The Universal Law of Reality
Arlind Sadiku
Strategist ? Entrepreneur ? Marketer ? Investor ? Author +Advancing Innovation in AI, Blockchain & Quantum Tech to transform bold ideas into reality =Leveraging my global network to drive the future of digital evolution
In laws of reality the material and science are to be made out of particles of energy and empty space which is energy or information. In reality it's merely our interpretation of the information to our five senses and it's our interpretation of the information. Perhaps we are each mind consciousness that receive energy and information living in a sort of manifested dream. Our experience of our life is still valid and meaningful. Potentially with this knowledge we can realize the extent to which our mental processes create our experiences
A rainy day is terrible because they're unable to enjoy a country walk, but it is great for watering the plants. People will perceive a painting differently and event view out of a window and even the meaning of the word, therefore altering the reality for each of us. Perhaps trying to find the objective truth in what we perceive might help principle of correspondence
The macro formula for creating all that there is like for example a solar system looks very much like an eye and?galaxy looks like a hurricane in the Fibonacci sequence to be seen in many areas of life. What about our personal reality, we can see as within each of us is reflected on the outside realities. Everything to the outside corresponds with your inner world, for example if we develop experiences in a world full of trust therefore our outer world seems to be filled with trustworthy people therefore question our perceptions beliefs this pattern is present on all levels.?
Movement is everywhere nothing stays still,?Nikola Tesla was quoted as saying “if you wish to understand the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration” the principle of vibration also applies to us and our own energies and emotions. Our reality also manifests according to our vibration. The one infinite being of creation knows our thoughts emotions and our feelings. The experience to match, offer our learning experience take an atom and it's fundamental particles it's constantly vibrating. Observe the kinetic theory of matter, the molecules within a solid vibrate brake, moving and sliding around each other and move around even more. For example heat something up and see how everything declines gradually into disorder. In?reality things always return to their natural state.
Movement and change field the one energetics information field of our reality is said to consist of waves of probability, waves that vibrate at us in certain frequency.?Vibration of certain wavelengths we can perceive for example of visible light regarding our emotions in our own vibrational state. Through emotion reason will or desire or any mental state or condition are accompanied by vibrations. This tend to affect the minds of other persons by induction the principle which produces the phenomena of mental influence.
Other forms of the action and power of mind therefore creating awareness of our own vibrational state is key to self-awareness
Fast and slow describes speed so you see poles are in allusion of the mind the duality we experience in this reality is something that we can recognize for what it is.?Extremes of one concept we can see the ones in all things therefore recognize when we are choosing preferring or judging based on a pole. We can also become aware of the swinging of our moods from pole to pole and attempt to stabilize this in addition to measure of the swing. One direction is the measure of the swing to the other and we can reduce the swings and settle them down our own interpretations. Polarity differ between what people perceive, the ability of an event is boring and another person perceives it as exciting.?Perceiving polarity is often therefore subjective where does fast and slow begin. I might perceive my friend is driving fast and she might believe she's going quite slow. We can make judgments of others based on the subjectivity and unfairly than one person might perceive another as reckless when they perceive themselves as adventurous.
All paradoxes may be reconciled so we can't speak in absolutes nor make assumptions. We can attempt to combine our perceptions of poles and polarity on a journey towards one that by being aware of polarity it's possible to choose a pole that's definitely fine to do. I choose to be kind rather than unkind. Awareness of our emotions is also key and when we're swinging between them working on settling on contentment perhaps and changing our vibration. This way it is possible to change the vibrations of heat into the vibrations of love in one's own mind and in the minds of others. This describes a fundamental trait of our reality and of our own experiences and is therefore useful to know that everything tends to repeat itself in rhythmic cycles.
