United Kingdom . Its time to amend the past
To all who are wondering what is happening in the Middle East and do not have a clear understanding of the modern history of the area. And I am addressing the British people in particular .
Before you say this is nothing to do with the United Kingdom . Am afraid it has. This is not simply a dispute between two tribes, or between neighboring countries over a piece of land each claim a historical connection to. And it is not a religious factions turf war vis-a-vis Northern Ireland . It’s a resistance to an illegal occupation.
To understand what is happening , not only now, but for the last 70 years is to read the history of the British Mandate in Palestine and the Balfour declaration that was adopted by the British Government then, by allowing many illegal immigrants , mainly from Europe and others countries where the Jewish people suffered prosecution, to come to colonies Palestine and to establish a homeland , the promised land supposedly, on the pretense that Palestine is the ancestral home of the Jewish people. Not only allowing illegal immigrants to amass but also provided protection , and help to arm all of their militias ( of which later attacked the British Army , Google King David Hotel bombing and read . One member of the gang, Menachem Begin , of Polish origin ( Yes he was Polish citizen) become a Prime Minister and till his death he was denied entry to the UK due to his terrorist past).
When the situation got worse and out of control between the “árabs” and “Jews” the British needed a quick exit then referring the issue to the United Nation and sponsored the Partitioning of Palestine . At the end of the British Mandate in 1948 the illegal immigrants suddenly become a sovereign nation overnight. And a Polish citizen become a Prime Minister to rule over Palestine.
But on who’s expense ? was the land, that was decided to become Israel, empty land ? unpopulated? was the people who lived on it for generations are just trespassers and had to leave by force? and now its gone back to the rightful owners?
If so, then my ancestors who farmed Orange Groves in Beit Dajan , Jaffa , and forced to leave their homes and land at gun point with all other displaced Palestinians during the Nakba deserved that , no perhaps they should have been massacred too for the crime of trespassing on Jewish land .
The point here is not to gain sympathy or inflame emotions , no! , but I truly think its time for the British and UK Citizens , and I am one , to realise the grave injustice that was inflected by the policies of the British Mandate on the Palestinian people for over 70 years.
Not only the loss of ownership of their homes, land and business, but being displaced and dispersed . Imagine you have close family members scattered in Jordan , Syria , Iraq, Lebanon , Kuwait , Saudi, Qatar, UK and USA. You have cousins, uncles and aunties that you never met and your kids grow up with very little to link them to their roots. Never tasted the oranges form the trees grandfather grew. And now , perhaps a Jewish family from Eastern Europe, Russia or USA are farming it now as if it belonged to them for generations. Is this justice?
And in case , you are thinking, Ok this is in the past and we are not responsible for previous governments action. fair point , but you can make a change , if you believe in justice, fairness and freedom, you can by voicing your concerns to the current government to rectify its stance towards the rights of the Palestinian people and stop the blind bias towards Israel and hide behind the “right of Israel to defend itself” slogans and the portrayal of Israel , in the UK media, as this little vulnerable victim of a nation surrounded by nasty Arabs who seeks its destruction. The United Kingdom created the state of Israel and planted a cancer that has inflected misery and unjust for over 70 years. So its time to rectify the mistakes of the past. Its not too late.
Senior Design Manager - NEOM, Facilities Planning Division
3 年I fully agree with this (this is a professional forum but let’s make an exception for once!). History is so important, but moving forward I am afraid it’s going to need much more enlightenment of the American public and government to put pressure on the Israelis before any meaningful changes can happen. For too long they have been hiding behind the US and European bad conscience over the Holocaust etc, pulling the “Anti-Semite” card everytime they feel cornered, meanwhile doing to others what they decry was done to them in the past. Maybe it’s time to forget about the two state solution and just demand equal rights in one state...no Bantustans and ghettos anymore and right of return for anyone displaced since 1948.
MEP & Infrastructure
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