United We Stand... All Of Us... We All We Got

United We Stand... All Of Us... We All We Got

I don't condone violence outside of imminent danger, and even that is an absolute last resort where love and light must find a way to seep through, lest we parish in flames at the hands of the manufactured hate we've been conditioned to feel toward one another.

The proper conversation, in regard to the tragic assassination of UnitedHealthcare CEO, Brian Thompson, and the countless fatalities that the population suffers on a daily basis at the behest of his industry, big insurance, is one of love and light, despite the darkness humanity is currently shrouded in as the direct result of both.

Make no mistake, the proper conversation here is not to beef up security for the executives of big insurance, where the death toll of this behemoth is incalculable, in support of their crimes against humanity. Conversely, the conversation cannot be more violence perpetuated upon fellow humans in this manner, as the direct result of those crimes against humanity. The words engraved on the shell casings at the scene after the assassination are deny, defend, depose. We know what this senseless act of violence was about, but hate begets hate and violence begets violence. If we want a future for our young that doesn't involve their slaughter in perpetual greed wars for problems they took no part in creating, we have to find a better way...

We live in a society built on lies, fabricated by those who profit from our suffering. Society is a powder keg on the verge of ignition. The only way to stop it is a true move by our government toward the foundation of our justice system, truth, justice and liberty for all, in support of our Creator bestowed unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; a mass move toward equanimity.

The conversation we need to have is first, the demand that this industry cease the murdering of the population for profit. We've witnessed this transpire as a population via the illegal mandating that we, as a population, purchase insurance, and then the government's refusal to move in the direction of accountability for the "white-collar criminals" who steal it. These criminals hide behind the corporate bylaw and legalese of a judicial system created for corporate criminals, by corporate criminals, which essentially allows the theft of our hard-earned dollars they've mandated we spend for coverage that doesn't truly exist; taxation without representation.

My heart goes out to this executive and his family, despite his blood drenched hands, which were probably drenched without his direct knowledge. I can't speak on that directly. What I can say is he has a family left behind that doesn't deserve this. Nobody does. That includes the families that are left in disarray at the behest of the greed of Big Insurance, Big Pharma, The Military Industrial Complex, The Banking Cartels, the Fossil Fuel Industry and the attorney lobby.

The second the government moves in the direction of the people, the suffering will begin the process of dissipation and we can move toward a harmonious existence amongst corporations and people, the way a free-market, which we no longer are if we ever were, is supposed to operate.

I pray for the exec, Brian Thompson's family, and for every family that suffers needlessly at the hands of this predominantly foul, profit driven, abusive industry.

Lemonade, we're coming for you, but we're doing it legally by putting Daniel Schreiber, Conora Dyson, and company in cuffs, with the support of our government, City of Sterling Heights, Macomb County Government, Macomb County Prosecutor's Office, Peter J. Lucido, and setting the example for how executives who abuse, put in harms way and ultimately kill the population for profit should be dealt with; The same way the population is dealt with if it steals a loaf of bread from a grocery store. In cuffs.

First and foremost, please take a moment to pray for this exec, for the man who suffered so greatly he was able to justify such a vile, hateful act and for all those suffering unnecessarily at the behest of the contrived, manipulated conflict for greed perpetuated by the ruling class.

#forgivethemfortheyknownotwhattheydo #themeekshallinherittheearth

Lemonade , you're going to pay for what you stole, or going to pay for what you stole, whether its behind bars or through feigned integrity. But make no mistake, the days of robbing the public are over. #thepeoplearethepower

To the people... We have to find a better way. Violence is their game. If we succumb to it, they win. #weallwegot

#wethepeople #wethepeoplentwr #notaxationwithoutrepresentation

Oakland County, Michigan Government , Oakland County Board of Commissioners , Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office , Judge Michael Warren , City of Troy (Michigan) Police Department, the scumabags of Maddin, Hauser, Roth & Heller, PC , Andrew Creal and Jordan Segal, and the scumbags of United Restoration Disaster Services , Patrick Stemmler, John Pipkin, Kurt Siebenaller, CPA , Scott McKenna , you're all foul and should be ashamed of yourselves.

The actions and crimes of the plaintiffs and their counsel and the lack of reaction or desire to represent with salaries paid by our taxes b y the public servants on the microcosm in my case is the precise reason that society is imploding on the macrocosm. Oakland County, there is still a small window for this defunct corporation that you call a county government to save face.

The tragic part about becoming the lesson is that the lesson oftentimes will not have the opportunity to learn itself. Do the right thing and charge these wannabe corporate criminals for their crimes, and lets learn the lesson together, in harmony, on the foundation of truth, justice and liberty for all, in support of our Creator bestowed, unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The clock is ticking.


rob wolchek Ricardo Ambriez NAACP Office of the New York State Attorney General Macomb County Prosecutor's Office Michigan Department of Attorney General Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services The New Yorker Gretchen Whitmer Garlin Gilchrist II Joe Bellanca Howard Hertz Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Sarah Lindsey Gina Jaafar Siham Jaafar Joe Rogan experience City of Sterling Heights City of Troy (Michigan) Elon Musk Oakland County Board of Commissioners Oakland County, Michigan Government Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office Jordan Levine Tracy Lord Bishop Sean Davis WDIV Local 4 News/ClickOnDetroit Jordan Peterson Fox News Media CBS News CNN Bill Maher Gregg Braden The Darkhorse Podcast Theo Von's This Past Weekend Kid Rock Freddie "Paradime" Beauregard PEOPLES VANGUARD OF DAVIS INC National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) IAIS - International Association of Insurance Supervisors Tucker Carlson Michigan Supreme Court Michigan State Police State Bar of Michigan Geoffrey Fieger Mike Ilitch, Jr. Mike Morse Law Firm Donald Trump Jr. Eric Weinstein Bret Weinstein Stuart Boswell Michael VanOverbeke Steve Vitale Gary Warson Phil Reid Robert F. Kennedy Les Brown Marianne Williamson Jim Lee Lola Wright Deepak Chopra MD (official) Anthony Toma Anthony Pepe Jr Thomas Emmanuel TED Conferences TED-Ed Lee Thomas Charlie Langton Lenise ROSE Whitfield ? Brett Tillander Dazee Love Roop Raj Taryn Asher Devin Scillian Huel Perkins Monica Gayle Amy Andrews Shannon Bream Aishah Hasnie Laura Ingraham Bret Baier Evrod Cassimy Rhonda Errer LaVelle Jason Colthorp Kevin Dunaway


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