Today's devotional is from A Daily Taste of Proverbs
"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: [one of those things is] a man who stirs up dissension" - 6:16, 19.
God loves those who promote harmony and unity. Unfortunately, in our pursuit of doctrinal or political correctness, we can easily sacrifice unity in the Body in order to be "right," The truth remains, however, that anyone who gossips, spreads rumors, or even broadcasts damaging truths is not on God's list of favorites. Make sure you are not a source of division at work, school, in your family, or church. Better yet, make sure you are a source of harmony and peace! Read 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 and 11:17-19 to see what Paul had to say about division and unity and then commit to pursue the latter whenever possible.