This reality or the code of reality is operating on an algorithm reality of one infinite being that we are all part of. It may be creating repeating rhythmic cycles with variation for all beings to experience and therefore itself to experience than the one infinite being or creation and experience that every variation of every event and circumstance possible. Examples follows civilizations rise and fall as the world powers and governments evolve, how weather cycles the seasons, day and night the tides in the oceans, birth and death cycles repeat within the parameters of the loss of this reality.
With it’s variation like the principle of polarity we have rhythms of the polls like rainy and sunny, economic growth and declined. Our moods seem to not only swing with rhythm, therefore we can learn to accept and work with our natural rhythms with a view to reducing the swing of the polls releasing resistance to unpleasant emotions and working with it to heal. Take comfort that due to the principal of rhythm that bad times will end and good times will begin. Without the bad times we wouldn't know how to appreciate the good times anyway.?Political opinion action and inaction are more examples of rhythmic cycles. We need not believe we will always be poor or always be lonely so when applying the principle of rhythm to the mental states of people, we can learn to use them rather than be used by them. For?example when feeling active and motivated we can use this time to create when we inevitably feel tired and worn out instead of pushing ourselves on. We can except this feeling and take time to recharge by meaning of lives to take advantage of these natural rhythms and not fighting them we release much resistance when something happens.
Anything at all there's a cost for it?that things don't just happen by chance however small there's always a cost thought can consist to take action several days later.?A tree grows better because the land is fertilized by rotting leaves blown from another tree. Even when you roll a dice it falls on a certain number because I picked it up and threw it a certain way it started off on certain other numbers. The surface for action of the table and the bounds all factored in and made it land a certain way up. Even smaller causes create effects, such as smiling at someone you can change their day and how they feel. Resulting in them taking a completely different set of actions circumstances and events attract due to our beliefs and the vibration we are holding.
It is all manner of the facts in our reality we can have a better control over our reality by proceeding ourselves as a closer rather than being at the mercy of a fact. This illuminates bad luck and a sense of futility that what we're doing will have no affect. Master how to play the game of life instead of being played and moved about by other wheels and environment so we may not be at the mercy of those with stronger wheels in positions of power, normally swept along by circumstances. We can put up boundaries stop things if necessary or take action because we initiate a fact also becoming aware of the principle of cause-and-effect.
We can decide not to be affected by others moods unfair opinions and actions. Limiting beliefs time and stress pressures and we understand that there are causes for how we feel. Gender is an everything in all planes of existence we're not just talking about sex here and when I speak about the masculine I'm talking about masculine energies in about the feminine, I'm talking about feminine energies masculine and feminine energies catalyze each other. This energetic existence generates and regenerate not only in reproduction but the energies are required in the creation of movement actions and vibrations of everything we see, touch, smell and hear.
This principle is coming together when every biological male has feminine elements and every biological female as masculine elements. Each element to varying degrees on the level of mind can apply vastly. Masculine elements can represent reason, logic, analytical thought drive, power and will. Feminine can represent creativity, intuition, imagination, feeling, emotion, empathy and nurturing. The logical left brain is characterized by masculine energies and intuitive creative right brain the feminine which rely on each to varying degrees. Imagine a person male or female who is highly logical and analytical
In a work environment masculine energy's would provide the drive and we'll to work but the feminine energies create the output and nurture its growth with feeling principles applies here to as a masculine and feminine or each pole of the same gender. We can become aware of where we may lie on the spectrum and choose to balance between or towards one depending on what feels right to us and makes us happy. Recognizing these energies in other people and seeing their own personal balance helps us to understand that an architect for example is a good balance of the masculine and feminine in work. This is because they need creativity to create designs and emotions to make them beautiful and inspiring yet an analytical and logical mind is necessary to plan and structure the designs and do the math socially. One might seem rather cold is relying on logic with little emotion but this is not required to become a great mathematician. No two beings are the same but we can become aware of the principle of gender enhancing our perception of ourselves and reality, reading better social and organizational systems with both the masculine and feminine touch, intertwined energy now knowing that humans have both of them.?