Paul Umane
Founder/President and Coordinator-General at Cross of Calvary Foundation - CCFN Inc
Highly Esteemed Political, Royal, Spiritual and Temporal World Leaderships, as you will shortly observe and on the basis of the interaction with His Holiness Pope Francis, the Founder, President/Coordinator-General, Paul Omo Umane and members of the Board of Trustees of Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc have appealed to the Spiritual Head of Church of God Mission Int’l Inc., so also the Non-Profit Foundation is herein making a very PASSIONATE appeal for you. She graciously makes the appeal for support and or PARTNER with her so that together we can ENTHRONE the undiluted tenets of the New Covenant of Grace that the Messiah, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ enunciates in the Christendom, which had hitherto be beclouded in “The Awful Horror,” the Christ posits the prophet Daniel speaks (Matthew 24: 15 – 28) with a view to rescuing our Fellow-Humanity from the precipice of Disaster (Rev. 20: 11 -15).
Recently, two great men: Ron Leming the Great and Paul Gehrke the Great, respectively and succinctly places the issue in its true perspective when they write as follow: i) “Christians, Muslims and Jews are all worshiping the same doggone God and the difference is that the Jews don't accept Jesus, which really pisses off most Christians, the Muslims tell the life story of Jesus in the Qu-Ran, but they say there was a prophet after Jesus, which again, really pisses of Christians that invariably until recently makes the Christians to go to war trying to force their beliefs on others, which you think, taught Muslims quite well to go to battle for their own faith! Unfortunately, the terrorists have no understanding of their own holy book. They twist and turn it and violate every tenet of the religion. Not the first time that's happened in religions, and continues to happen. Christians, who so strongly believe in the Bible, have no understanding of the fact that the Bible they put so much stock in, barely resembles the Bible as originally written. It's been censored, had many books thrown out, has had many editorial changes and been rewritten multiple times. All those changes in the Bible were taken by men with agendas. Who was it, Alexander, who declared that Christianity was the o...” I don't believe the West can eliminate the very real threat of Islamic Extremism militarily. Just as all of the military might the U.S. threw at the Communists of North Vietnam, and still lost. Also, much like the 'Great Arms Race' between Russia and the U.S., where a quasi victory was waged for several decades, and only realized some measure of victory, by bankrupting the Soviet Union, forcing it to downsize, but, not really transforming their ideology and thinking of aggression (which is more evident today, once again, as they try and manipulate the sovereignty of neighboring countries, and their military buildup once again, of course on a smaller scale, but, just as dangerous;” and ii) When will the Human Race realize: "That all the present day, trillions of dollars spent on 'Military Wish Lists', if only a much larger percentage went to Medical Research; Protecting the Environment; Education; Space Programs; Ensuring Justice and Equality; and lastly on Population Control, the Future would not be as bleak. Any Religion that wouldn't get on board with this path of Thinking and Commitment, would certainly be exposed for what it is, said better: 'What it should be, if it was the Word Of The ALMIGHTY GOD And CREATOR Of The UNIVERSE!"
A. PS/
Dearly beloved Archbishop,
Via: The Resident Pastor Dickson Ogbahon
Calvary Greetings
As you and I know, the Word of God posits Paul sows; Apollo waters while Our Heavenly Father, the Almighty God gives the increase.
2. Cross of Calvary Foundation is highly elated to bring to the notice of Church of God Mission Int’l, Incorporated, Benin City, Nigeria that to God be the glory, she has successfully completes the first phase of carrying out her Divine Assignment on the planet earth, which is to rescue her Fellow-humanity from the precipice of disaster (Rev.20: 11 – 18). It is the assignment of sowing the UNDILUTED tenet of the New Covenant of Grace in the entire Christendom, for which Our Lord Jesus Christ, Messiah the Son of God manifests, lives, dies and was buried BUT resurrects and ascended into Heaven!
3. The main objective of this email, therefore, is to PASSIONATELY appeal to the entire members of the Church to help in watering the seed of Salvation that Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc has sown. The kind of assistance the Foundation needs is to graciously assist to give the widest publicity to her Findings and Recommendations to His Holiness, Pope Francis that presides over the Vatican City, which is as presently constituted, is the Seat of the Anti-Christ!
