United Employees are Not Fooled!
The employees of United Airlines are too smart to be fooled by a big prize which is replacing quarterly bonuses. I don’t understand the logic of upper management especially when top talent is hard to find and retain. They should study the “Best Companies to Work For” who take care of their people.
I fly over thirty times annually and prefer to fly with airlines who put their people first. United needs to learn that when their people feel the love, they will pass it on to the customer. Taking a performance bonus away, is not the way to show appreciation for employees who excel.
Not only will this hurt their company culture and morale, it will negatively affect their ability to attract employees in the future. Employees appreciate recognition and being rewarded for their performance as part of their compensation package. I have a feeling United is going to learn the hard way, that this was not one of their best decisions.
It’s important for everyone to understand comp and benefits and how to prepare yourself for an offer. Check out my lesson - What, When and How to Negotiate. You don’t want to find yourself working for a company who puts lipstick on a pig and tries to convince you it’s not a pig. Masking the elimination of quarterly bonuses under one big prize is not in the best interest of United employees!