United in Love
Well are you feeling all the love today?
I use to believe Valentine's Day was a big deal when I was younger then over the years I started to observe how much consumerism it brought and as I changed my ways, I started to not really care for it. In saying that though, when I got curious about the origins of ?“Valentine” I realised its connections to Christianity, Catholic Saints, ancient Roman traditions, and even some connection to the Pagan Festival of Lupercalia Enjoy finding out more about that festival! ;)
I feel like whether you believe in the religious meaning of Saint Valentine or you just love the card, flowers and all the red balloons, or you simply don't believe in this day whatsoever, I do believe today (and every other day for that matter) is an opportunity to unite in love.?
Like today, my next door neighbour dropped in this love heart handmade card that her 2 year old daughter wanted to give to me. That is uniting in love and teaching the next generation to make and spread more love.?
And like in Moulin Rouge when it said “The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and to be loved in return.”
In today's world, this is such a bold act, to keep choosing love over and over again. Despite the FEAR that surrounds us all the time.?
I call it Divine Love. Unconditional love without judgement.?
I honestly believe that is my mission in this lifetime to embody Divine Love and to receive it. Even when I say this, it sounds pretty big and “out there” but I truly believe it can be embodied by as all with small acts of love and practicing spreading more love everyday.?
Imagine every single person you came into contact with received your unconditional love without judgement - the same way we would look and treat a newly born baby…. that kinda vibe.?
Here are some ways my pal shared today that I thought were beautiful, practical ways to spread more love.?
I am choosing to help out a wonderful Glasgow based charity - Refuweegee?
to ensure all refugees arriving in Glasgow are welcomed. They are running low on welcome packs as are many food banks across the country so I am gathering food to drop off this week and also sharing their work with my network so others who feel called can help too.?
Love & Laughter go together :)
And just to finish off with a wee laugh….?
I was at my regular dance class on Tuesday night (Pancake Tuesday of course!) and some chocolate spread ended up on my face so I shared all the fun on my Instagram stories… then received a message from my pal who took the screenshot of my face below and said…
“I'm saying nothing” he said?
"#stillsingle" I said?
“I wonder why?" he said.?
Anyways, I thought I would share this as my Happy Valentines Day post - its my most viral post of the year! :) of course!?
There were alot of laughs and then one message from a dear friend that simply said “Darling you ain't single, you in UNION”
Until next time lovers!
ps. I am right in the middle of watching “One Day” on Netflix - a must watch - I am feeling every part of it!?
I've got your back,