4. The Foundation has already forwarded the Executive Summary of the Findings and Recommendation in the Report to President Donald Trump the Great, titled, THE IMPERATIVES TO ADVERT IMMINENT DANGER, which can be accessed by simply clicking on this link: https://www.facebook.com/paulumanecommunity/posts/707649616062549
5 Kindly click this link to join me to appreciate the invaluable joint partnership services the Facebook Team is have with Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc: https://www.facebook.com/umane.paul.7/videos/776515779163120/
6. Greatly beloved, it will be an understatement to state the Foundation highly counts on the Archbishop and the entire members of the Church to be part of the Great Movement of watering this Great Seed of Salvation, not only for the dearly beloved Church but for the entire humanity.
Thanks and we sincerely wish Our Dearly beloved Archbishop and the entire members of the CGM Int’l, Incorporated God’s abundant blessings
Paul Omo Umane
B. PS/
His Holiness Pope Francis,
Via: Cardinal Francis Arinze
Calvary Greetings
Please refer to the article published by newyorker.com (newyorker.com) dated January 12, 2016, titled, WITH HIS NEW BOOK, POPE FRANCIS UNLOCKS THE DOOR by James Carroll and a rejoinder post by Paul Omo Umane with the title, WHO IS HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS?, which can be accessed here: With His New Book, Pope Francis Unlocks the Door - The New Yorker
2. Similarly, the kind attention of His Holiness is equally drawn to another article dated February 1, 2017, which was published by the same James Carroll in the NEWS DESK with the title, POPE FRANCIS IS THE ANTI-TRUMP?
3 Arising from the foregoing, Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc sent a second post following the congratulatory message the Foundation emailed him and the great peoples of the Great America Nation on the successful conclusion of the inaugural ceremony of him being sworn-in as the 45th President of the United State of America.
4. In the second post, the Foundation craves the indulgence of the President to refer him to our previous articles with the titles, #HUMANITYAND THE MORAL LAWS; #The President Donald Trump and the Humanity and #The President Donald Trump and the Humanity Part 11. Thereafter, we followed up the reasoning by an assumption that the President may have read the aforementioned post in item 2 above in the same magazine.
5. Soliloquizing, the Foundation asked, “Indeed, could Pope Francis be the Anti-Trump? Well, a very simple mathematical equation will solve the riddle. In John Chapter 14, the Good News Bible records what it christens, The Promise of the Holy Spirit. In verses 18 – 20 in particular, which quotes the Lord Jesus Christ thus, “When I go you will not be left all alone; I will come back to you. In a little while the world will see me no more but you will me; and because I live, you also will live. When that day comes (which came on the Day of Pentecost), you will know that I am in my Father and that you are in me, just as I am in you.” (Emphasis mine)
6. If the utterances of the Great President are anything to go by, the Foundation knows that President Donald Trump is a born-again child of God and to that extent, a Joint-Heir with the Christ and a temple of the Living God.
7. Conversely, in items 4 & 5 of our recommendation to His Holiness, Pope Francis, the Foundation writes and I quote, (4) “The Foundation is not and we repeat, not merely recommending a revival or transformation in the scheme of things in the Vatican City but a revolution that will revolutionize “The Awful Horror” recorded in Matthew 24: 15 – 28, which the Lord Jesus Christ avows the prophet Daniel speaks that is presently in vogue. The Foundation is unable to recommend revival or transformation because, when one does that the end results is that one revives evil or a well re-engineered and transformed evil that will further lead the Christendom to the precipice of disaster in the Lake of fire; and 8. Therefore, either like the Highly Esteemed late Pope John Paul 1 intended to do before his untimely death, if His Holiness the Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals are not ready to enthrone the undiluted tenets of the New Covenant of Grace the Lord Jesus Christ was born, lives and dies, resurrects and ascends into Heaven, then, they should be ready to PRESIDE over the DESOLATION of the entire Vatican city.
9. Accordingly, if the President Donald Trump is in Christ Jesus and verse versa and His Holiness, Pope Francis takes orders and instruction from Catholicism and or Dogma that is Anti-Christ, it follows therefore that the Pope will not only be an Anti-Trump but an Anti-Christ – QED.
