The unity of rain
Before I left for my grateful walk this morning with Bella, I asked my heart how she was feeling and she whispered back “weary”.
As it lightly began to rain, I realized my heart was weary from the division I’ve witnessed lately in humanity….so I thanked the rain for being a role model for unity.
The rain offers her gifts to anything in her path.
Thank you rain for offering fresh water for all to drink.
Thank you for providing your gifts for the trees and plants to grow so we all may be nourished.
Thank you rain for partnering with the sun to bring rainbows.
Thank you rain for leaving a little drop in this tiny flower to make my heart smile.
I’ve also been feeling weary from witnessing entitlement…so I thanked the island of Key West for being my home
where I’ve met people who can have different views and still love each other…
where I’ve experienced the gifts of open minds and empathetic hearts…
where I can listen, ask honest questions and learn from another’s perspective.
I paused with Bella on a flowered path and sent out gratitude to my friends all over the world that give me blessing to stay open to discovering the bountiful views of life instead of staying in a closed off perspective.
I’m sure Bella felt the shift in me from weary to grateful as she gave me a joyful smile.
I thank you for giving your gifts to all who come upon your path. The good you do spreads farther and wider than you know.
I thank your courageous heart that knows it is more powerful when open than closed.
I thank your open mind as it able to see past what we think divides us to honor the connections that already exist between us all.