UNITED E-News February 2024 - Taking Stock of our Network Achievements

UNITED E-News February 2024 - Taking Stock of our Network Achievements

Dear UNITED Friends,

we are delighted to start this E-News by sharing with you the key highlights of our work of 2023 captured in our Annual Report.

One of our key focuses in 2024 will in fact be to rebuild and strengthen our network. The past few years have underscored the importance of solidarity and cooperation among organizations and individuals dedicated to combating racism and promoting intercultural understanding and that’s why we want to remind you all that it’s always possible to join us in this journey of growth and collaboration.

Enjoy the reading of our Annual Report here and consider becoming a member by joining the Network!

Becoming a UNITED Supporter

If you receive this E-News but you're not yet one of our supporters, please remember that it is very easy to become one and to contribute to our activist work! This will not only allow us to keep our Network strong and independent, but will also contribute to our common mission. By being a Supporter in fact, you and your organisation can have a fast access to partnership opportunities, to participate to conferences and to receive help in disseminate your activities and initiatives. You can find all the relevant info here and fill the form attached. Everyone can find a way to contribute and all contributions are vital to us :)

Watch this video and consider sharing it to promote UNITED vision and values.?

Supporting the Network - The Committee for Solidarity Actions

In the worrying climate we see in Russia and that affects thousands of people, we would like to use the space of this E-News to share the call for support of the Committee for Solidarity Actions, a political group of left-wing and trade union activists reestablished in 2022.? At the moment, the SAC's main purpose is to support repressed political and trade union activists.

They are still fighting for the release of political prisoners, including Anton Orlov, Konstantin Zavalin, Kirill Ukraintsev, Lev Skoryakin and Boris Kagarlitsky. You can support them by visiting this link and get in touch with us to read their full statement and plea for support.

2nd specialised Training module for community practitioners of R2COM - Radicalisation and Violent Extremism Prevention in the Community project.

Between the 5th and the 7th of February a UNITED delegation attended the 2nd specialised Training module for community practitioners of R2COM - Radicalisation and Violent Extremism Prevention in the Community project, which happened in Brescia, Italy. It focused on:

  • Post-release support to elicit positive reintegration;
  • Peace-building techniques and their application to the P/CVE field;
  • Gender-sensitive approaches in the post-release support
  • Conspiracy theories and the hazard they pose to vulnerable groups.

The gathering was also the chance to further test our freshly piloted Transitioning Vulnerabilities to Radicalisation Assessment Tool (TV-RAT), designed for the assessment and the management of vulnerabilities of people who have been released after a conviction or a connection with radicalisation and extremism. Remember that you can volunteer to contribute to R2COM project and join some of the opportunities connected with it!

Our leaflet on Internet Safety and Privacy for Safer Internet Day - #SID2024

After last year campaign Be Brave, Stay Safe, celebrated Safer Internet Day also this year by providing some tips and advices that we believe are useful for #activists and common users alike.

We have condensed them in the publication of Internet Privacy 101 – Your Digital Safety Guidewhich is the result of our 30 years experience and especially of the work done with the manual My Privacy – Your Safety.?

You can download the manual here and we advise you check the different initiatives that are going on in your country to celebrate #SID2024 or just get in touch with us to know more.

Housing in a Time of War and Social Ecological Crisis – Online Webinar with Prague Spring 2

In the frame of the preparatory work towards the World Social Forum (WSF), scheduled to be held in Nepal/Kathmandu in February 2024, we were very happy to co-host the Online webinar by Prague Spring 2 against right wing extremism and populism, “Housing in a time of war and social and ecological crisis” so that a common message and voice can be heard and sent out to the world at the WSF- Nepal. The webinar happened onSaturday 3rd of February at 15.00 CETand addresses some the most pressing issues of livelihood and housing crisis in the Central-Eastern region of Europe (affecting huge masses of people).

European Action Week Against Racism and more campaigning are coming up!

Like every year the annual European Action Weeks Against Racism is taking place place. This campaign comes from the commemoration of International Day for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, set on the 21st March, a day mandated by the UN General Assembly in 1966 to commemorate the protests happening in South Africa against laws for racial segregation on the 21st of March, when around 5000 people took the streets to march against injustice.

Today like yesterday we're facing a very worrying scenario, with racism and all forms of xenophobia on the rise and the normalisation of fascist and nationalist ideologies that are taking power all over the world. Nonetheless with the elections coming up and with the mobilisation we're seeing these days, we keep our confidence in the people and in our Network, calling for awareness and solidarity.

For this reason we'll be joining the call to action of the Finnish Red Cross ?supporting campaigns to RECOGNISE, BE AWARE and TAKE ACTION against racism. We are also part of the protest of March 16th by the Global antiracist movement #WorldAgainstracism to mobilise the antiracist majority and stand up together against racism and fascism, putting our campaign and dour Network at service.

So stay tuned for what's coming up and consider becoming an active contributor, get in touch with us by writing at [email protected] and be part of our campaigning team!

Speak soon and#stayunited!


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