United Surveillance Americans Dissenting
Mohamed Ahmed
Executive Director Average Mohamed Organization, Communication specialist for Republican People of Color PAC. 2020 State Department Citizen Diplomat, 2018 Global Ties Citizen Diplomat, Bush Foundation Fellow
Langstone Hughes, a poet and social activist best put it. America be America. In a poem that talked about the inequalities of our system back then. A two-tier system in which one finds Freedom is not theirs based on another perception. Systemic, methodical, and calculated curated inequalities in America. Had he not lived and many others dissenting to this fact. Peacefully and nonviolently. That system would still be in place today for some of us of the American Race of People.
It has always been the hope of the people to live Free in America. Where the individual rights and liberties are sacrosanct in our constitution. It is the ideals of which this Republic is built on and our democracy aspires to achieve in perfection. Post the September 11th Attack of terrorists in America. That trajectory has taken a turn. Equipped with new powerful laws and means of individual control and micromanagement, America is quickly becoming the USA, not the United States of America but a two-tier society of the United Surveillance Americans. I find myself squarely in that put there by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).
These past years have been an exercise of failure of trying to keep individual dignity and honor in the face of this onslaught on our Freedom, Liberties and Rights by this arm of our government on the American Race of People. Forcing us to adapt into distrust of our surroundings and sick and tired of micromanaging and control by them. This process is expanding in America now. The perennial black people issue who everything governmental to limit is tried on them in America first. Add Muslims post September 11th and now expanding into Republicans across America this process of United Surveillance Americans.
It is without malice or hate with love and joy for our country but most importantly our Freedom, Liberties, and Rights that we, meaning those of us in the trifecta of this equation, Black, Muslim and Republicans are dissenting publicly now. It is not done out of haste or thinking either. For now, this agency will, has and will continue to retaliate to us who speak up. It is the nature of Power now in America. Powerful folks over the powerless with thin skins for allowing dissent. Even peaceful and nonviolent ones. Not without further manipulation, control and micromanagement using those same tools applied on us which we are dissenting against.
One must understand what it is they are dissenting against. A two-tier system which does not consider of innocence but assumes guilt. Aspires to create or manufacture Terrorism and criminality where none exists by sheer power and means. To limit individual freedoms, rights and liberties to equity, equality, equal opportunity, molest access to resources and denies merit of works and aspirations. This two-tier system run by the FBI does not endear itself to us the United Surveillance Americans.
?The question is to whom we go to remedy our condition? When the courts have subscribed to everything being National Security Secrets swept under the carpet. When congress does not do oversight. When every administration coming to power maintains this process with a wink and a nod for it means more power to them too. This new age social engineering means of the American Race of People into submission to their way of life. The new path, a new two-tier system of the powerful and those designated by permanent pervasive surveillance means maintained on them to micromanage where even criminality and terrorism is not an issue, but raw power, budget and control is the driving factors.
We would prefer to be left alone. To live Free and build lives and country America. That is not on the books. Once in this system you find yourself in the belly of it permanently. If you dissent and the books can rectify to try remedy your situation. You will find yourself like me, just a nobody Citizen, just an Average Mohamed in America being worked on off the books even outsourcing of process now.
To dissent is to say what Langstone Hughes said above, “I do not need my Freedom when I am dead…. I cannot live on tomorrows bread”. Bread is life he understood, why then should we allow the FBI to deny us arbitrarily our Freedom, Liberties and Rights in America today. That question we asked the FBI. They answered by coercive ways of more boots and other means on this Average Mohamed. Now we are asking Biden administration. Let’s see what they do in action or maintain silence of accepting of our condition to be permanent and ideal. Because if they do so create amicable means and reconciliation of freedoms and liberties back to us United surveillance Americans. They would be giving us Bread which is life back. To do nothing and maintain silence means they endorse what it is we dissenting against. That means with a clear conscious we have earned the right to take it methodically, systematically, and persistently to the entirety of the American Race of People to teach, organize and overcome conditions. We the United Surveillance Americans chose to dissent now, today, not waiting on tomorrow promises but right now for what’s ours. Freedom, Liberties and Rights in America. Our Bread of Life. This is the American way of Life. America be America.