EA vision and reality
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Repeatability is a mark of science. Different cosmologists will produce similar definitions of the solar system Different software engineers will produce similar architectural descriptions of a given software system.
A vision of "enterprise architecture" is that different architects will produce similar architectural descriptions of a working enterprise. The reality is that moving the discipline from art to science is a challenge. Where to look for help?
TOGAF says: "The TOGAF Standard considers the enterprise as a system" and an architecture expresses "the fundamental concepts or properties of a system.” The implication is that enterprise architects should employ a systems thinking approach to describing the operations of an enterprise in terms of how:
This article elaborates on the vision that an enterprise can be seen as one system. It builds ontological concept graphs for EA and BA. It is compatible with newest versions of TOGAF and ArchiMate.
The ontological concept graphs have improved the consistency and coherence of my EA and BA classes. I hope you find them helpful, not too abstract, and not too detailed.
Having said that, the reality of what architects can document and maintain in an EA repository falls well short of the vision. This article steps back to consider what might be a minimum viable EA.
Contents: The EA vision.. A business architecture ontology. A business-oriented EA ontology. EA layers, levels, and domains. Service orientation in EA and BA.. A minimal viable EA. Remarks. Related articles.
Foundational principles
First, let me point to some foundational principles. You may not fully appreciate them now, but later, they will help you to resolve the terminology torture in enterrprise architecture
Both ArchiMate and TOGAF inherit the principles of structured business analysis, which features two views of the same atomic business activities.
Both ArchiMate and TOGAF inherit the core principles of the service-oriented architecture movement. Not only do they distinguish structures (things that persist), from behaviors (things that happen over time), but they also separate the external and internal views of structures and behaviors
The EA vision
The enterprise as a system
TOGAF says
The implication is that EA employs a systems thinking approach to describe how
The different schools of systems thinking use different terms for the same concept, and one term for different concepts. TOGAF and BIZBOK, by collating contributions from multiple authors and sources, are inconsistent in their use of terms like "process", "service", "function", "capability” and “interface”
The enterprise systems of interest here are event-driven activity systems that are:
Such a system may be defined internally, by how elements interact to produce the effects of interest, and externally, by an interface that defines inputs and outputs of interest.
Inside such a system, actors interact in regular activities, using resources, to meet aims, by advancing the state of the system and transforming inputs into required outputs.
EA as a product of the information age
A brief history of civilization
Some architects focus on material structures and processes (buildings, bridges, motor cycles production lines, and shelving systems). Enterprise architects focus on information processing, on the behavior of actors in activity systems that create and use information.
A business architecture ontology
Discussions of enterprise architecture (EA) and business architecture (BA) are terminology torture. Different schools use different terms for the same concept (synonyms), and one term for different concepts (homonyms).
When editors of EA/BA frameworks such as TOGAF and BIZBOK collate contributions from multiple authors and sources, they introduce inconsistencies both within and between frameworks. For example, they use terms "process", "service", "function" and "capability" with various meanings. Can we do better? Yes.
Business activity system elements
Business archiecture is centered on modelling business activity systems. The SFIA standard says the role involves
The business activity system elements include:
These business system elements may be related in a concept graph - and onotology - of this kind. Note that organizations and people can include ones in the external environment.
EA documentation records entities of the types in the ontology above; it relates them in the ways shown, and other ways to be discussed.
The ontology is primarily to help architects understand the concepts, and to create coherent, consistent documentation, which is understandable by somebody else. In the absence of other evidence, you should assume that in a relationship is:
Also, a concept can relate to itself in a recursive relationship. In the graph above, the looped arrow may represent a hierarchy of organization units, and/or a network of related organizations. In practice, almost every element might be related to others of the same kind - in a hierarchical or network structure - but I wanted to keep this ontology simple.
Is this concept graph a schema for an EA repository? Possibly. But I doubt any enterprise can document more than a fraction of what could conceivably be documented using an ontology of this kind. I'll return to that point at the end.
Drawing longer, direct, relationships
The central and basic element of an activity system is the atomic activity (aka "action" in UML.), which is presumed to be self-evident, meaning it can be performed without further elaboration or explanation.
