United Way Community Schools Impact Tours
United Way of Erie County
Together, with you, we're on a MISSION to CRUSH POVERTY in Erie, PA
It’s one thing to read about the impact the Community School Model is having on crushing poverty, but to actually tour a school can be game changing! Community School Impact Tours show the model in action... or as we say #CommunitySchoolsInAction.
Since the start of the fiscal year on July 1, United Way's Leadership Team has conducted 15 tours for community leaders, elected officials, board members, business owners and company CEOs as well as Women United for Community Schools members.
Impact Tours include meeting with a school’s leadership team which is composed of the principal, assistant principal and community school director. Attendees are able to learn about the significant barriers to academic success before the Model was implemented and to see the tremendous progress since the school was transformed into a community school.
There is a definite takeaway that everyone has after a tour, often described as just a “good feeling.”?Tours provide an immersive experience of a community school culture where everyone is welcome, feels safe, is respected and responsible!??
Below, community leaders share more about the “good feeling” that comes after a Community School Impact Tour.
“It was abundantly clear to me after seeing all the resources provided by United Way--which include employing Community School Director Amy Grande-- that Community Schools are making a significant impact in the day-to-day opportunities for students at McKinley. It was an absolute joy to interact with some of the student leaders, to hear how much they love their school, to see the smiles on their faces, and to know their futures are brighter due to the resources they and their schoolmates deserve to have. After visiting McKinley, I really get it and I am more excited than ever about the Community School Model!” - Tim Dunst, United Way Marketing Advisory Council?Member
“An inside look at what is happening in our Community Schools is eye opening! The work being done by the team is very inspiring. These schools are bright and happy environments. They are bringing hope to families. The climbing test scores, improving student school attendance and greater family participation proves the Community School Model works. If the cycle of poverty in Erie is to be broken, we must start with our children, and I am convinced this is the way to do it.” - Penny Austin, Women United for Community Schools Executive Council Member
“What we saw and heard at East Middle School was powerful. Everything I knew about the challenges in our public schools and how United Way’s Community School Model works to address them became more vivid and urgent. The team’s descriptions of the barriers to student success—and their work to eliminate those barriers—created a compelling case for sustaining and expanding our Community Schools.” - Jeffrey Hileman, Director, Strategic Communications, Erie Insurance, United Way Marketing Advisory Council and Resource Development Advisory Council
“Every time you walk into McKinley elementary, you can feel the love between the students and the school director, principal, assistant principal, all the teachers and staff.? It's so heartwarming and the children are truly happy and feel safe. Their parents also are engaged. I?helped?with their Halloween Trail of Treats, and it was amazing how many parents showed up with their children for the event and everyone was having a great time.?Everyone should tour a community?school to see a difference the Model is making for all the children, their parents, and families.” - Lisa NeCastro, United Way board member and Executive Council member of Women United for Community Schools?
Resource Development Team
Laurie Root, President, 456-2937 ext. 223 | [email protected]
Julie Chacona, Chief Development Officer, 456-2937 ext. 256 | [email protected]
Gina Schaefer, Resource Development Manager, 456-2937 ext. 221 | [email protected]
Clare Weisenfluh, Development Services Coordinator, 456-2937 ext. 300 | [email protected]
If you or members of your organization are interested in touring a United Way community school, please contact United Way's development services coordinator
Clare Weisenfluh to schedule at 814-456-2937 Ext. 300?or email [email protected].
It's an exciting time at United Way and specifically for the Community School Model. Want to stay up to date? One great way is to follow us on social media. Specifically, we have 16 schools who are sharing content on a regular basis through the hashtag #CommunitySchoolsInAction.
Be sure to check out the content being shared on a regular basis for a glimpse into all of the ways community schools are helping to break down barriers to learning and improve academic success.