10. In conclusion, the two concluding part of our Report with the titles, The President Donald Trump and the Humanity Part 111 & The President Donald Trump and the Humanity Part 1V, were forewarned, which can be accessed in this link: https://www.facebook.com/paulumanecommunity/
Long Live His Holiness, Pope France of the Vatican City
Long Live the President and Good Peoples of the United States of America
Long Live the President and Good Peoples of Nigeria; and
Long Live Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc
Paul Omo Umane
Founder/President and Coordinator-General
Email: [email protected] Or [email protected]
Cross of Calvary Foundation - Ccfn Inc.February 13 at 7:16am ·
Highly Esteemed Political, Royal, Spiritual and Temporal World Leaderships, Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc graciously crave your indulgence to draw your kind attention to the congratulatory message she emailed the President Donald Trump the Great and the good peoples of the Great America Nation on the successful conclusion of the inaugural ceremony of his being sworn-in as the 45th President of the United State of America. In her own wisdom and estimation, the Foundation draws his attention to the divine way forward for the President to graciously obtain the SOLID backing of Our Heavenly Father, the Almighty God, for him to be able to execute the policies of the new Administration. The documents the Foundation passionately draw his attention are:
1. The President Donald Trump and the Humanity
2. The President Donald Trump and the Humanity Part 11
3. The President Donald Trump and the Humanity Part 111; and
4. The President Donald Trump and the Humanity Part 1V
In particular the Foundation writes,
The President Donald Trump the Great,
Calvary Greetings
Our previous articles with the titles, HUMANITY AND THE MORAL LAWS; The President Donald Trump and the Humanity & the President Donald Trump and the Humanity Part 11, refers.
2. Now, Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc presumes the President may have been aware of the above quotation, which is the headline of an article dated February 1, 2017, written by James Carroll, which was published by The New Yorker.
3. Indeed, could Pope Francis be the Anti-Trump? Well, a very simple mathematical equation will solve the riddle. In John Chapter 14, the Good News Bible records what it christens, The Promise of the Holy Spirit. In verses 18 – 20 in particular, the Lord Jesus Christ posits,
“When I go you will not be left all alone; I will come back to you. In a little while the world will see me no more but you will me; and because I live, you also will live. When that day comes (which came on the Day of Pentecost), you will know that I am in my Father and that you are in me, just as I am in you.” (Emphasis mine)
4. If the utterances of the Great President are anything to go by, the Foundation knows that you are a born-again child of God and to that extent, a Joint-Heir with the Christ and a temple of the Living God. Conversely, in items 4 & 5 of our recommendation to His Holiness, Pope Francis, the Foundation writes and I quote, (4) “The Foundation is not and we repeat, not merely recommending a revival or transformation in the scheme of things in the Vatican City but a revolution that will revolutionize “The Awful Horror” recorded in Matthew 24: 15 - 28 the Lord Jesus Christ avows the prophet Daniel speaks that is presently in vogue. The Foundation is unable to recommend revival or transformation because, when one does that the end results is that one revives evil or a well re-engineered and transformed evil that will further lead the Christendom to the precipice of disaster in the Lake of fire; and (5) Finally, either like the Highly Esteemed late Pope John Paul 1, His Holiness the Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals are ready to enthrone the undiluted tenets of the New Covenant of Grace the Lord Jesus Christ was born, lives and dies, resurrected and ascended into Heaven, then, they should be ready to PRESIDE over the DESOLATION of the entire Vatican city.
5. Therefore, if the President Donald Trump is in Christ Jesus and verse versa and His Holiness, Pope Francis take orders and instruction from Catholicism and or Dogma that is Anti-Christ, it therefore follows that the Pope will not only be an Anti-Trump but an Anti-Christ – QED.
6. The concluding two Reports are herein forwarded as: The President Donald Trump and the Humanity Part 111 & the President Donald Trump and the Humanity Part 1V, which can be accessed in this link: https://www.facebook.com/paulumanecommunity/
The Executive Findings on the Vatican and Catholicism
Again in the Executive Findings on the Vatican and Catholicism segment, the Foundation posits, Highly Esteemed Political, Royal, Spiritual and Temporal World Leaderships, Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc has graciously come to the Executive Summary in carrying-out her divine assignment to RESUE her Fellow-humanity from the Precipice of Disaster. It is the Precipice of Disaster enshrined in the Book of Revelation Chapters 20: 11-15; 21: 1-27. Having so stated, please recall that the Foundation earlier quotes TIM STANLEY who had hoped he was writing on the subject matter of Catholicism only for the last time because the past few days offered a classic example of folks getting Francis wrong in an article, Pope Francis is a social conservative wherein he writes his fingers are tired of typing on the issue of Catholicism or Dogma because a) Pope Francis is a Catholic, b) he doesn’t have the power to change Catholic dogma and there’s scantly any evidence to believe that he wishes to change it; and c) liberals and traditionalists need to calm down about Pope Francis’ papacy.
