Universal healing process works well
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
The definition of energy healing expands the more you learn and the higher levels won’t make a lot of sense in the beginning. But in the early sense of understanding, energy healers are sensitive to subtle quantum vibrations and more able to redirect these energy waves towards specific actions. The actions can effect in different ways, the energy is basically love, it ain’t much more complicated at this level, this love is directed into organs or the psychology in order to re organise the incoherence in place, either physically or energetically. Some people use other tools to effect coherence of vibration, eg crystals. Some don’t need them, most eventually don’t need them.
The goal with all energy healing modalities is to break up/release blocked energy and restore the body to energetic balance in order to promote the body’s innate ability to be self-healing. With hands-on energy healing (Reiki -Traditional Usui method is the one I’m trained and experienced in), the practitioner literally channels or becomes a conduit for universal life force energy - that which is all around us at all times - and, through laying hands on the client, transfers that energy.
There are a large variety of energy transfer modalities. The premise is that the energy flows throughout the client’s physical, emotional and energetic bodies……breaks up/releases blockages…..and moves that blocked energy out of the body - generally through the bottoms of the feet. In addition, in the way I was taught, we also smooth and unblock the auric field separately as well. When you’re talking about energy stimulation modalities such as acupuncture, acupressure, meridian tapping, etc., you are interacting with energy meridians throughout the body (think of millions of tiny rivers of energy or electricity). Again, the goal is to restore balanced flow of energy so that all blockages have been broken open. This, again, creates a balanced flow of energy which facilitates the body’s ability to heal on its own.
The term ‘energy healing’ was first practiced in the 1980s in order to explain a form of complementary and alternative medicine. It is also known as energy educe, mind-body medicine, vibrational medicine and subtle energy healing. There is no such scientific evidence that proves the effectiveness of energy healing, however some research has shown that it may reduce pain, anxiety, stress, improves quality of life and health function. Today many are practicing energetic healing courses online as undoubtedly this is one of the most rewarding career options. In energetic healing, the healing energies from the head (brain) should actually initiate the healing (that would be effective), but there are many mis-interpretations what energetic healing really is.
This is my preferred healing mantra. Every time I use it, it dissolves my anger, frustration, hate, sadness, and all these other negative energies. And as I keep on repeating “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you†toward myself as well as toward others, everything comes back in alignment, in harmony, in peace, love, and serenity. Try it for yourself until you get this same kind of results! It’s a stunning mantra that works every time! It is called as Ho'ponopono and is supposed to be very effective indeed in energy healing system.
What does all this come back to? Everything is made up of energy, and we are constantly sharing that energy with other people, objects, and environments. Read Einstein. He knew this. This basic principle allows you to look past basic laws and see things quite differently. Do healing properties of objects and people provide positive effects? Absolutely. More for some, less for others. If you decide up front that this can’t work, your energy/intention can certainly block the effects, and you’ll get what you desire. Keep an open mind. Life is too short to limit yourself. Cheers!