Process flows, capability hierarchies and role definitions can all be seen as higher level structures that group atomic activities in some way. So, in a complete business architecture model, you would expect an atomic activity to:
However, very few attempt to complete a comprehensive model of all the system elements in an enterprise. People document what they need to understand and explain things, especially things relevant to some proposed change. E.g., you might draw a direct relationship between Processes and the Technologies they use - skipping over and not documenting the central Activity element.
To draw every possible relationship between elements makes an ontology difficult to read, not to mention impossible to populate and maintain in an EA repository. The convention is to show the essential “short” relationships, and omit longer ones derivable by following short ones.
Documenting views of an enterprise architecture
For analysis or design purposes, and discussion with stakeholders, architects construct partial views or models of the EA, often called artefacts.
An artefact is a model or view that relates entities (of the same or different types) to each other in hierarchy, matrix or network structure - in a.
A business-oriented EA ontology
Again, in defining business activity systems, terms are used with different meanings in different BA schools. Below is a consistent and coherent vocabulary, as compatible with TOGAF (version 10) and ArchiMate as I can make it.
Behavioral system elements
Structural system elements
Whether you build a hierarchy of functions, or capabilities, or combine them in one hierarchy, depends on which school of EA or BA you were schooled in.
Functional decomposition diagrams and capability maps are logical, hierarchical, organization structures. They look the same. They have the same possible uses. Many have declared a way to differentiate one from the other. But although abilities and activities are different concepts, to perform an activity, you need the corresponding ability. So, function and capability hierarchies can always be brought into correspondence.
Some call higher, coarse-grained, nodes "capabilities", and call lower, fine-grained nodes "functions". You can do that if you want, but it doesn't make sense in the context of a wider BA ontology.
The ontological network below includes more Business Architecture concepts. Some might be recorded in an identity management system. Notice that People (in the first graph) has been generalised to Actors, to allow that a machine or AI agent can play a Role.
Can we relate Goals to Organization units? Yes. However, a decades-old tradition in EA is to leave the organization's management structure to managers, and relate Goals to more stable, logical, Function or Capabilitues
Should we relate Goals and Services to Processes or Functions? Either or both.
Why do Function and Capability occupy the same place? Because they have the same relationships to other concepts. A function or capability hierarchy is a logical organization structure that clusters activities, or abilities to perform them, but does not sequence them.
How is Capability defined? You can define the concept however you choose. For consistency ask: Does every stage in a Value Stream, and every Activity in a Process flow, need at least one Capability? If not, you might want to extend the Capability hierarchy.
Should we distinguish Business objects from Data objects"? ArchiMate does that. You can do it. However, duplicating definitions (say, for Customer, Product, Asset, or Employee objects) is a hostage to fortune, and implies the need to maintain a relationship between them. So, I don't want to imply you must document data entities twice,.
Why no "Locations"? Since everything in the ontologu exists or happens somewhere, drawing relationships to a Location concept makes a mess of the concept graph. (By the way, Location is less significant than it used to be, thanks to the growth of mobile computing for end users and cloud computing for servers.)
What about "Resources"? The term is a vague generalisation. It might include Actors, Data stores, Applications, and Technologies. But EA teams are rarely concerned with more concrete resources such as buildings, vehicles, machines, except where they are recorded as Data Entities.
What is the vocabulary behind the concepts in the concept graph? Our certification courses include a vocabulary, not far removed from the ones in TOGAF and ArchiMate.
EA layers, levels, and domains
How to position digital information systems in a picture of an enterprise as a system?
Architecture layers
Both TOGAF and ArchiMate see the enterprise as a layered system architecture in which components (some call "building blocks") provide and require services.
In each layer, the services have non-functional qualities such as duration, throughput, availability, and security.
Architecture levels
Again, although EA regards the enterprise as one coherent system, in reality, an enterprise is an infinitely rich and complex social entity, in which a mess of business systems may be observed. In a large enteprise there may be:
An enterprise architect takes a cross-organizational or portfolio level view of business functions, processes, applications, data or technology resources. (In a large organization, segment architects do this for a division of the enterprise). Enterprise architects produce road maps for changes at a strategic level, with a view to standardization and integration of systems.