Secondly, Joshua J. McElwee that writes under the caption, Francis meets Society of St. Pius X leader, who seeks 'full communion' definition, posits thus, “And from this perspective,” says Fellay, “[the Pope] sees in the Society a community that is very active—especially when compared to the situation in the establishment—very active. In other words it seeks and goes out seeking souls, it has this concern about the spiritual welfare of souls, and is ready to roll up its sleeves and work for it.” As to the future of the Society’s reconciliation with Rome, Bishop Fellay remains cautiously optimistic but uncertain. He attributes ultimately to Divine Providence the paradox of the current situation, which has the Society closer to being recognized than ever before. He wonders however if the Pope will have the final say on the matter. In 2012, when Pope Benedict had forged an agreement with the Society, the agreement was altered at the last minute by a higher authority, but not the Pope. Which led Bishop Fellay to wonder: “Who is governing the Church? I would say that it is a very interesting question that remains unanswered. There are undefined forces….” Arising from the foregoing, the Foundation gladly declares that the permission hitherto granted by the Almighty God for all the peoples living on the planet earth to worship the beast, except those whose names were written in the book of the living, which belongs to the Lamb (Jesus Christ) that was killed has finally come to an end and it is not subject to renewal due to the following reasons:
1. You will recall earlier on in the subtitle, The Christianity and Catholicism, the Foundation reveals that the dragon the Almighty God had allowed the peoples on the planet earth to worship is Lucifer, the Devil.
2. The beast with the Ten Horns and or crowns or dynasties that has seven heads that comes out of the sea, which has on each of its horns a crown, and on each of its heads a name that was insulting to the Almighty God is the then Roman Emperor Nero CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS that reined between October 13, 54 AD – June 9, 68 AD, the various ten dynasties and seven Ecumenical Councils. He is the officially recorded first Roman Emperor to persecute the Christians on behalf of the Roman Empire in AD 64, when as reported by the Roman historian Tacitus, he attempted to blame Christians for the Great Fire of Rome.
3. The Ten Dynasties the Foundation finds are as enumerated below:
i) Year of the Four Emperors and Flavian dynasty – (AD – 96)
ii) ii) Nerva – Antonine dynasty - (AD 96 – 192)
iii) iii) Year of the Five Emperors and Severan dynasty – (AD 193 -235)
iv) Crisis of the Third Century and Gordian dynasty – (AD 235 – 285)
v) Tetrarchy and Constantinian dynasty – (AD 284 -364)
vi) Valentinian dynasty – (AD 364 – 392)
vii) Theodosian dynasty – (AD 379 – 457)
viii) The last Emperors of the Western Empire – (AD455 – 476)
ix) Eastern Empire – Leonid dynasty – (AD 457 – 518); and
x) Justinian dynasty – (AD 518 – 602)
4. While the Seven Heads of the Beast the Foundation discovers are:
i) First Council of Nicaea convoked by Emperor Constantine – May 20 –June 19, 325 AD
ii) First Council of Constantine by Emperor Theodosius1 – May –July 381 AD
iii) Council of Ephesus by Emperor Theodosius11- June 22 – July 31 431 AD
iv) Council of Chalcedon by Emperor Marcian – October 8 – Nov. 1 451 AD
v) Second Council of Constantinople convoked by Emp. Justinian - May 5 – June 2, 553 AD
vi) Third Council of Constantinople by Constantine 1V – Nov. 7 – Sept. 16 680 – 681 AD
vii) Second Council of Nicaea by Emp. Constantine V1 – Sept. 24 – Oct. 23 767 AD
5. The enumerated Seven Councils are the set of doctrines that emanated from the series of Ecumenical Councils Meetings that formed the heads of the said beast which constitute the frame-works within which the successive Roman emperor/pope rules over the Catholics in particular and the entire Christendom in general that gives birth to the schism between the Western and Easter blocs on the planet earth.
6. From the successive emperors and popes, the Foundation discovers that Pope John Paul 1 attended all sessions of the Second Vatican Council (1962–65) while he was the Bishop of Vittorio Veneto; that in terms of religious freedom the Pope saw the council as a chance to break with tradition or continuity because he had hoped the council would highlight "Christian optimism" in terms of the Lord Jesus Christ's teachings on the tenets of the New Covenant of Grace that majorly enshrined in what is called the Beatitude and or Sermon on the Mount (Matthew Chapters 5;6 &7) against the culture of relativism introduced into it by the successive Roman Emperors-cum-Popes through the instrumentality of Catholicism and Ecumenical Council Meetings.
7. The Pope denounced a fundamental ignorance or lack of knowledge on the part of the majority of the Catholics in particular and the Christians in general worldwide on the basic elements of the tenets of the New Covenant of Grace, which he had intended to focus on as opposed to secularism throughout the world.
