United We Stand
Bryan Kaus
Global Energy Leader ?? | Driving Innovation & Infrastructure ? | Advancing Growth, Collaboration & Strategic Impact ?? | Delivering the Solutions That Power Economies, Sustain Communities & Move Humanity Forward
By Bryan Kaus
Today is Election Day. It can seem challenging in a time where political divisions run deep to look beyond those divides, but I challenge you to do so.
I wear this flag pin just as much for what we are as for the potential of what we can be. We are part of a great experiment, set forth nearly two and a half centuries ago. That framework and the framers themselves had definitive flaws, as do all things set forth by humanity – we are inherently fallible. The need to evolve to the lofty goals of our founding is evident in the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments to the Constitution - and beyond.
We strive to form a more perfect union, knowing that perfection is elusive. But we strive for it nonetheless. This flexibility, the ability to adapt and evolve is the great genius of the system.
Political beliefs are a right. What I tell you though, is that there is no candidate, no letter next to your name should close out the other from you. We are better when we seek to understand, rather than make assumptions, or worse, cede our own intellect to that of the talking heads on whatever network or outlet, or medium we may come across.
I empathize with the passions, but I hope whatever the outcomes of the various elections, we can strive to shift our narrative to one of greater unity, mend wounds, and pursue our best future. After all, a house divided against itself cannot stand. Sometimes the most powerful thing we can do is agree to disagree.
Democracy is not a zero-sum game of one party take all, rather it derives its strength and endurance from representing the many views of a varied the electorate – that empowers people, allows them to have skin in the game and those fibers weaved together, like carbon fiber, make us stronger.
So, after today, whatever the ballots say, I am not a letter next to my name, or the embodiment of a particular candidate, I am an American. Likewise, you are not the letter next to your name. Whether our views differ or are the same, I will treat you with respect and if you are willing, work towards the best possible future we can create in this experiment known as The United States of America.
I leave you with this passage from Abraham Lincoln:
“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”
Disclaimer: Mr. Kaus holds a degree from Pennsylvania State University and is a member of the American Economic Association. Opinions represented here are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any persons, companies or entities referenced within the content or otherwise referenced.
All information, contained within this article, including quotes, is/are sourced from publicly available information (i.e. press releases, regulatory filings, published interviews etc.). Specific attention has been paid to accuracy, however, the author makes no guarantees as to the complete accuracy of the content. Additional attention has been paid to ensuring compliance with all policies, guidelines and laws. This should not be construed as investment advice.
Note: Mr. Kaus is an employee of Phillips 66, however, opinions represented here are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any persons, companies or entities referenced within the content or otherwise referenced. All information is public and in compliance with policies, regulations etc. Any and all inquiries relating to this matter should be directed to the company(ies) referenced and its appropriate and authorized person(s).