ralph Waldo Emerson it is the law of the laws. Every effect is caused and every cause has its effect. This law is directly linked to the secondary law of Attraction we have already mentioned earlier. Each action you take will automatically create an attraction of sort, a so-called Action-Attraction. Make sure you are putting good actions out there so you attract in your life the results you desire.
Another important secondary law which is linked to the law of Cause & Effect is the law of Psychological Reciprocity. According to this law you will very rarely get the energy you put out there back right away. I can’t stress enough the importance of this, especially in our days where we have been programmed for instant gratification. Be aware that the energy you get back might come from an unexpected, maybe at this moment even unknown source. Be open and aware to receive.
The last law is the law of Gender. Understanding this law makes life so much easier. Unfortunately, many people are ignorant to it and this brings them to the conclusion that they failed when truly, they just didn’t finish the job. The law of Gender says that every creation has a gestation or incubation period in order to move into form which is a good thing. Just imagine if every thought you have would immediately manifest! The word creation is often erroneously used because the truth is that nothing is ever created, it is simply moving into form from a different state of energy, the process we call manifestation. All ideas will move into form when the time is right. So, if you have ideas or goals that haven’t been manifested yet, don’t be discouraged, just know that you haven’t chosen the right date. Give yourself an extension and keep on going. It will happen, it is law! Be patient!
Study and see how these laws can help you materialize your ideal life.
Go forth, make this day count,
Marc Jospitre
from my book: '100 Million Possibilities'
Principal Consultant - SME & home Lending
7 年This is such an interesting topic, I really enjoyed reading that.