8. In terms of global interpretation of the council, the Pope writes: "The physiognomy and structure of the Catholic Church have been determined once and for all by the Lord and cannot be touched. If anything, superstructures can. Things that have not been determined by Christ, but were introduced by popes or councils or the faithful, can be changed, or eliminated today or tomorrow. Yesterday they might have introduced a certain number of dioceses, a certain way to lead missions, to educate priests; they might have chosen to follow certain cultural trends. Well, this can be changed and one can say "the Church that comes out of the Council is still the same as it was yesterday, but renewed". No one can ever say "We have a new Church, different from what it was".
9. With regards to Dignitatis humanae or religious freedom, we have, "In his writings, he said there is only one true religion that must be followed and no other. He said that those that are not satisfied with the Catholic faith are free to profess their own religion for various reasons. He continues to say that religious freedom must be freely exercised by the individual. "The choice of religious belief must be free. The freer and more earnest the choice, the more those that embrace the Faith will feel honored. These are rights, natural rights. Rights always come hand in hand with duties. The non Catholics have the right to profess their religion and I have the duty to respect their right as a private citizen, as a priest, as a bishop and as a State".
10. On the issue of Catholicism and Communism, Pope John Paul I reiterates the official views of the Church with regards to Marxism and Catholicism being incompatible and believed it is a "weapon to disobey" the Christian faith. As Patriarch of Venice, the Bishop turned Pope struggled at times with Marxist students who were demanding changes in Venetian policies and that he forbade those factions that were Marxist threatening the faith of the tenets of the New Covenant of Grace that the Messiah or Son of God, enunciates.
11. With regards to interfaith, Islam in particular, Pope John Paul I was a friend of the Muslim people and as Patriarch of Venice, he told the Catholics faithful that Muslims had the "right to build a mosque and to practice their faith in the archdiocese. Also, in November 1964, he explained in the declaration in ‘Dignitatis humanae” that there were 4,000 Muslims living in Rome and that they have the right to build a mosque. As a matter of finality, he avows there is nothing to add other than that the Papacy has to let the Muslims to build a mosque in Rome.
12. For the radicalism faith of Pope John Paul 1, his life was cut short by the forces of darkness.
13. In the successors[edit] available in the Museum of Luciani the late Pope, we found Cardinal Karol Wojtyla was elected as a successor to Pope John Paul I on Monday, 16 October 1978 and that the next day the Pope celebrated “Mass together with the College of Cardinals in the Sistine Chapel.” After the Mass, Pope John Paul 11 delivered his first “Urbi et Orbi (a traditional blessing) message” that is normally broadcast worldwide via radio wherein he pledged fidelity to the Second Vatican Council, which is a return to the status quo by abandoning the proposed reforms by his predecessor in office although he paid glowing tribute to him.
14. His Holiness, Pope Francis relies on Catholicism or Dogma, which is also known as Amoris Laetitia that is last revised about fifty years ago. In the previous post of the Foundation christened, POPE FRANCIS AND THE INFAMOUS FOOTNOTE 351, we recorded the Pope Francis thus, “In certain cases, this can include the help of the sacraments. Hence, ‘I want to remind priests that the confessional must not be a torture chamber, but rather an encounter with the Lord’s mercy’ (Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium [24 November 2013], 44: AAS 105 [2013], 1038). I would also point out that the Eucharist ‘is not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak’ (ibid. 47: 1039). … During the same in-flight interview, Pope Francis, in response to another journalist’s question about whether Amoris Laetitia had changed the Church’s approach to divorced and remarried Catholics and the sacraments, urged the reporters to read Cardinal Schonborn’s presentation at the Vatican. “There you will find the answer to your question,” he said. In such cases, the pope says, the Church can not merely state a rule as though it were “a stone to throw.” Rather, it must be a source of help for the couple to “grow in the life of grace.” … However, the media are not the only ones who have focused on the importance of footnote 351. In his presentation at the Vatican on the day of the release of the exhortation, Cardinal Christoph Schonborn himself called attention to the footnote. Speaking of the pope’s treatment of those in “irregular unions,” the cardinal had stated: “In the sense of this ‘via caritatis’ (AL 306), the Pope affirms, in a humble and simple manner, in a note (351) that the help of the sacraments may also be given ‘in certain cases’. But for this purpose he does not offer us case studies or recipes.”’ The beginning of the end for Pope Francis by Damian Thompson
15. Continuing, Paul Omo Umane in his opening paragraph in another article, THE ROOSTER HAS COME HOME TO ROOST quotes as follows, ‘Since the publication of Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia, a document which contains a cautious opening to the possibility of Communion for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, a number of writers have commented on, or objected to, the pope’s use of the word “ideal.” … But with all things, context is key because Pope Francis and St. John Paul II are not using the word “ideal” in the same way. … It may seem amazing to some, but here one finds a document from the era of Saint John Paul, published by a Vatican congregation, teaching that it remains okay for a priest to leave a penitent in ignorance about wrongs they are doing until an appropriate time.’