A segment architect does the same for a division or domain of an enterprise.
A solution architect shapes and steers the high level design of a particular system in response to particular problems or needs. With or without governance by enterprise architects, they elaborate a subset of the enterprise architecture. They engage with and coordinate software and other technical architects.
Often, a solution is a centred on an application to bought, hired or built. A solution architect is concerned with the external view of the application (use cases, UIs, APIs, integration with other applications), data maintained, design patterns for integration and deployment, and with the meeting of non-functional requirements. Where a solution requires software development, the solution architect may shape that, or delegate detailed design to a software architect
A software architect details the internal structure and behavior of an application, and its deployment to platform technologies. Other kinds of technical architect strive to ensure information technologies work effectively and efficiently, are deployed and available to users across a secure network.
Architecture domains (perspectives or views)
The PRISM report of 1986 presented Business, Data, Applications and Technology (or Infrastructure) as the four primary views or perspectives of a distributed system's architecture. They are commonly referred to as the BDAT domains. They are found in each level of architecture.
Architects look at all levels of architecture from all views or perspectives. The grid below shows how enterprise architecture spans business, IS and IT architecture, and positions common artefacts in the cells of a level/domain matrix. Note that one architecture term may span two domains. And business architecture may include or exclude data.
Note that security is a "cross-cutting concern". Security architects address what is needed in each layer and domain to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity (CIA) of the data produced and consumed and produced during the operations of the enterprise as a system.
Service orientation in EA and BA
Both ArchiMate and TOGAF inherit the core principles of the service-oriented architecture movement. Not only do they distinguish structures (things that persist), from behaviors (things that happen over time), but they also separate the external and internal views of structures and behaviors
The terms service and interface are used ambiguously in EA and BA (and in the IT industry). In this article, the terms are defined thus
Today, IAF, TOGAF and ArchiMate encourage architects to envision the enterprise as a network of components or building blocks that are a) defined externally by the services they provide and require, and b) arranged in layers that are also defined by the services they provide and require.
The practice, an ontology of the kind above cannot show every posssible relationship between concepts.
Why no "Data services"? Data entities and stores are "passive structures". Data is created and used by application services (aka use cases).
Where are I/O data flows? You can document input and output messages in services contracts.
Where are TOGAF's logical components? Logical components are technology-independent requirement specifications for physical components. You might expressing them in the form interface definitions associated with components.
EA reality
The enterprise as a mess of systems
EA is about design, planning and managing changes to systems of the kind above.
A business evolves - both informally in an adhoc way and through designed and planned changes. EA and BA are about the latter, about changing business activity systems under change control, sometimes in strategic or transformational way.
The big idea, that EA envisages an enterprise as one holistic (joined up) activity system is easy to say, rarely well explained, and difficult to realise, because in reality, the enterprise is a mess of more or less related activity systems.
A minimal viable EA?
The article above finishes with a service-oriented EA ontology, shows how EA and BA concepts are related in general. It helps architects to document systems of interest. Architects present views (in diagrams and matrices) that typically relate instances of one, two or three of the concepts. The onotological concept graph helps them understand the concepts, and create coherent, consistent documentation, which is understandable by others.
However, I don't think there is a universal or right EA ontology. You might turn any ontology into a repository schema. If you define the entity types in this graph as tables, along with tables that link them, then populate those tables with data, you can generate reports showing views of the EA.
That doesn't mean you must do it, or populate it completely and "in excruciating detail", as Zachman used to propose. I doubt any enterprise can document more than a fraction of what could conceivably be documented using an ontology of this kind.
Many enterprises find it challenging to populate and maintain an EA repository. In practice, why do architects fall short of documenting all the concepts and relationships in shown in the ontological concept graphs above?
So, if you are starting out to build an EA repository, what can you reasonably aim to document? This simple EA concept graph spans and relates the four primary architecture domains of Business, Data, Applications and Technology (BDAT).
