The United States- The Country with Radical Politicization

The United States- The Country with Radical Politicization

The Role of Politicians, Corporations, and Public Media in Individuals Private Affairs in the context of “Little Republics.”

This article was originally published by Illumination Curated on Medium

Since the evolution of the human species and the institution of small communities- to the expansion of modern societies- as we see today, humans have strived to overcome particular challenges that emanated with their cohabitation. And Since- living together as a community is blended with social conflicts and individual needs; therefore, problem-solving measures has been inevitable. Historically, such actions often have been violent. Nonetheless, the human being as a social agent has also tried to solve their conflict in non-violent manners.

We, the predecessors of our ancient parents, by looking back at our chronological evolution, have found various ways to be able to live together. One example of such methods is the notion defined by ancient Greek term politiká (Πολιτικ?, ‘affairs of the cities’), something we, today, refer to as “Politics.”

Politics is a multifaceted expression, as It may be used arbitrarily in the context of a “dogmatic solution” that is yielding and non-violent. It is also descriptive of “the art or science of government,” with a negative undertone. A political system comprises a framework which outlines collectively agreeable political methods within a society.

Politics- the Historical Perspective

The history of political view reaches back to early Athens, with seminal works such as Plato’s Republic, Chanakya’s Arthashastra, Aristotle’s Politics, Chanakya Niti in 3rd century BCE, and the actions of Confucius.

The oldest modern diplomacies to note is as recent as English politics has its roots in the name of Aristotle’s classic work, Politiká. In fact, the unique politic first attested in English in 1430, which defined the set of activities linked with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources or situation. Letter on politics becomes a science claiming its spot in the academics and, after that, referred to as “political science.”

According to Harold Lasswell (Leading American Political Scientist)-

Politics is about “who gets what, when, how.”

For David Easton FRSC, the Canadian-born American political scientist, politics is about-

“The authoritative allocation of values for a society”

To communist Vladimir Lenin-

“Politics is the most concentrated expression of economics.”

Sir Bernard Rowland Crick was a British political theorist and democratic socialist who argued that-

“politics is a distinctive form of rule whereby people act together through institutionalized procedures to resolve differences, to conciliate diverse interests and values, and to make public policies in the pursuit of common purposes.”

According to Adrian Leftwich, the famous South African student Apartheid activist-

“Politicization refers to the social tendency for various abstract concepts as well as specific entities and collections of facts to go from being seen as objective and/or seemingly outside of politics to being a part of culture war debates and/or topics for subjective discussion.”

Despite the overwhelming controversy around its semantics, politics in the modern sense refers to the art of manipulating data by the hands of leaders about various personal and social issues such as a global environmental change to push ideological agendas.

On the negative side, in terms of routine day-to-day life, the appearance of raised political polarization and the mounting of extremism has prevented people from accomplishing even the simplest missions.

The Concept of Politicization

Politicization is about making something or someone political, or more involved in or conscious of political themes. Politicization is more probable when regularizing grounds for political violence continue or when standards condemning violence are missing.

Politicization is a social tenor for various obscure notions as well as specific entities and collections of evidence to go from being seen as objective and outside of politics to being a part of culture war debates.

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Photo by Guillaume Périgois on Unsplash

The concept of politicization has done precipitous work since the early 2000s, around the world. It also has riddled European politics from leniency to more radical differences of opinion with an increasing role in identity politics.

The politicization of international institutions both by leftist anti-globalization movements as well as by the right-wing populist challenge to the transferal of authority to international institutions is well scrutinized. On the domestic scene, the rise of right-wing populist movements can be recognized as a response to a period of de-politicization in progressive democracies.

Over the earlier decades, there have been some isolated efforts to limit the politicization of social affairs through counterfeiting majoritarian institutions like Congress and senate by some domestic institutions within democracies, as well as international institutions. These Non-majoritarian entities have become more powerful relative to parliaments and parties in the last three decades. Plus- They are designed not only to implement and control policies as predicted by the notion of democratic constitutionalism, but they have also become actively involved in setting norms and rules. In this sagacity, the last decade has observed a de-politicization by moving significant resolutions to non-majoritarian organizations. However, despite the efforts and possibly reasonable success in the European Union nations, it is far from productive in the United States. In fact, we see more and more politicization of public affairs and the role of politics playing a decisive role in the faith of the country’s citizens. One such example is the Coronavirus Pandemics that we are experiencing today.

The national discourse surrounding the coronavirus has recently taken a swift turn towards becoming extremely politicized. There is a widening gap in wherewith Democrats and Republicans concede the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. The most recent survey from Civiqs notes that on the inquiry of whether a given respondent is “notably concerned” about the coronavirus, the divide between Democrats and Republicans is 60% to 12%, respectively.

