UNIVERSAL FREE CREMATIONS | 5. Importance of Tulsi / Why people Revere Tulsi?
Two years ago, I went to Mumbai to attend a marriage. I was well taken care of by the marriage hosts who arranged my stay at the Taj Bandstand. Taj Bandstand is an iconic hotel of the Taj group. Though I do not know why it is called as Bandstand…but who cares? I stayed there for two days. On one side, you see Shahrukh Khan Ji’s residence from the hotel and on the other you see Salman Khan Ji’s flat. Sandwiched between is the hotel. I hope the reader now understands the importance of the Taj bandstand.
As I entered in the hotel, a beautiful girl offered the traditional Indian Aarthi, applied vermilion i.e., Kumkum on my forehead and garlanded. Since I was being garlanded by a beautiful lady, I loved it and the same garland later shocked me. The garland in my neck was made of Tulsi / holy basil (Ocimum Sanctum) sticks. Hindus consider wearing Tulsi either as a garland or as necklace is pious. They did not know, unfortunately, the information given in Chapter 9 shlok 8 of the Garuda Maha Puran:
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Meaning – he, who, wearing a garland of Tulsi sticks dies becomes sin-free (paap rahit). So much so, even the God of Death - Lord Yama is not fit to see that person.
I looked at the garland. I looked at the girl. Again, I looked at the garland wiping perspiration, removed it hastily. It is good that the Lord Yama is not fit to see me, if I were to wear Tulsi garland…but I don’t want to die right now!
Now let us consider the Shlok 6:
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The importance of Tulsi in Garuda Maha Puran is stated here. Where Tulsi is present, that place will be free of any fear. That place is free of all desires and if a person were to die in that place - king Karna (Pandavas, Mahabharat) after donating everything he has, the heaven which he could not attain - will be attained by the person who dies in that place where Tulsi is present.
Before we go to the next, let us understand the purpose for which the Tulsi is kept in every Hindu home. Every Hindu lady’s first morning action is to worship Tulsi. She applies vermilion, turmeric to the Tulsi leaves. She lights Agarbatti – incense sticks with a 3-time circumambulation. She recites the holy scriptures. The person worshipping Tulsi may only be knowing that this as a sacred duty…may not be knowing what she is saving herself from the sins. Ensuring a place in heaven. Undeniable fact is that Tulsi has many medicinal qualities but that is not the issue… it has religious sanctity.
Now consider Shlok 7:
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In whosoever’s house Tulsi is present, that house has the presence of all holy pilgrimage’s centres and towards that house no Yama Dudh (death messenger) is qualified even to look. If this is the case that the lady morning worshipper is worshipping Tulsi as she is afraid of death. She doesn’t want the Yama Dudh to look at her house.
However, I may be permitted to go to the next Shlok - number 9:
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That person who dies with the sticks of Tulsi under his bed, that man even if he is son less will attain vaikunta prapthi i.e., heavenly abode. A son, according to Hindu beliefs, alone can save parents from hell ‘Punnam Narak’.
Further, Shri Garuda Maha Puran asserts (in Sanskrit) this particular word – ‘pya samshaya’. Let me make it very clear – it means ‘there absolutely is no doubt’ in what you read above about the importance of Tulasi.
The mere presence of Tulsi - either under mattress or as a necklace on neck or its presence in house or even a barren lady or a man - it can absolve from every sin committed in life and assures of heaven. If this is the effect of the presence of Tulsi, imagine a dead body being cremated in Tulsi sticks. In my earlier article on cremation wood, Tulsi was given paramount importance. ?I guess it is probably because of 2 reasons.
a)?????There cannot be any dearth of Tulsi. It is easy to grow - within a month, it grows to a size of 3 to 4 feet. The sticks are easily combustible. Therefore, there cannot be any loss of greenery.
b)????By combusting Tulsi sticks, the CO2 released, due of its inherent medicinal nature, can have only positive effect on the environment. ?
c)?????It is a belief of Hinds that Ganagajal laced with Tulsi leaves to be given to that person who is about to depart the world to make that person attain moksha, nirvana, sadgati.
This is the importance of Tulsi according to Garuda Maha Puran.
Chartered Insurer, Head of Department & Vice President - Marine & Aviation Insurance at Orient Takaful PJSC (Al-Futtaim Group)
3 年Excellent Sir Ji ????