Is the United States getting dumber?
First off this is an opinion piece but is the Untied States getting dumber? So my opinion might be off too. One way is learning, with learning or education both parties the teacher who must try give facts and information to the students and the students themselves who want to learn. From some students the school systems might as well be a thirteen year long day care payed by tax payers and students don't really have to learn expect whatever answers are on standardized test.The students that do like to learn might not show it due to being bullied for this fact too. Sadly media that is seen probably does help Americans either. Not sure about television now because a lot of Americans gets their media through the internet/social media.Yes the internet has lots of information and educational sites, but not everything is true on the internet either.Misinformation can be common on social media sites such as Facebook, X, TikTok etc and depending on the person will automatically believe it true and will follow whatever popular tend or apparently Influencer at the time and wherever these people do other people will follow the tend. Which this is an act of not thinking and just following. Yes certain site like YouTube do have educational channels such as Medieval Madness, Captivating History but these are not popular channels compared to other channels such as Mr.Beast who does prank videos. Tons channels for younger children such as Cocomelon and Kids Diana Show. Apparently TikTok has educational videos too. For America to regain intelligence it still an act of the people wanting to learn.If not America as whole will remain at the education/intelligence level it remains now.