The United States and the Chronology of Politicization

It is vital to keep in mind that American history since the time of its evolution has been written, revised, and reinterpreted from biased viewpoints and for political objectives. Historically there seem to be significant concerns about how the founding fathers’ pivotal era (1765–1789) was likely to be misunderstood or bent. And most pivotal shifts in the national narrative, such as the regional conflict and Civil War, came to be misremembered for politically self-serving rationalizations. Over the centuries, presidents have perpetually misread or misrepresented American and international history to justify their policies, while courts have used account selectively to achieve particular outcomes. Finally, culture wars of the early 1990s caused innocent words like “interpretation” and “revisionism” to become fighting phrases and the basis for sharp and often small-minded polemics between progressive and conservative agendas.

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Today- socioeconomic and science politicization has taken over almost every aspect of our lives. And it appears; virtually every big company has declared its position on politics of the 21st-century, including issues such as immigration. Companies such as Airbnb, Apple, Nike, Lyft, Starbucks, Uber, as well as colleges and universities are a few to name that are involved as non-majoritarian politicizers. Even local cafés and bookstores are taking political stands with storefront emblems and sandwich boards.

Why do People Politicize?

It is becoming more evident that politicization is more probable when regularizing explanations for political frenzy continue or when norms condemning violence are absent. Politicization is a perverse incentive to reward people who use politics as an instrument of war and discourage everyone else from opposing them.

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Photo by Elijah O'Donnell on Unsplash

For many citizens today, There isn’t anything wrong with savoring a political life. For them, Politics is mattering and consequential. It alters every aspect of our lives from anywhere we shop, what we watch on T.V., and what kind of music we listen to.

For the average millennials, if you’re not with the politicized, you’re must be against them, and if you’re against them, he is well within his rights to ruin you personally and economically. You, the political other, are a leper to be neglected.

U.S. Extremism and the Politicization

Politicization is the gateway for political extremism. It perpetuates itself via the art of persuasion and rhetorical oratory irrespective of logic, common sense, or even proof of concept. The famous (not necessarily the credible), especially those with mass public media on their side, will maintain the advantage over the others. It will eventually create a sense of loyalty to the political affiliation overlooking the genuine legitimacy of the idea and concept behind partisanship. Once a politicized view accepted by the constituents of the party, most likely, the future opinions of its leaders will be unconditionally adopted as well. The latter phenomenon serves as the nidus for radicalization and extremism. Therefore, the more we politicize the various aspects of our lives, the further we will allow politicians to take away our individual liberties.

United States- The Two-Party Politics Nation

The United States is a two-party state where dualistic major political parties dominate the radical scenery. At any instant, either party may archetypally hold a majority legislative position; and is usually denoted to as the majority of the leading party while the other is the minority or the opposition. Such a scenario creates a significant disadvantage in minimizing the politicization of social affairs. It widens the leeway for both sides of the aisle to pivot their political oratory while creating an environment of political fascism. In a two-party state, as we witness today, most constituents vote for a candidate merely based on their party affiliations, and not the message the candidate delivers. For example, irrespective of how suitable the republican candidate for the office, a Democrat constituent will vote for the Democratic contender, and vice versa.

In multiparty systems, there is lesser potential or incentives for societal politicization, under higher propensity of the voters focusing on the real problem than the political trade-mark.

In conformation- George Washington’s departure speech is frequently cherished for its warning against hyper-partisanship-

“The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.”

John Adams, Washington’s successor, likewise troubled that-

“a division of the republic into two great parties … is to be dreaded as the great political evil.”

America has presently grown a divided republic. The existential threat is predicted, and it is breaking the system of government the Founders established with the constitution.

United states 2-party system is on a crash course with its constitutional self-government, because of overwhelming politicization, partisanship, and war between the extremists aiming merely to win the official election.

United States Country of Diversity with overwhelming Polarity

Amid increasing politicization, so is the cultural diversity of the nation, which makes the political environment even more complex and multifaceted. The state of diversity with extreme bipolar political structure and art of rhetoric has created a socio-politically repellent system. Hence despite general intentions, the evidence of modern-day American melting pot is less apparent in this country, more so in the East Coast states of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and West Virginia.

United States A Highly Opinionated Society with Little Attention to Credibility and Proof

Americans today more than ever are intolerant. The mainstream on both sides of the political isles hates being told they’re wrong about almost anything.

We appreciate politicization in almost everything in the lives of mainstream life. The politicized blames politicians for all their problems, yet they expect everything from them, and they want it perfectly executed. A handful of this tendentiousness is the basis of a touchy American culture that seems to be paradoxical, embedded into our prestige as a country. Our enthusiasm to speak our minds and rely on our own common sense seems to have been playing a scene in an American personality noted by bystanders.

Apart from us playing by the rules of human nature, the average American also wants everyone to believe in their experiences and beliefs, encompassing the vital issue of how they view themselves amid the international and national stage.