16. That Pope Francis or any other Pope for that matter merely plays out a script in the Vatican that is crafted for him in accordance with Catholicism or Dogma. Hence the Foundation finds that His Holiness Pope Francis, on his return from the island of Lesbos in a flight press conference told a reporter who asked him about the footnote that he doesn’t even remember it. He even lamented that so much attention was being paid in the media to the footnote and, indeed, the entire issue of Communion for the divorced and the remarried. The Pope states instead, the media should focus on the current “crisis” in the family, which he puts thus, “Don’t we realize that the falling birth rate in Europe is enough to make one cry?” he said, as translated by the Catholic News Agency. “And the family is the basis of society. Do you not realize that the youth don’t want to marry? ... Don’t you realize that the lack of work or the little work (available) means that a mother has to get two jobs and the children grow up alone?" “These are the big problems,” he concluded. "I don’t remember the footnote..." Interestingly, we read when asked why the information was relegated to a footnote, the Pope replies perhaps it was because it dealt with a “general” matter that he had previously dealt with in his letter Evangelii Gaudium’ Again, please hear the Reporter out, ‘During the same in-flight interview, Pope Francis, in response to another journalist’s question about whether Amoris Laetitia had changed the Church’s approach to divorced and remarried Catholics and the sacraments, urged the reporters to read Cardinal Schonborn’s presentation at the Vatican. “There you will find the answer to your question,” he said. In such cases, the pope says, the Church can not merely state a rule as though it were “a stone to throw.” Rather, it must be a source of help for the couple to “grow in the life of grace.” And then he adds this footnote: In certain cases [emphasis added], this can include the help of the sacraments. Hence, “I want to remind priests that the confessional must not be a torture chamber, but rather an encounter with the Lord’s mercy.” … I would also point out that the Eucharist “is not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.”
17. The immediate comment that follows highlights, “To those involved in or following the debate, the fact that Pope Francis himself was apparently unaware of the controversial footnote, let alone the flap that it was almost certain to cause in the media, is bewildering, and provokes any number of uncomfortable questions. To some, the answer was clearly yes. After all, the footnote comes in the middle of a discussion about the Church’s pastoral response to Catholics living in objectively sinful “irregular” unions. What else could the pope be saying, other than that the Church’s former absolute ban on such Catholics receiving Communion – clearly formulated by Pope St. John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger – could now admit of some exceptions? Others, however, urged caution. They argued that the footnote can only accurately be read “in light” of established Church practice and canon law, and that the ambiguous term “in certain cases” needed to be explored and properly understood. …’
18. Spadaro in his argument cited the footnote 351, that Amoris Laetitia marks an “evolution” in the way the Church will approach its “accompaniment” of those in irregular unions. He argues that the exhortation introduces a new form of discernment, one that is "without limits on integration, as appeared in the past.” Speaking of past limits that are no longer in effect, he singles out the requirement of Pope John Paul II, a diehard adherer of the Second Vatican Council that entrenches Catholicism and or Dogma practices at the Vatican that couples in adulterous second unions live in “complete continence” before returning to the Sacraments. … Indeed, to those involved in or following the debate, the fact that Pope Francis himself was apparently unaware of the controversial footnote, let alone the flap that it was almost certain to cause in the media, is bewildering, and provokes any number of uncomfortable questions. Furthermore, he queried, “For starters: If not the pope, who, then, was responsible for drafting and inserting that footnote? Were they not aware of its implications? How did the many advisors who undoubtedly read the final draft of the exhortation fail to understand the furor the footnote would undoubtedly provoke? And, finally, why didn’t they warn the pope that the errant footnote would almost certainly take center stage in the media, and distract from what he intended to be his central message?