In building your own EA repository, best start with some idea of what you want know, such as: Q) Which Applications access the Data Stores that contain the Customer Data Entity?
Why is "Data entity" in the business layer? Because business operations create and use data regardless of IT.
The size or granularity of a "data entity" and the completeness of a data entity catalogue is up to you. In practice, enterprise data architects may focus on "kernel entities", especially those that appear in more than one data store, such as Customer, Product Type, Employee and Asset. ArchiMate users might call them "business objects".
Other difficulties include multiple ways to model the same concept, and trade offs between aims.
Multiple ways to model communications
We have at least three ways of recording a relationship between two communicating components. We can record
While this gives architects the freedom to record interactions between components as best fits the situation, it does lead to some inconsistency of approach and vocabulary.
Trade offs between aims
"The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order." Alfred North Whitehead
It is often said that EA aims to
However, there is always a tension between the pressures on a busness to centralize and to decentralize its operations, and all is trade offs, since
The challenge is to find the optimal balance.
The enterprise as complex social entity
There is a limit to how far an enterprise can be described as one system, or even a collection of systems. Human actors often act outside their roles in any describable system. A human organization, like any other social entity, is more than any system we can model it as instantiating or realizing.
The actors in a human organization perform some regular activities. They also act in ad hoc ways, in creative or innovative ways. And they sometimes break the rules of a given system to meet some aim, be it personal, or an agreed goal of the enterprise.
Since an enterprise is more than any system, or set of systems we can abstract from it, business managers must attend also to other things, including the procurement and maintenance of physical resources, and the motivation and management of human resources.
Related articles
This article is included with 12 others in “A Systems Thinker’s View of Enterprise Architecture”, a book made available to community-tier members of Cyb3rSyn Labs.? You can subscribe here: www.cyb3rsyn.com.
This is excellent analysis and pragmatic proposal to handle EA within big organizations
Advisor to organizations who want to build effective, value-driven security programs that are integrated with business delivery | Speaker | Founder | Innovator | Thought Leader
6 个月These are useful. Very similar to what I ended up building over the years and finally codifying in the Baseline Perspectives? of The Agile Security System?. What most people don't realize is that once you have the organization expressed as a system of essential parts with well-defined relationships, you finally have a basis for effective risk management and security. In fact, it's really the only way you can do it. From reading some of your other articles, it's clear you get systems, and our understanding and use of them is more similar than different. Hopefully, with enough of us out there in the architecture space talking about the organization this way, some of it might actually sink in! ?? Regarding your end remarks, in practice, I've found a lot of leverage in many different contexts from a few core "boxes and lines" that have been well defined. Take those and some formalized rules for applying both analysis and synthesis, and I've not tripped over the details of recording relationships. In the end, they're pairs of one-way customer-supplier relationships distributing some abstract or concrete good or service that is of interest and value to the customer. In my work, I've found that theory takes you pretty far.
Holistic Management Analysis and Knowledge Representation (Ontology, Taxonomy, Knowledge Graph, Thesaurus/Translator) for Enterprise Architecture, Business Architecture, Zero Trust, Supply Chain, and ML/AI foundation.
6 个月Thanks for your article. It elaborates on what I have posted here on LinkedIn, Slideshare.net, and Medium.com for over a decade about my General Endeavor Management (#GEM) knowledge representation (#KR) method, US Patent Pending, 2016. Note that my 1981-1985 Master's in Systems Management treatise was on "The Organization As A System".
Solution Architect, Solve business problems with technology and digitally enabled process
8 个月Last box, should it be Technical Architect instead of Software Architect ? which cover broad range of Architects.
Director and Principal Tutor, Avancier Limited
8 个月Hermanus van Krieken (ing, MIITP, CPIM), 21/07/2024 Following your comment, I have now radically improved the short section called "Service-orientation in business architecture" in the Preface at the start of the article. Jan van Bon I am sorry if this is not compatible with USM, but for consistency with IAF, TOGAF, ArchiMate, and other sources, I must go with the more conventional view of "service-orientation".