Unity UI Extensions - Update 2019.4 - v2.2 - Back from the future
Simon Jackson {MVP}
Spatial Computing Consultant and Mixed Reality Architect Microsoft Mixed Reality MVP / MS Game Dev Ambassador / Xbox MVP / Speaker / Father and generally considered a "nice guy" ?? MonoGame Foundation board member.
It's been a long year since the last official release of the Unity UI Extensions project and WOW, have there been a lot of ups and downs. Big thanks to the community for their support of the project whether that was funds, code or even just testing and helping to iron out some pesky bugs.
About the Unity UI Extensions project
The Unity UI Extensions project is a collection of extension scripts/effects and controls to enhance your Unity UI experience. This includes over 70+ controls, utilities, effects and some much-needed love to make the most out of the Unity UI system (formally uGUI) in Unity.
Check out our Tumblr page for a sneak peek
Contact the UI Extensions Team
Be sure to logon to the new Gitter Chat site for the UI Extensions project, if you have any questions, queries or suggestions
Much easier than posting a question / issue on YouTube, Twitter or Facebook
UIExtensions Gitter Chanel
2019.4 New and updated features
The latest release is a step forward in easing the deliverability of the project as we've implemented full UPM support for Unity 2019, including full versioning support. As ever, the project is available to all Unity versions as a Unity Package asset (required for Unity 2018 and below).
Check the Bitbucket site for the full history of the project, but here's a snippet of the improvements in the latest release:
- New UPM deployment for Unity 2019, 2018 will still need to use the asset packages due to Unity compatibility issues.
- Updated the project to the new Unity packaging guidelines, including separating out the examples to a separate package.
- Many line drawing updates, including the ability to draw using a mouse (check the examples)
- Scroll Snaps (HSS/VSS) now have a "Hard Swipe" feature to restrict movement to a single page for each swipe
- Scroll Snaps have also been updated to work better with the UIInfiniteScroll control
- New Unity Card UI controls thanks to @ryanslikesocool
- Update to the Fancy Scroll controls with even more added fanciness
- Several updates to adopt newer Unity standards in the controls to ensure full forwards and backwards compatibility
Examples / Examples / Examples
Examples now have their own package, this simplifies their use and deployment. Especially in 2019 with the UPM deployment.
- Refreshed all examples for Unity 2019
- New Card UI Examples to supplement the new controls
- New Infinite Scroll Snap example
- Fancy Scroll view updated with 2 new examples
- New particle system example, demonstrating programmatic control of the particle system
- Mouse position use updated in
- RadialSlider
- ColorSampler
- TiltWindow
- Check compiler warnings (#197)
- Line Renderer click to add lines (#183)
- ScrollSnap Swiping options - hard fast swipe (#176)
- Shader Loading issue / UIParticleSystem (#229)
- Issue where Menu Prefabs would be disabled instead of their Clones (#210)
- Check ScrollSnapBase update (#265)
- UIInfiniteScroller support for VSS updated and fixes
- Fix to allow the radial slider to start from positions other than left
- Fix UI Particles: Texture sheet animation + Random row(#256)
- Fix for wandering ScrollSnap controls due to Local Positioning drift
- Divide By Zero fix for Gradient (#58)
Known issues
No new issues in this release, but check the issues list for things we are currently working on:
As of Unity 2019, there are now two paths for getting access to the Unity UI Extensions project:
- Unity 2019 or higher The recommended way to add the Unity UI Extensions project to your solution is to use the Unity package Manager. Simply use the Unity Package Manager to reference the project to install it
Alternatively, you can also use the pre-compiled Unity packages if you wish, however, UPM offers full versioning support to allow you to switch versions as you wish.
- Unity 2018 or lower The pre-compiled Unity assets are the only solution for Unity 2018 or earlier due to the changes in the Unity UI framework in Unity made for 2019. Either clone/download this repository to your machine and then copy the scripts in, or use the pre-packaged .UnityPackage for your version of Unity and import it as a custom package into your project.
Upgrade Notes
Due to the restructuring of the package to meet Unity's new package guidelines, we recommend Deleting the current Unity UI Extensions folder prior to importing the new package.
For Unity 2019 users using the new UPM deployment, be sure to delete the existing folder in your assets folder before adding the new package to avoid conflict.