19. The Foundation finds answer to the question embedded in the executive summary provided by Cardinal Schonborn in the papal exhortation, namely: i) Francis is seeking to view both “regular” and “irregular” situations in marriage and family life with the eyes of Christ—eyes that acknowledge the truth of each situation while always welcoming and encouraging the persons to experience the “joy of love.” ii) All persons are neither “cases” nor “categories” but are the subjects of “discernment” and “accompaniment”—tasks required of the Church for all persons regardless of whether their circumstances are “irregular” or not iii) “Only when this personal ‘discernment’ is mature is it also possible to arrive at ‘pastoral discernment,’” Schonborn says, “which is important especially in ‘those situations that fall short of what the Lord demands of us’ (AL 6).” (And this is where the all-important “eighth chapter” comes in, a chapter that won’t make sense in the absence of mature personal discernment.) iv) Schonborn clearly states that this kind of discernment and accompaniment is “the key to correctly understanding Pope Francis’ intentions.” v) Yet, Schonborn also says that Chapter Eight is not what the Pope thinks is central. Rather, Schonborn says, “I should however mention that Pope Francis has described Chapters 4 and 5 as central, not only in terms of their position but also their content.” (These chapters are respectively titled “Love in Marriage” and “Love Made Fruitful”) vi) Regarding the vexing-for-some Chapter Eight, Schonborn says: “What we are speaking of is a process of accompaniment and discernment which ‘guides the faithful to an awareness of their situation before God.’ Cardinal Schonborn further reveals, “But Pope Francis also recalls that ‘this discernment can never prescind from the Gospel demands of truth and charity, as proposed by the Church.’” He says the Pope “mentions two erroneous positions”: one of “excessive rigor” and the other of neglecting the “full ideal of marriage” vii) Importantly, Schonborn explains what the Pope is thinking regarding “access to the sacraments for people who live in ‘irregular’ situations”: “Pope Benedict had already said that ‘easy recipes’ do not exist (AL 298, note 333). Pope Francis reiterates the need to discern carefully the situation, in keeping with St. John Paul II’s Familiaris Consortio (84) (AL 298). ‘Discernment must help to find possible ways of responding to God and growing in the midst of limits. By thinking that everything is black and white, we sometimes close off the way of grace and of growth, and discourage paths of sanctification which give glory to God’ ” (AL 305); and viii) Finally, the Cardinal states: “In the sense of this ‘via caritatis’ (AL 306), the Pope affirms, in a humble and simple manner, in a note (351) that the help of the sacraments may also be given ‘in certain cases.’”
20. The cardinal point the Foundation finds is that Cardinal Schonborn clearly states His Holiness, Pope Francis intends all that “discernment” to be in keeping with Familiaris Consortio and its paragraph 84, precisely the paragraph that reads, “However, the Church reaffirms her practice, which is based upon Sacred Scripture, of not admitting to Eucharistic Communion divorced persons who have remarried”? In her submission on the issue, Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc simply relies on the very cordial working relationship between the Almighty God and the Almighty Son in the Trinity as enshrined in the Book of Saint Matthew. Without mincing words the Almighty God states, ‘… “THIS IS MY OWN DEAR SON – WITH WHOM I AM PLEASED - LISTEN TO HIM!” Matthew 17: 5. That was after the great prophet Elijah, Representative of the Prophets and Moses the Law Giver, having successfully completed their Salvation Relay Race in the era of the Old Covenant of Promise and the Law, Psalms and Prophets. The Old Covenant of Promise and the Law of Moses that were about to be annulled, abolished and or fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ and the tenets of the New Covenant of Grace about to be enunciated, the Almighty God summoned them to hand over their batons to Messiah the Son of God. For the purposes of emphasis, it is intuitive to state the Almighty God commands EVERYBODY to listen to the teachings of His Son Jesus Christ and not, we repeat not Catholicism or man-made Dogma
21. On the issue of Communion for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, the Foundation draws attention to the Sermon on the Mount where Lord Jesus Christ states, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a written notice. “But now I tell you; if a man divorce his wife, for any cause other than her unfaithfulness (fornication/adultery), then he is guilty of making her commit adultery if she marries again; and the man who marries her commits adultery also. Matthew 5: 27-32.
22. The Foundation again succinctly draws attention to Saint Paul’s elucidation in 1 Corinthians 7: 1-17, especially verses 10-11 that posits, ‘For married people I have a command which is not my own but the Lord’s: a wife (or husband) must not leave her husband (or wife); BUT IF SHE (HE) DOES, SHE (HE) MUST REMAIN SINGLE OR ELSE BE RECONCILED TO HER (HIS) HUSBAND (WIFE); and a husband must not divorce his wife (except on the ground of unfaithfulness and or fornication/adultery) ((Emphasis ours)).
23. Consequently, we humbly submit on the vexed issue of Communion for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics that if the couples involved got into the relationships before they became born-again Christians that they should abide by the Great Apostle Paul’s Good News of Grace, the utmost joy for Christians, which the Good News Bible records in Galatians Chapter 5: 1-15. The passage talks about the total freedom for the Joint-heirs with the Christ who has become the Temple of the Living God!
