is ? United nations - united states - united people - united societies -united humans - united justice - united truth is in place @@@@@
United nations is yes no peace and prosperirty

is ? United nations - united states - united people - united societies -united humans - united justice - united truth is in place @@@@@

The last 20 years of wars on mother earth are a real pain to every life on mother earth.

Last 150 years of terrorist/genocide/riots attacks in the name of various acts of freedom, religion, caste, races, economic growth, for resources, fake freedom, fake regional power struggle like business making plutocrats looting humans, gods, resources, climate, banks, 5 elements in the name of " INDUSTRIALIZATION " in the name of economic development in the name of fake "SAVING DEMOCRACY " in the name of creating puppets, criminals, mafia gangs for power making people goats on street.

Using " TECHNOLOGY " fake algorithms innovations for destruction, fake news, fake posting on Fake " SOCIAL MEDIA " and using state-controlled, plutocrats controlled NEWS channels. papers or own party channels own puppet supported TV channels, Social media, papers ETC is not true innovation true humans acts in 20 th century.

Tech innovation is really destroying people's mindset. The more fake news, Divide and rule lectures, Videos, gossip papers, more violence in movies,tv shows, Games is really impacting youth and children who are using internet, Mobiles , watching TVs ,

Fake E-Commerce sites cyber attacks on all systems is real made all people connected to " DIGITAL DESTROYING NET "

with this back Ground making " AI FOR ALL " and Digital high way for all , and pushing Robots, driverless cars, automation, Big data, and each human life capturing without privacy is a real treat to all.

Surveillance, using internet for anti humans acts, CC Cameras, TIk toks is really making people exposed to anything.

DIGITAL HOLIDAY Is the need of the hour.

CAA, NRC, IT acts are making people to become panic.

Like computer logic. inverter gates people are also acting based on their mind set or how brian programmed.

Can Capitalism Be Fixed by Making Companies More Just?

Harvard Business School professor Ethan Rouen and Charlie Wang explore whether capitalism is broken and if JUST Capital’s performance evaluation rubric and strategies for exerting influence are likely to be effective in improving corporate behavior. Their case is titled, “Measuring Impact at JUST Capital.”

An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)

1776 was a banner year for the release of important written works topping everyone’s summer reading list in the U.S. that year would had to have been the Declaration of Independence, a short but compelling read with big implications for the future of the country and signed by all 56 authors. On the other side of the Atlantic, weighing in at a whopping 950 pages an equally compelling read that became every bit as important to the future of the United States, and the world, was Adam Smith’s, The Wealth of Nations. This instant classic laid the foundation for the capitalist system as we know it today. The core of his thesis was that our need to fulfill our own self-interest results in prosperity and people promote the public interest through their economic choices. In other words, everyone wins. Well, maybe not everyone. As we’ve learned over the last 250 years, capitalism is a pretty good system, but it’s not perfect, so can we make it better?

But in reality few billionnares are ruling rest of humans. most of nations are bamkrupt.

all countires are just printing currencies or just announcing " Bankruotcy " or  cheating people with fake promises during Elections before elections . 

Most of the fake promises During elections before elections:

Free everything .fake wars fake promises - free house, clear debts, projects, free education, loan weaver, free health, free wifi, free food, full security, free subsidies, student loan waiver, justice for all, all are one based on the " constitution" but in reality, it is fake. Full security of nation etc and top innovation in all nations places is " CORRUPTION " and next " DIVIDE AND RULE " .

poor vs rich
poltitians vs people
investors vs founders
csate vs caste
relgion vs relgion
race vs race
lanuguage vs language
bright vs idiot
uneducated vs educated
false prestages vs good prestage
egoism vs egoism
democrcay vs dictator ship
devloping country vs develped countries
Nation citizens vs migrants vs ????
genocide vs peace
innvoation vs IP vs R and D vs money



