The United Nations - one of America's greatest gifts to the world

The United Nations - one of America's greatest gifts to the world

As my readers know (or should know!), I am not a Christian - I am a Hindu who follows Jesus the Lord. In my understanding, expressions such as "Christian mind" meaningless.

However, the author of the following, Dr Vishal Mangalwadi, is a Christian and does use such expressions. In spite of that, his message is worth reading:

World War II (1939-45) was a Clash of Empires —

Imperial Team A: Germany and Japan.

Imperial Team B: UK, France and Russia.

Imperialism was Greece’s legacy to Europe: the one and only legacy.

Greece never exported any form of democracy to any country.

Winston Churchill, Britain’s imperialist Prime Minister, worked hard to enlist isolationist America on team B. That presented a problem to the American President, Franklin Roosevelt: What happens if the USA helps Churchill beat Hitler? Would U.K. then colonize Germany and Japan and control the world’s trade? Free trade means win-win for everyone. You sell what you can and others sell what they can. Everyone gets the cheapest and the best products and services.

Churchill was magnanimous, quite happy to build a United Empires. USA would be welcomed to govern the world in partnership with the victors.

The difficulty was that such an imperialist idea was abhorrent to Christian America. Back then the USA was still more or less Christian and still a great nation. The Bible had taught the Americans that according to God, being a ‘great nation’ meant blessing all nations (Genesis 12: 1-3 etc) ... becoming a “city on the hill,” giving light to the world walking in darkness (Matthew 5:14 etc). American liberty (wrongly called Democracy) had been built upon the Bible and that required the victors to launch the Marshall Plan to rebuilt nations that had been ruined by the war. Global institutions such as UN, World Bank, WHO, and UNESCO were invented to bless colonies that had adopted the Bible’s idea of “nation.”

To cut short a long story that I have told in “This Book Changed Everything,” through the “Atlantic Charter” (August 1941), President Roosevelt forced Britain, France, Holland etc to dismantle their empires. In exchange for America’s support, they had to give the “right to self-determination” to their colonies.

The nations that signed the Atlantic Charter on January 1, 1942 began to be called the United Nations, although the institution was formally constituted only after the War.

Introducing the Bible’s idea of national sovereignty to European colonies was one of the greatest blessings that the USA gave to the world. (You have to read my book to consider how this political milestone relates to the “Kingdom of God,” a central theme of the Bible.)

Sadly, by the time the UN got going, the Western Church had already lost most of its universities. Therefore, the “Christian Mind” was dying in the West. This point is well made by Harry Blamire and Mark Noll in their important books, “The Christian Mind” and “The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind”. Both of them lament the disappearance of the Christian Mind. The death of the Christian Mind meant that the new nations that numerically dominated the UN had nothing to rely upon except the West’s secular-humanist worldview along with their own religious ideas.

The absence of God’s light began to corrupt the UN just as it turned Washington DC into a political “swamp” and transformed America's Fakenews as well as universities into WMDs (Weapons of Mass Deception).

At this moment the question is: What do current global challenges such as the so-called “Climate Change” and “Covid 19 Pandemic” reveal to us about the state of the United Nations?

More importantly, how should a renaissance of the Christian Mind impact global forums such as the UN?

Please join our 14th Live Discussion on Covid-19. These Live Discussions are organized by the European Revelation Movement, incorporated in Germany as Truth and Transformation. The main organizers are Andreas Wieland, Prabhu Guptara and Hans-Joachim Hahn. You can view the next and the old discussions on YouTube or Facebook:

Tuesday Sep 15 @ 4 pm (German time) on


Dr. (hc) Victor Vincent

Creator of Revolutionary Risk-Free Hedged Index Options Strategy for Wealth Building at INTERMARKET FORTUNES (CEO & FOUNDER)

4 年

How can someone be not a Christian and yet follow Jesus. The follower of Jesus Christ is a de facto Christian, but there is no true Christian who follows Christ to the letter. I am rather confused if you are echoing the same idea. As to me, I am neither a Christian nor a Hindu and I do not follow Jesus as such, but whatever I do in my life appear to be not disapproved in any religion. I have always sought to know if there exists a true God and if there does exist one, then whether a true religion exists to support such God. I somehow believe human knowledge is limited to experience God.

Michael Pitfield

Leadership Fellow at Windsor Castle - St George's House. Director, Society of Leadership Fellows

4 年

I’m assuming that your title is deliberately provocative. To suggest that America ‘gifted’ the UN to the world is nonsense. The clue is in the name - ‘United Nations’. The prime movers at time were Britain, France, Canada, others - and the US of course. Certainly not the US alone.


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