Unity not Division
2 Timothy 2:23 “Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.”
Abba Father good afternoon – The ways of this world is extremely good at twisting facts, words and creating conversations around being judgmental. Satan will go to extremes to plant seeds of doubt, promote quarrels, and initiate foolish arguments. All with the sole intent of instilling questions within the back of our mind, division within our heart, and unrest within our soul; creating uncertainty, disrespect, and foolish debates. Sprouting visions of un-trust; bringing insecurity and breaking down intimate communication with one another. Creating assumptions tending to fester into feelings with thoughts turning to accusations. Powerful controlling emotions slowly destroying trust while building walls of isolation; festering barriers of extreme brokenness within families, friendships and all of life. Satan is particularly devious at creating conflicts that bring decisive division. Spreading rumors, gossip, and untruth; having the intent to cause internal damage within hearts, minds, and souls with controlling words, intimidating actions, and conflicting lifestyles. Seemingly always coming at the most damaging times; penetrating moments that cannot be taken back. Is there really a good time for foolishness, arguments, and quarrels? We have all been there before. Everyone has participated willingly and reaped consequences. Partaking in conversations that seemed to just pull us right in. You feel the direction a conversation is going. We already know the outcome will not be good. But we still needed to get that one last word in. That one justification. We just had to get our personal point across. Than we walk away wondering what just happened as everything turned sour so quickly. A seemingly harmless disagreement turned into a vicious battle of bitter words and unloving actions of intimidation. Satan is extremely devious at creating dysfunctional conflicts that consume, devour and destroy relationships. It is occurring way too often. Our pride is getting in the way of accepting others, acknowledging their feelings, and understanding they are uniquely created. Everyone is imperfect. The simple three words. I am sorry are being replaced with controlling intimidation and convincing ourselves they just don’t understand. It was their fault, they were unwilling to budge. It’s always easier to push blame. Dysfunction is the inability to take personal responsibility for our actions. Destruction is the result of our inability to communicate in a healthy respectful understanding manner. We witness it in breakdown of families, friendships, and relationships with all of life. It is rampantly present in politics, communities, and schools. Communication breakdown is slowly hindering our way of life with all of life. We have options. The living bible teaches about being non-judgmental, accepting others just as they are. Imperfect. Our Lord Jesus personally showed how to live a life of accepting others unconditionally; willingly loving with compassionate forgiveness. All of life is worthy of being treated with utmost respect, dignity, and unconditional love with compassionate forgiveness. As we read, hold and embrace the living bible we will encounter a way of life that brings unity not division. Living a life of faith within our heart, our mind and our soul willingly believing, accepting, trusting, and following our living God, our Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit. We will learn to pray for one another. Fellowship with one another. Attend church with one another. We will learn importance about communicating in a worthy manner with all the fruits of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Our life has purpose with sustainable worth, and thriving passion; being courteous, respectful, and non-judgmental with our time, our energy, our resources bringing all praise, all honor, and all glory to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This life of faith accepting all of life unconditionally is a choice, a decision and will reflect a way of life. “Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.”
Father – Thank you for loving me unconditionally, forgiving me compassionately and accepting me just as I am – Imperfect. Pour anointed blessing upon my imperfect life that will open my heart, my mind, and my soul to accept others just as they are – Imperfect. Willingly encountering all of life in a worthy manner; bringing all praise, all honor, and all glory to you Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.
Michael J Zenner