In the United States, We commonly like to reject evidence that conflicts with those admired views. We all do it, and that is why we so quickly drive each other crazy in our daily conversations, whether in person or through mass media.

Today- The politically conscious, digitally astute, and those who trust the news media toll reasonably well; as Republicans and Democrats both are continually influenced by the political appeal of messages asserted by the media.

Media- the Vehicle for Prepurtual Extremism

The role of modern media on politicizing everyday social, economic, and scientific issues has become a well-known fact to most educated persons. Digital platforms and social media play a significant role in achieving that goal.

Social media, in particular, can serve a vulnerable instrument of interference from authoritarian governments. It can be used to disseminate false news, influence electoral processes, and in short, threaten the functioning of democratic establishments. Moreover, media campaigns are being utilized by Non-majoritarian corporations and private entities to pivot public opinion towards particular political gain. That is why, today, instead of using top-down ordinance, the best way to manipulate the public opinion, is efficiently done using a combination of external governmental pressure, user-driven monitoring, including data access rights, and adoption of community standards. Likewise- talking politics amongst groups of like-minded individuals can hold enough power to stoke politicization, hence polarization. This is a hair-raising expectancy in an era of social media.

Unfortunately, the U.S. News media has become an opinionated Entertainment network. Be it the CNN, Fox News, or CNBC, all have one thing in common- that is, they use vague interpretive journalism to politicize affairs that should not be a political issue in the first place, such as Coronavirus pandemics and Healthcare- in general. For that reason, most people around the globe have little faith in mainstream public media.

Across the Board, Politicization is- Wrong, but not too many People know Why!

The current American social scene is riddled with politicization. Almost everyone I know disapproves of this trend, yet amongst all, I see people who are politicizing themselves. Politicization is a well-recognized culture in our societies and is a fundamental factor in destabilizing the countries sociopolitical arena.

There is a legitimate concern around the politicization of social affairs. This even more, as mentioned before, remains pronounced in the case of our public health. In fact- there are legitimate, ethical concerns around the political nature of today’s public health policy and debate that a democratic social order is best served by acknowledging the coercion of the inescapably politicized process of public health policymaking.

“Politicization creates a tunnel vision, hence diverts citizens’ attention away from the reality of the existing issues.”

Depoliticization can be a Virtue, Particularly round Individual, and Social Affairs

The United States, by the constitution, is a depoliticized state, at least from the economic perspective. Nonetheless, with the advent of Corporate personification and the increasing collective mindset that is promoted by the media, such a trend is becoming more than ever obsolete. The reason for the concluding trend may be due to its fashionable socioeconomic Centralization pattern. Centralization has been masterminded by the Globalists after the fall of communism. Hence the decentralized, independent shape of industries was replaced by interwoven, politicized international affairs that today are run by politicians and the corporate cartels.

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Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash

Generally speaking, politicization is presumably a social-democratic agenda of western European origin; nonetheless, the European Union has recently worked towards depoliticizing specific welfare issues. This then again should make us wonder, as to why a country like the United States with the constitutionally depoliticized system of governance must pick up a trend that is being upheld by its originators.

The de-politicization of welfare transformation and the economization of the social run parallelly to one another. This means that the European development “social dimension” is recognized by finding a balance between social and economic goals, which involves the servitude of the former to the latter.

To Stay Away from Politicization- The U.S. is Better off as a Decentralized Socioeconomic System

Americans, in a general sense, are liberated by nature and inherently follow individualist attitudes. The politicization for us is the upshot of a biased state of mass media, monopolized information technology, and a corrupt political system. Americans do not necessarily want to copy policies from many foreign countries that are politically glamourized. However, unfortunately, the contemporary mainstream American has been radicalized through two-party statehood, politicization through media, and the creation of opinion based on the last three.

The genuine American institution is built on values dictated by family, community, neighborhoods, local jurisdictions, and voluntary associations or, as Thomas Jefferson called it- “little republics.”

The Political and Economic Consequences of Decentralization

Decentralization is an essential step towards the creation of smaller central administration, reduction of bureaucracy, and minimize politicization. It will place the socioeconomic welfare of the public where it belongs, thus individuals and the immediate communities, while will keep the government hands off individual rights.

Throughout the past decade, decentralization has become a significant form of contemporary policy betterment and institutional redesign around the world. In fact, one survey finds that sixty-three of seventy-five developing countries have adopted some form of decentralization of authority (Garman et al., 2001, page 205). Furthermore, an index of regional administration in forty-two democracies and semi democracies reveals that twenty-nine countries have regionalized, and only two have grown more centralized since 1950. Besides, around half the member states of the European Union have carried out meaningful decentralization and regionalization reforms since the 1980s. However, ironically, and controversially, Media in the United States is pressing towards more centralization.


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