24. On the other hand, however, the Foundation sincerely and earnestly submit that those caught in the web to have solace in the salient fact that they shall have started a LIFE of eternity right now on the planet earth if they hearken to the voice of the Son of God, i.e., by not continuing in their immoral and or iniquitous life style of adultery in their Christian race; and finally
The Executive Recommendations on the Vatican and Catholicism
It is with Great Gratitude to Our Heavenly Father, the Almighty God that Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc hereby wishes to use this auspicious occasion to reaffirm to all our Highly Esteemed Political, Royal, Spiritual and Temporal World Leaderships that the period of grace of forty two months the Almighty God had allowed the peoples on the planet earth to worship the dragon, which had given his authority to the beast with ten horns and seven heads that comes out of the sea, which has on each of its horns a crown, and on each of its heads a name, which was insulting to the Almighty God has expired; the days of the beast and the dragon to make proud claims saying, ‘Who is like the beast? Who can fight against it?” has expired; the approval before now granted the beast to fight against God’s people and to defeat them has expired; the authority hitherto granted the beast to wield power over every tribe, nation, language, race has expired; and finally, the permission the Almighty God had granted for all the peoples living on the planet earth to worship the beast, except those whose names were written in the book of the living, which belongs to the Lamb (Jesus Christ) that was killed has finally come to an end and it is not subject to renewal!
The recommendations of the Foundation, therefore, are:
1. Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc hereby crave the indulgence of the Highly Esteemed Political, Royal, Spiritual and Temporal World Leaderships to please join her to sincerely, passionately and prayerfully appeal to His Holiness, Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals to Note and Accept that the period of forty two months the Almighty God had allowed the peoples on the planet earth to worship the dragon, which gave authority to the beast with ten horns and seven heads that comes out of the sea that has on each of its horns a crown, and on each of its heads a name that was insulting to the Almighty God has expired. His Holiness, Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals to Note, if they were hitherto not aware, that the Ten Horns, which are crowns or dynasties and the Seven Heads and or Ecumenical Councils are the set of doctrines that emanated from the series of Council Meetings that formed the heads of the said beast, i.e., Emperor Nero, which constitute the frame-works within which the successive Roman emperors/popes rule over the Catholics in particular and the entire Christendom in general that gives birth to the schism between the Western and Easter blocs on the planet earth. It is the Dogma or Amoris Laetitia that is now known not even the Pope has powers to change! Therefore, for there to be Peace and harmony in the globe, the ugliest trend must urgently be addressed.
2. His Holiness the Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals to NOTE that as long as the day-to-day running of the Affairs of the Vatican is on the basis of Catholicism, Dogma and or Amoris Laetitia and not on the teachings of the Son of God, Messiah the Christ known as Sermon on the Mount or Beatitude and not even the current admixture of Judaism with the Roman idolatrous practices Empress Irene fostered on the Christendom by means of the Muratoria Fragment in 800 A.D., that she is guilty of the schism charges the Eastern bloc levies against her activities are Anti-Christ,
3. In an article by James Carroll titled, WITH HIS NEW BOOK, POPE FRANCIS UNLOCKS THE DOOR writes, “As a confessor, even when I have found myself before a locked door, I have always tried to find a crack, just a tiny opening, so that I can pry open that door and grant forgiveness and mercy,” Accordingly, Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc decides to present to His Holiness, Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals to Note that not only a mere crack or an opening in the Papacy within which to pry open the door to grant forgiveness and mercy but very great, imminent catastrophic gullies and landmines dotting the length and breathe of the Vatican.
4. The Foundation is not and we repeat, not merely recommending a revival or transformation in the scheme of things in the Vatican City but a revolution that will revolutionize “The Awful Horror” recorded in Matthew 24: 15 - 28 the Lord Jesus Christ avows the prophet Daniel speaks that is presently in vogue. The Foundation is unable to recommend revival or transformation because, when one does that the end results is that one revives evil or a well re-engineered and transformed evil that will further lead the Christendom to the precipice of disaster in the Lake of fire; and
5. Finally, either like the Highly Esteemed lat Pope John Paul 1, His Holiness the Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals are ready to enthrone the undiluted tenets of the New Covenant of Grace the Lord Jesus Christ was born, lives and dies, resurrected and ascended into Heaven, then, they should be ready to PRESIDE over the DESOLATION of the entire Vatican city
Long Live the President and Good Peoples of the United States of America
Long Live the President and Good Peoples of Nigeria
Long Live Cross of Calvary Foundation – ccfn Inc
Paul Omo Umane
Founder/President and Coordinator-General
February 10, 2017
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