Universal Law and the Ten Commandments
"Wisdom shouts in the street,She raises her voice in the public square. Upon the pathways she cries out;At the entrance of the gates in the city she declares her sayings: “How long, you fools, will you remain imbeciles? And waste yourself scoffing and deceive yourself with the hatred of knowledge?"
---Proverbs 1:20-22
Christ our Lord issued Adam 5 commands. These commands were annotated within The Book of Tribes:
Adam violated each of these commands and was cursed. Seven generations of his progeny violated these commands and they too were cursed. Christ our Lord passed judgement upon them and flooded the Earth.
As part of His covenant, Christ our Lord revealed 20 commandments to sons and daughters of Christendom. These commands are known as Universal Law.
Chapter 1 verses 1-20 of The Book of Divine Order list the commandments. They are:
After Letterman (ne Moses) guided the Israelites across the Red Sea and into the Syrian desert, he and his brother Aaron failed to keep Christ our Lord's commandments. This, too, is annotated within The Book of Tribes. They wandered the desert in circles for 40 years before Christ our Lord called Letterman to the crest of Mount Sinai. There, he reminded Letterman to fulfill his promise and lead his church to the Holy Land.
Christ our Lord dictated 10 mandates to Letterman. These mandates are known as The Ten Commandments. The 10 mandates Christ our Lord dictated to Letterman are included within The Book of Tribes and are chaptered Exo. The mandates given to Letterman read:
The Book of Tribes notes that Letterman was "ignorant and couldn't comprehend the word 'harm'.". Christ our Lord etched a drawing of a plate and a cage, pointed to the etching and said the word "kill". Letterman replaced the word "harm" with the word "kill".
The Holy See included these mandates within The Book of Exodus. Originally, the mandates were the first 10 verses of Chapter 20. Narratives were added during the 7th printing and the mandates were spread through the first 17 verses.
The Holy See rearranged the mandates given to Letterman. As Vatican librarians can attest, Letterman was in Rome during the first printing of the Holy Bible and the seventh. He, himself, wrote the embellished narrative included within the first two verses of Exodus Chapter 20. That narrative was explicitly written to torment God.
"Remain true to The Father and etch these commands upon your heart."
---The Book of Divine Order 10:1
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